Democratic Natiional Convention Schedule 2012

Democratic National Convention Schedule — Charlotte ,   N.C.

4:00 PM – Opening  Flag Burning Ceremony – sponsored by CNN

4:05 PM – Singing of “God Damn America ” led by Rev. Jeremiah Wright

4:10 PM – Pledge of Allegiance to Obama.

4:15 PM – Ceremonial ‘I hate America’ led by Michelle Obama.

4:30 PM – Tips on “How to keep your man trustworthy & true to you while you                      travel the world” – Hillary Clinton

4:45 PM –Al Sharpton / Jesse Jackson seminar “How to have a successful career without   having a job.”

5:00  PM – “Great Vacations I’ve Taken on the Taxpayer’s Dime Travelog” – Michelle Obama.

5:30 PM – Eliot Spitzer Speaks on “Family Values” via Satellite

5:45 PM – Tribute to all 57 States – Nancy Pelosi

6:00 PM – Sen. Harry Reid – 90-minute speech expressing the Democrat’s                       appreciation of the Occupy Wall Street movement, and George Soros for sparing no expense, for all that they have accomplished to unify the country, improve employment      and to boost the economy.

8:30 PM – Airing of Grievances by the Clintons

9:00 PM – “Bias in Media –  How we can make it work for you” Tutorial – sponsored by      CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times

9:15 PM – Tribute Film to Brave Freedom Fighters incarcerated at GITMO – Michael Moore

9:45 PM –  Personal Finance Seminar – Charlie Rangle

10:00 PM –Denunciation of Bitter Gun Owners and Bible readers.

10:30 PM – Ceremonial Waving of White Flag for IRAQ , & Afghanistan

11:00 PM – Obama Energy Plan Symposium / Tire Gauge Demonstration / You too can      get rich with Green Investment bankruptcies

11:15 PM – Free Gov. Blagovich rally

11:30 PM – Obama Accepts Oscar, Tony and Latin Grammy Awards

11:45 PM – Feeding of the Delegates with 5 Loaves and 2 Fish Obama                       Presiding

12:00 AM – Official Nomination of Obama by Bill Maher and Chris “He sends a                    thrill up my leg”  Matthews

12:01  AM – Obama Accepts Nomination as Lord and  Savior

12:05 AM – Celestial Choirs Sing

3:00 AM – Biden Delivers Acceptance Speech

Food Plots React to Non-Stop Rain

I had a lot going on so I took a chance and planted my food plots in the last days of July – a bit early but rain was predicted and fell some 9 hours later.  Now, we’ve had non-stop rain for three days and the brassicas are singing my song.  In the top photo, you can see the turnips and rape emerging.

QDMA Special Brassica Mix

In the lower photo, I planted a brassica mix and clover into a stand of alfalfa.  The alfalfa remained after an early-spring spraying with glyphosate (RoundUp).  After that, I just ran a disk across it a few times and over-seeded followed by cultipacking.

Alfalfa stand with over-seeded brassicas and clover

Total acreage planted this fall was about 6.5.  These plots feed the wildlife year-round, with a mix of perennials and annuals.  The worse the December weather, the better the late-season deer hunting.  The foliage on the turnips and rape stays green well into December – even under the snow, when all the farmers have picked their crops.  After that, the deer feast on the turnips themselves.  If enough are planted, some will rot in the spring and subsequently go back to the earth as nutrients for the next planting.
Lots of work, lots of fertilizer and lime ($) and seed but it’s worth it to me when the snow is on.

Obama’s Second-Term Gun Control Plans

GW:  You knew it was coming and now the Dems are out of the closet.  At the service for the dead victims of yet another “gun-free zone” attack in Wisconsin, Attorney General, Holder had to slip in his gun-control thoughts about needing more gun laws.  Another page from their playbook to cease the moment during a crisis.  More on what lies ahead given an Obama second term from the Washington Times here…

Winchester Repeating Arms Celebrates the 75th Anniversary of the Model 70


Anniversary Model 70

For 75 years the Winchester Model 70 has been the chosen rifle for thousands of sportsman on hunting adventures all around the world. The reliability and the smooth-handling pre-’64 style action and legendary accuracy has allowed this rifle to stand the test of time making it “The Rifleman’s Rifle.” To commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Model 70, Winchester Repeating Arms has introduced the Model 70 75th Anniversary Super Grade.  Read more

Don’t lose your kids

J. Wayne Fears’ Latest Outdoor Book


Each day in the United States, over 2000 children get lost, some in the woods, some in malls. Most lost child situations last only a few terrifying minutes until the child is found; others may take hours or days. The Center to Prevent Lost Children states that 7 out of 10 children will get lost at least once and that less than 9% of parents are prepared for a lost child situation. In his new e-book entitled LOST-PROOF  YOUR CHILD survival expert J. Wayne Fears prepares parents and child caregivers of children how to prevent losing a child and what to do if it happens. He teaches:

* How to lost-proof children in any situation from a shopping mall to thewilderness and everything in between. * How to create a plan that will keep your child from becoming lost.

* How to teach children what to do if they become lost. * What steps you should take if your child becomes lost.

* How to deal with childrenproperly when they are found Read more

DNR, MDARD update Michigan’s plan for managing chronic wasting disease

GW:  The revisions in the newly modified CWD response plan are focused more on affected areas, rather than the broad, far-reaching actions in the previous plan – no doubt resulting from hunter outrage.  But, now, if neighboring states are found with CWD, Michigan’s plan may swing into action.

The Natural Resources Commission adopted changes to chronic wasting disease baiting and feeding regulations, as outlined in the state’s newly revised CWD response plan, at its regular monthly meeting Thursday in Lansing. Read more

No Asian carp found in western Lake Erie

After a week of intensive electrofishing and gill netting activities in Sandusky Bay, Maumee Bay and their main tributaries, officials have found no bighead or silver Asian carps in western Lake Erie. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) continue to work together to assess the current status of bighead and silver carp within western Lake Erie bays and select tributaries. Read more

HumaneWatch and HSUS at Conference

HumaneWatch was in sunny San Diego last weekend at the 2012 American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Convention. We had an exhibit booth in the main hall along with a plethora of companies promoting products to a few thousand veterinarians who attended the event. And to stir things up a bit, a Humane Society of the United States group had a booth, too.

AVMA Convention

It didn’t take long for our first visitor to stop by and say a kind word. It was an exhibitor, a few minutes before the hall opened on Saturday. He was from the veterinary technician field and said his company worked with a lot of hands-on local shelter, and was already “in the know” about the confusion between the Humane Society of the U.S. and local shelters and how little HSUS gives to shelters.

We figured it would be a fairly friendly crowd, but it definitely exceeded our expectations. Read more

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