HSUS Sues to Overturn Wolf Delisting

On Tuesday, February 12th, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and other animal rights organizations filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to overturn the removal of the Western Great Lakes region wolves from listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).  The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court in Washington D.C. Read more

Zumbo Joins RMEF Board

GW:  A good man indeed, Jim Zumbo.  The short bio indicates he enjoys wild game cooking.  He must, because he totes some of his favorite dishes to our Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA) annual conference, wherever it is held.  Last year in Mississippi, he competed in a cooking contest at the event, as well.  And, I must say, he knows what he’s doing.  The best to you and RMEF in the years to come.

MISSOULA, Mont.-A familiar face known to many as the country”s most prominent big-game hunter is joining the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation board of directors. Jim Zumbo is actually set to begin his third term on the board.
“There is nobody who better understands that Hunting is Conservation than Jim Zumbo,” said David Allen, RMEF president and CEO. “Jim’s vast experience in the field around the country and his vision and dedication to spreading our hunting heritage will benefit RMEF for years to come.” Read more

NSSF Offers Contacts Through Legislative Action Center

CONTACT LEGISLATORS VIA NSSF . . . Severely restrictive gun-control legislation has been introduced throughout the country, including in the U.S. Congress and in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Maryland, Minnesota and New Jersey. Other states are expected to follow suit.

New York has already hastily passed new anti-gun laws, the severe impacts of which are only just being realized. Firearms owners are turning out by the thousands at state hearings, but just as important is letting your legislators know by letter or phone call that these proposed bills are unwarranted and an assault on your Second Amendment rights.

NSSF makes it easy for you to contact your federal or state legislator through our Legislative Action Center website http://capwiz.com/nssf/home/. Take action today to protect your right to own firearms and magazines for target shooting, hunting, personal and home protection and collecting.

World’s Oldest Known Wild Bird Hatches Another Chick

Photo Courtesy USFWSWest

A Laysan albatross known as “Wisdom” – believed to be at least 62 years old – has hatched a chick on Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge for the sixth consecutive year. Early Sunday morning, February 3, 2013, the chick was observed pecking its way into the world by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologist Pete Leary, who said the chick appears healthy. Wisdom was first banded in 1956, when she was incubating an egg in the same area of the refuge. She was at least five years old at the time. Read more

Modern Day Muskie Record Accepted in Michigan

Joe Seeberger (center), with assistants Jason Orbeck and brother Chuck Seeberger and his 58-pound, 58-inch Muskellunge, a new Modern Day Muskellunge World Record. Donald Lash, Captains Choice Marine, photo

The International Committee of the Modern Day Muskellunge World Record Program (MDMWRP) is pleased to announce the acceptance of a recent muskellunge catch as its world record. The capture of a 58-pound “muskie” by Joe Seeberger of Portage, Michigan on the 13th of October, 2012 from Lake Bellaire, Michigan has set a new modern standard for the world’s muskie anglers. Read more

DNR seeks unique brand of outdoor enthusiasts for U.P.’s Lime Island

The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is currently recruiting outdoor recreation enthusiasts looking for a unique opportunity to challenge their skills. The DNR is seeking volunteer campground hosts for its Lime Island State Recreation Area. The 980-acre island, one of the newest recreation areas in Michigan’s state park system, is situated in the St. Mary’s River Navigation Channel some three miles offshore of the eastern end of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Read more

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