DNR’s Ortonville shooting range to close temporarily for upgrades

The Department of Natural Resources today announced that its Ortonville shooting range in Lapeer County will temporarily close starting Aug. 2. The closure is for the construction of two new ranges at 200 and 10 yards, giving visitors the opportunity to shoot at short and long distances, and installation of new accessible shooting stations and pathways at 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200 yards. Work is scheduled to be completed by Sept. 1. Read more

HuntingBoots.com Giving Away Boots

With big game hunting season fast approaching, HuntingBoots.comknows hunters around the country are gathering their gear in preparation. That’s why the hunting bootssuperstore launched its Hunt Like a Pro sweepstakes, which will outfit one lucky winner each month with a pair of hunting boots. Read more

Mayor Bloomberg Should Go On Strike

BELLEVUE, WA – Anti-gun New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s call for American police officers to “go on strike” in an effort to force Congress and state legislatures to push his gun prohibition agenda is “a new low in demagoguery,” the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today. Read more

Eastern Milk Snake Encounter

By Glen Wunderlich

In Michigan, we tend not to concern ourselves with snakes when we spend time outdoors.  Other than our only poisonous snake, the Massasauga rattlesnake, we really don’t have reason to be fearful.  But, when my wife showed me a photo of one of the slithering creatures she had taken minutes before in our yard, I became unglued.  It appeared to be a rattler.

Eastern Milk Snake

She explained that one of our cats had noticed something from inside the house and the next thing she knew, the cat was outdoors in attack mode.  Although it wasn’t clear initially what the cat had spotted, a commotion erupted between the cat and the unwitting visitor.  When I saw the photo on the camera’s screen, and was told that it rattled, off we went to investigate.

My first reaction was to be careful no matter what it was.  The size and shape of the head didn’t seem to match that of a Massasauga.  In addition, its length eemed on the large size for a Massasauga.  So, we managed to place it into a paper lawn bag for further observation. Read more

Michigan Deer Management Petition

Many of you are aware of a group of hunter/conservationists called the Southern Lower Deer Management Initiative (SLP DMI). The SLP DMI has put forth a proposal to the Natural Resource Commission (NRC) to adopt additional antler restrictions to the current Combination Deer License in an effort to deal with overpopulation issues that have plagued Michigan’s southern lower peninsula for over 2 decades as well as attempt to build age structure into our buck population, something supported by hunters by a 75% margin. Read more

If You Must Use Your Gun in Self-Defense…

This from MCRGO…

Q: What should I do if I ever need to use my gun in self-defense?

A: You should first be certain that the threat is removed before you lower your guard. Then, call 911 and say that there has been a shooting. Describe the immediate need for ambulance and police (and fire department if applicable). Tell the 911 operator where you are, how many people are wounded etc. Do not have your gun in your hand Read more

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