Monkey Wrench in Florida Man’s DUI Charges

A Florida man has been charged with felony drunken driving and wildlife violations, after police located a monkey in his truck.  Largo Police indicate Eugene Carl Kotelman was speeding and found he was driving on a suspended license and had been charged numerous times with driving on a suspended license and DUI.   Responding officers then noticed a “small monkey” in the truck and released the critter to his handler, the driver.
After Kotelman was released on bond from the DUI charge, Florida  Wildlife officers charged him with possession of wildlife and two counts of violating fish and wildlife rules.

They took custody of the monkey, who later explained he was supposed to be the designated driver.  Not really, but the rest of this is true.

The Case for Contempt of Congress

Back in February, U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) promised to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress if Holder didn’t hand over Justice Department documents that had been subpoenaed as part of an ongoing investigation into the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives’ now-infamous “Operation Fast and Furious” gun-walking operation. This week, Rep. Issa–chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee–made good on the pledge and sent out a draft Contempt Order against Holder to members of the committee.  Read more

Scouting for Turkeys

With my turkey hunting season opener less than one week away, it was time for some scouting.  I perched myself above a wildlife food plot in a deer hunting shack so that I could remain comfortable with a clear view.  Within 15 minutes, a lone hen appeared and seemed to be on a mission, never slowing much and disappearing to the north.   The action continued throghout the 3.5 hours of observation with wildlife in view the entire time.

A few deer here and there and at about 8:05 the first distant gobbles sounded.  From the broken-off calls, I assumed they were jakes, and my suspicion was confirmed 30 minutes later.

All in all, a good day of viewing, but still looking for the boss gobbler.

Distant Jakes

Vehicle/Sheep Collisions Wiping Out Herd

During the four-year period between 2008 and 2012, a total of 110 sheep were killed by collisions, he said. A total of 107 sheep were  killed on Montana Highway 200, while just three sheep were killed by trains.  Since 1985, Sterling said 403 sheep have been killed by motor vehicles on the  highway and 58 sheep have been killed by trains.

Flashing yellow caution signs and electronic reader boards haven’t worked yet.  Salt blocks in the area have had little impact luring the  sheep away from the highways.

A simple simple solution exists:  quit driving cars and trucks.  But, alas, not even the most radical animal rights whackos will not give up their lifestyles in exchange for a few measley sheep.  Anyway, more here…

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