DNR verifies trail camera photo of cougar in northern Marquette County

This trail camera photo of a cougar was taken at 2 a.m. on July 18 in northern Marquette County. The photo represents the 17th time the DNR has been able to verify the presence of cougars in the Upper Peninsula since 2008.

A recent trail camera photo of a cougar in northern Marquette County has been verified by the Department of Natural Resources’ cougar team.

The photo was taken at 2 a.m. on Wednesday, July 18 on private property. The landowner, who has asked to remain anonymous, met with DNR Wildlife Division staff this week to confirm the location where the photo was taken.

The photo is the 17th time the DNR has been able to verify the presence of cougars in the Upper Peninsula since 2008, coming only a month and a half after a previously confirmed photo from southern Marquette County.  Read more

Michigan Conservation group to host Fall Tune-Up Shoot in Fenton

The Keith Davis Chapter of the Ruffed Grouse Society will hold its 8th annual Fall Tune-Up Shoot at the Fenton Lake Sportsmen’s Club, 1140 Butcher Road, Fenton, MI on Saturday, August 25, 2012 beginning with registration at 9 a.m. (Shoot starts at 9:30 a.m.).
According to Brad DePottey, registration for the 50 target sporting clays shoot is $30 for adults and $25 for youngster’s age12-16. Registration fee includes lunch and award for Adult High Gun. Walk-in’s are welcome.

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Leica Sport Optics Supports Young Birder Programs, Camps and Events


Western Tanager








A very cooperative male Western Tanager was a big hit among youth attending Camp Colorado.

Leica Sport Optics takes seriously its role in supporting and encouraging youth involvement in nation-wide birding programs established and sponsored by such organizations as Victor Emanuel Nature Tours (VENT) and the American Birding Association (ABA).  In fact, Leica Sport Optics reps will be especially busy this summer and fall playing an active, hands-on roll in a number of youth camps, contests and events. The ABA has recognized Leica’s dedication to its youth initiatives by awarding it with the coveted distinction as Legacy Sponsor of ABA’s Young Birder program. Read more

Eastern Milk Snake Encounter

By Glen Wunderlich

In Michigan, we tend not to concern ourselves with snakes when we spend time outdoors.  Other than our only poisonous snake, the Massasauga rattlesnake, we really don’t have reason to be fearful.  But, when my wife showed me a photo of one of the slithering creatures she had taken minutes before in our yard, I became unglued.  It appeared to be a rattler.

Eastern Milk Snake

She explained that one of our cats had noticed something from inside the house and the next thing she knew, the cat was outdoors in attack mode.  Although it wasn’t clear initially what the cat had spotted, a commotion erupted between the cat and the unwitting visitor.  When I saw the photo on the camera’s screen, and was told that it rattled, off we went to investigate.

My first reaction was to be careful no matter what it was.  The size and shape of the head didn’t seem to match that of a Massasauga.  In addition, its length eemed on the large size for a Massasauga.  So, we managed to place it into a paper lawn bag for further observation. Read more

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