NRA on Fox Super Sunday

The battle to save our Second Amendment freedoms is raging right now.
And if you saw any coverage of this week’s Senate hearings on gun control, you know the media elites and the gun ban lobby are running wild with half-truths, deceptions, and downright lies about you, me and our gun rights.

So I’m going on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace to set the record straight! Please watch at 9:00 a.m. ET this Sunday – and tell your family, friends and fellow gun owners to watch as well.


Wayne LaPierre                                 Executive Vice President

Winter Finch Invasion Setting New Records

Winter finches and other irruptive species, like the Red-breasted Nuthatch (far right) are making news this winter. (L-R): Red Crossbill, Marya Mooseman; Common Repoll, Norm Dougan; Pine Siskin, Margaret Gompper; Red-breasted Nuthatch, Linda Lamb

Ithaca, N.Y.-What kind of finch might turn up in your back yard this year? The 2013 invasion (or “irruption”) of finch species that typically spend most of their time farther north in Canada is raising ornithological eyebrows. How big is this movement of birds? Getting reports from citizen bird watchers is the only way to find the answer, so the call is out for more participants in Project FeederWatch, a joint project of Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Bird Studies Canada. Read more

Gun Talk Delivers 6,000+ NRA Life Memberships

Mandeville, LA – In only three weeks, radio and TV host Tom Gresham has delivered more than 6,000 new life members to the NRA, amounting to more than $2,000,000. Gresham announced a special Lifetime Membership deal with the NRA on Thursday, January 10, via Twitter at The next day, the deal was sent out in Gresham’s Truth Squad newsletter ( The following Sunday, it was announced live on Gun Talk Radio ( “It’s amazing to see the response to this offer,” said Tom Gresham. “Clearly, many people want to support gun rights, and they recognize the value of the NRA. Adding more than six thousand new life members in less than three weeks is incredible. There’s no telling how many will join over the next month.” Read more

QDMA Releases 2013 Whitetail Report

The Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA) announced on Tuesday the official release of the 2013 Whitetail Report, the most comprehensive report on the status of white-tailed deer available anywhere.
The 2013 Whitetail Report, along with previous Whitetail Reports, can be viewed as PDFs online at Additionally, for the first time in the history of the Whitetail Report, anyone wishing to purchase a printed copy of the 2013 edition can do so for $10 by visiting The Shed, the official store of QDMA, at or by calling 800-209-3337. Read more

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