Delta Waterfowl’s University Hunting Program Delivers Record-Setting Year

UHP teaches the importance of hunting to wildlife management students at 103 colleges across North America
Throughout the 2023-2024 school year, Delta Waterfowl’s University Hunting Program spanned the continent from the University of Northern British Columbia to Maryland’s Bowie State University down to the University of Florida and Texas A&M, and 99 more schools. Delta’s UHP continued its trend of rapid growth since its formal inception in 2017, achieving a record of 103 universities this year, with a total of 447 students in the program.
During the past 25 years, the backgrounds of most college students seeking degrees in wildlife management and biology have shifted. Previously, the majority of students seeking those degrees grew up in hunting and fishing families, or at a minimum, had exposure to outdoor pursuits. Today, however, it’s estimated that 70% of students pursuing these career paths have little or no prior exposure to hunting. Read more