2024 Michigan Spring Turkey Drawing Results Available

Check your drawing results for the spring turkey hunting season today. Find results at Michigan.gov/DNRLicenses, on the DNR Hunt Fish App or by calling 517-284-9453 (WILD).

If successfully drawn, licenses can be purchased online, over the counter at a license agent or in the app.

Applied for a license but were not drawn? Mark your calendars! Hunters who were unsuccessful in the drawing can purchase a leftover license on Monday, March 18, at 10 a.m.

Remaining leftover turkey licenses will go on sale to everyone Monday, March 25, at 10 a.m. Licenses are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee that leftover licenses will be available for any hunt unit.

If you’re looking for a license that provides flexible hunting options, Hunt 0234 might be for you. Learn more about this hunt and season dates in the 2024 Michigan Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations Summary.

Enter for Chance to Win a Custom ALG Defense ‘El Jefe’ AR-15 from Primary Arms

HOUSTON, TEXAS – This month, Primary Arms is thrilled to announce a special giveaway: an exclusive, custom-built ALG Defense El Jefe rifle, fully loaded with high-end optics, a powerful weapon light, essential accessories, and more. Valued at over $3,700, this comprehensive rifle package is a dream addition for any enthusiast, promising outstanding precision and performance.

Click here to see the Monthly Giveaway Page: [Click Here]. Read more

ALPS OutdoorZ Introduces the Summit Trail Seat

Hunters know how good it feels to plop onto the ground after hours of trekking through the wild lands. They also know that it doesn’t take long for that relaxing sit to become irritating as the hard ground, rocks, sticks, and dampness put a crimp in the comfort. That’s why ALPS OutdoorZ, the premiere manufacturer of extreme-duty hunting packs and outdoor gear, developed the all-new Summit Trail Seat. Read more

Michigan Teacher Pheasant Hunt in Huron County, March 28

Thursday, March 28 at 8 a.m. and noon

Rooster Ranch in Ubly

This pheasant hunt is open to any teacher or school district employee. Participants can choose to hunt the morning session (8 a.m.-noon) or the afternoon session (noon-3:30 p.m.).

The day will start with an introduction to shooting safety and end with a guided, three-bird pheasant. Participants are required to have ammo (two boxes of target loads) and hunter orange (at least a hat) and be appropriately dressed for the weather. Participants are encouraged to bring their own shotgun (no hammer guns, please).

Cost is $65, which includes experienced guides and dogs, a meal and an annual Pheasants Forever membership.

Register for 3/28 Hunt

Michigan Youth Pheasant Hunt in Shiawassee County, March 24

Sunday, March 24 at 8 a.m. and noon

Muzzy Pheasant Farm in Corunna

This pheasant hunt is open to any youth ages 12-17. Participants can choose to hunt the morning session (8-11:30 a.m.) or the afternoon session (noon-3:30 p.m.). The day will start with an introduction to shooting safety and end with a guided, three-bird pheasant hunt.

Participants are required to have hunter safety certification and hunter orange (at least a hat) and be appropriately dressed for the weather. A parent or guardian must also be in attendance. Participants are encouraged to bring their own shotgun (no hammer guns, please).

Cost is $45, which includes ammo, dogs and dog handlers, a meal and an annual youth Pheasants Forever membership.

Register for 3/24 Hunt

Prime Archery Introduces the Ronan

A Bow with all the Horsepower at an Unbeatable Price

Prime Archery®, by G5® Outdoors—the leading manufacturer of premium archery equipment, is proud to introduce the Ronan, a new compound bow that possesses the highest levels of Prime technology for under $1,000.

The Prime Ronan spawned from the Revex 4, the extremely successful flagship Prime bow. Like the Revex, the all-new Ronan offers the Core Cam Technology System, Prime’s compression axle system, and their Flexis and Center Grip Technology. These high-end features result in performance that is rarely found in a bow carrying such a reasonable price tag. Read more

Italian Firearms Group and Tanfoglio Introduce The Defiant Gold Match Pistol

AMARILLO, TEXAS: Imported exclusively by the Italian Firearms Group (www.ifg-usa.com/), Tanfoglio’s new Defiant Gold Match OR (Optics Ready) pistol combines the accuracy and speed found in the Italian gunmaker’s Defiant competition pistols with 13+1 rounds of 10MM AUTO power.

In doing so, Tanfoglio has created the near-perfect hunting pistol.

The single action Defiant Gold Match OR also looks great, with the black Cerakoted frame and slide set off by Tanfoglio’s red aluminum grips.

The heart of any fine hunting pistol is the barrel, and the Defiant Gold Match OR’s six-inch bull barrel, with 1:16 RH twist, is CNC-Machined from high-quality steel for exceptional accuracy. The barrel sports a hard chrome finish. Read more

SAF Files Respondents’ Brief to SCOTUS in Frame, Receiver Case

BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation and its partners in a case challenging the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ “final rule” redefining frames and receivers as firearms, have filed a response brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in a case known as VanDerStok v. Garland.

SAF is joined by Defense Distributed, Polymer80, Inc., and Not an LLC, LLC (doing business as JSD Supply). They are represented by Houston, Texas attorney Charles R. Flores.

The brief recalls how Congress enacted the Gun Control Act of 1968 pursuant to the Commerce Clause with no intention of discouraging or eliminating the private ownership or use of firearms by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes. This includes the long-standing tradition of building personal firearms, and the original act defined “firearm” as a working gun, not a gun part, or kit, or incomplete firearm. In 1978, ATF promulgated a rule defining the “frame or receiver” of a firearm, taking the position that “receiver blanks” were not “firearms” under the 1968 Act. Read more

Alabama Agencies Meet to Work on Feral Swine Solutions

Anyone who has explored Alabama’s great outdoors or spent time on a tractor cultivating an agricultural crop knows how destructive feral swine can be on the landscape.

Because of the prodigious reproductive capacity of these wild hogs, controlling the populations is difficult at best, and many researchers believe that total eradication of this invasive species is not a viable option.

Some are looking to methods other than hunting or trapping to control the hog numbers, and Texas recently approved the use of a warfarin-based toxicant called Kaput against the burgeoning swine population in that huge state. This action has spurred renewed discussion on the research and developments surrounding various types of feral hog toxicants. Read more

UIC MOD-2 In Bayou Multicam

Our new Bayou Multicam pattern features different shades of green and grey to help blend in with forests, swamps, and bayous. Whether you’re hunting in the swamp lands or on the back 40, we got you covered.

The UIC MOD 2 is our flagship rifle which features patented fully ambidextrous controls which allows you to actuate the bolt catch and release along with magazine release from both sides. Each function of our ambidextrous controls is accessible while maintaining constant contact with the rifle grip for maximum effectiveness during duty or recreational use. Our MOD-2 line of rifles come standard with precision hand lapped Criterion Barrels, G2S Precision 2-Stage Triggers and your choice of suppressor ready muzzle devices.

Product Link: https://www.admmfg.com/uic-mod-2-bayou Read more

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