Emergency Order to Lower Antlerless Tags

Based on EHD deer die-offs….

Effective immediately, the purchase limit for antlerless permits for DMU 486 is five private land antlerless deer hunting licenses per hunter (down from 10 in this unit).

Also effective immediately, the public antlerless license purchase limit per hunter is two for each of the following DMUs: 012 (Branch), 034 (Ionia), 039 (Kalamazoo), 041 (Kent), 044 (Lapeer), 076 (Sanilac), 078 (Shiawassee), 079 (Tuscola) and 080 (Van Buren).

If you bought more than what is listed above, no problem.  These new limits apply only to purchases on or after November 8th.

Before Shooting that Deer, Think Afield

With firearms deer season only days away, it’s time for all hunters to perform a self-evaluation of their own abilities.  Once sighting-in sessions have been completed, each of us has a practical barometer of personal expertise at a given range.   However, punching paper from a stable platform under controlled conditions is one thing; when hunting, the moment of truth afield can be far different. Read more

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