AZ Game and Fish Removes Two Coyotes from Scottsdale

Wildlife officers from the Arizona Game and Fish Department removed two coyotes from the vicinity of Thomas and Hayden roads in Scottsdale Wednesday evening after receiving reports of an attack on a person walking his dog.

A third party reported that the coyote had gotten into an altercation with the dog, and the owner was nipped by the coyote when he attempted to intervene. The reporting party said one or more coyotes have been behaving increasingly aggressively toward humans in the area in recent weeks, but this is the first attack. Read more

Vermont Game Wardens Euthanize Aggressive Bear in Underhill

The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department responded to an aggressive bear in Underhill at approximately 6:30 am on Friday, May 24. The bear’s behavior was judged a risk to public safety, and the bear was euthanized after a period of observation.

In light of this incident, the department is reminding Vermonters of the steps necessary to proactively prevent bear conflicts. It is crucial to secure all food sources that attract bears to yards and neighborhoods including garbage, recycling, and backyard chickens and bees. To be most effective, whole neighborhoods and towns need to be consistent in keeping bear attractants secure. Read more

AZGFD Dispatches Bear That Attacked Youth in Alpine

The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) dispatched a black bear last night after it attacked a 15-year-old male in Alpine, Ariz.

The victim was sitting inside a cabin when the bear entered through an open door and proceeded to swipe at him from behind. It then left the cabin and approached other family members before entering the cabin a second time and swiping at the victim’s arm. After arriving on scene, AZGFD wildlife officers were able to quickly locate and dispatch the bear. The victim sustained injuries to the face and arm and was treated at a local hospital. Read more

HIVIZ Shooting Systems Introduces Sight Installation Program

HIVIZ® Shooting Systems, the premier manufacturer of high-quality tritium/fiber-optic and fiber-optic sights for handguns, shotguns, and rifles is now offering handgun sight installation for customers through its new HIVIZ Sight Installation Program.

Sight upgrades can be one of the easiest and most important upgrades to any handgun however; not everyone has access to, or ability to be, their own gunsmith. That’s why HIVIZ created this basic sight installation program. Customers may now purchase sights for their semi-automatic handguns through a local dealer or their website and have them professionally installed by the experts at the factory. Read more

Springfield Armory Releases Desert FDE and OD Green Echelon Pistols

Springfield Armory® is proud to announce the release of two new color variants of the Echelon 9mm pistol. Now available in Desert FDE or OD Green, these two pistols continue the Echelon’s reputation as a highly adaptable handgun engineered with superior ergonomics and built to withstand the harshest conditions.

At the heart of the Echelon lies the patent-pending Central Operating Group. Employing cutting-edge manufacturing techniques, this modular chassis is an entirely self-contained and serialized part. The result is a system that can be easily moved between available grip modules in seconds. Read more

Bear Creek Arsenal 8.6 Blackout – King of the Subsonic

The 8.6 Blackout is a cartridge that builds upon the popular .300 Blackout. Think of it as the .300 Blackout’s big brother, but for the AR10 platform. It offers twice the reach, double the energy, and triple the lethality. With a simple barrel swap, an AR-10 firearm can be converted to shoot 8.6 Blackout. The cartridge excels in short, lightweight guns, making it handy in the field and quick on target. It utilizes a radical 1:3-inch twist, achieving fantastic accuracy with heavy, subsonic bullets. It is based on a shortened and necked-up 6.5 Creedmoor case, providing maximum subsonic power from a .308-sized platform.

Bear Creek Arsenal now offers the 8.6 Blackout in uppers and rifles. Read more

ISA Michigan mourns loss of arborist Paul Swartz

The International Society of Aboriculture Michigan marks with sadness the passing of longtime ISA Michigan member and friend Paul Swartz, who died unexpectedly May 2. Paul was a campus arborist at Michigan State University from 1989 to 2018. He was an ISA Certified Arborist, TRAQ Arborist and an instructor for the ISA Michigan Basic Arborist Prep Course.

A memorial is set for Saturday, June 1, in Haslett, Michigan.

Memorial service information.

Angler Has Twin Fishing Tales from Little Red River

Angler Mitch Holland couldn’t believe his luck.

Almost a week to the day since he caught a brown trout measuring roughly 29 inches, he was back in the same spot at the exact same moment — 7:31 a.m. — of the Little Red River with a nearly identical big brown trout suddenly at the end of his line. He secured the fish, took a photo and released it back to the Greers Ferry Lake tailwater, just as he had eight days earlier.

And Holland wondered, considering the fish seemed the same size as his previous catch, and he was in the same vicinity and at the same time of morning: Could this have been the same trout?

The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Communications Division forwarded that query on to Christy Graham, the AGFC’s Trout Management Program coordinator, who had an answer. Read more

SAF Submits Reply Brief in Appeal of Connecticut Gun Ban Challenge

The Second Amendment Foundation has submitted a reply brief to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in its effort to obtain a preliminary injunction against the Connecticut ban on so-called “assault weapons” in a case filed in September 2022. The case is known as Grant v. Lamont.

SAF is joined by the Connecticut Citizens Defense League and three private citizens, Michael Stiefel, Jennifer Hamilton and Eddie Grant, Jr.,. for whom the case is named. They are represented by attorneys Doug Dubitsky of North Windham, Craig L. Atkinson of Harwinton and Craig Fishbein of Wallingford, all in Connecticut.

“We’re asking the Court of Appeals to reverse a district court ruling which denied our preliminary injunction request and remand the case back to the district court for action in compliance with the Supreme Court’s guidelines in the 2022 Bruen ruling,” explained SAF Executive Director Adam Kraut. “The state wants this case decided on raw emotion rather than the rule of law as defined by the Supreme Court, which did away with ‘interest balancing’ as a foundation for ruling on Second Amendment-related cases.” Read more

Beating Poison Ivy

By Glen Wunderlich

Charter Member Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA)

It seems like poison ivy finds its way to my sensitive skin every year and I’ve already had my first bout with its dreaded irritant: urushiol.  Anyone having the allergic reaction to the plant knows the incessant nature of the itching and would do almost anything to rid one’s being from the dastardly rash.

Leaves of three, let it be.

Although the oil can be washed off with alcohol or strong soap, one has to realize the nature of the insatiable itching before it is spread all over the body.  Unfortunately, this realization typically happens too late to curtail the spread of the nasty rash.  Even though I know how to identify the plant and its hairy vines, it’s usually disguised among other vegetation and finds me, nonetheless.  Fortunately, over the years, I’ve learned to be prepared to minimize its effects after the fact and that’s the nature of the lesson to follow.

Zanfel is a proven topical treatment that has properties that can nullify the itch within minutes.  It comes in a small squeeze-tube weighing a scant one ounce and costs $20 and up!  Since learning about the product’s effectiveness, I’ve kept it in stock.

A few years ago, a young lady who picks morel mushrooms on my property, had contracted the ivy’s rash and informed me that she was heading to the doctor for treatment.  I informed her hold off on the trip to the doctor and gave her the tiny tube of paste.  The instructions are to squeeze a line of no less than 1 ½ inches onto the palm of one’s hand and rub the hands together.  Then, simply rub it directly onto the affected parts for a minute and rinse it off.  Presto!  The itch was gone along with the planned doctor’s visit.

On my next trip to the dermatologist – who has treated me for skin cancer numerous times – I mentioned the product’s remarkable solution to poison ivy irritation and all he said was that he wanted to see the ingredients.  When I saw him on my next visit, I showed him the package and he remarked, “Soap!”  He followed up his comment by questioning if I was trying to put him out of business.

Although there are numerous home remedies, I’ve learned of another product that seems to be on par with the expensive Zanfel:  Fels-Naptha soap.  Originally developed by the Fels & Company about 1893, the product originally contained naphtha – a volatile inflammable liquid used in dry cleaning and varnish making.  In the early 20th century, the company prospered, based on sales of Fels-Naptha but since then, the naphtha has been replaced with a more skin-friendly compound.  Regardless, the self-care “laundry” soap still works and is readily available at a fraction of the cost of Zanfel. Merely wash the affected skin, using lukewarm water and a washcloth to remove the oil that causes the rash. Make sure to scrub fingernails, too, and maybe you’ll be able to keep the doctor away without eating an apple.

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