USA Finishes Atop the Medal Standings

Staff Sergeant Ryan Hadden (USAMU/Pendleton, Ore.) began the first day of qualification with a strong 49/50 targets at the International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) World Cup Tucson. He continued the fevered pace today dropping just one target all day for 123/125 match targets. Attacking the final with the same ferocity, Hadden shot a perfect final for 148/150 targets at the Tucson Trap and Skeet Club. In his first World Cup medal since the 2010 ISSF World Cup Beijing, Hadden’s 123 targets is a new personal best in ISSF competition. Read more

When Guns Are Needed Most

By Glen Wunderlich

Doomsday Preppers, which airs on the National Geographic channel, explores the lives of otherwise ordinary Americans who are preparing for the end of the world as we know it. Unique in their beliefs, motivations, and strategies, preppers will go to whatever lengths they can to make sure they are prepared for any of life’s uncertainties.

Preppers may have an underground hideout, stockpiles of food, water, fuel – and, yes, guns and ammo.  Lots of both.  Whack jobs?  Could be.  But, in a crisis of civil unrest, they aim to survive on their own for months at a time.  However, when it comes to firearms and calamities, some governmental entities invoke “emergency powers”, as a means to restrict gun rights just when they are needed most.

A federal district court judge in North Carolina has just struck down that state’s emergency power to impose a ban on firearms and ammunition Read more

Cougars and Wolves in Southern Michigan?

Cougars and wolves are like present in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, says Dennis Fijalkowski, executive director for Bath-based Michigan Wildlife Conservancy.  However,  the Michigan Department of Natural Resources says there’s no real evidence.  Tell that to Bob and Nancy Dalley, who claimed to have seen a wolf on their property near Manton.  No pics or tracks yet, but the debate is here…

No Right to Self Defense, Judge Rules

Late Friday, a federal district court in Illinois wrongly ruled that the Second Amendment does not protect a right to carry firearms for self-protection outside the home. The NRA funded this challenge to Illinois’ ban on citizens’ ability to carry firearms legally outside their homes and businesses for self-defense, and will also be supporting an immediate appeal to the Seventh Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals-and to the Supreme Court, if necessary. Read more

Brownells 6th Annual Gunsmith Career Fair April 27 & 28, Des Moines, Iowa


Dear Folks,

If you’re a gunsmith looking for employment, a gunshop owner needing a gunsmith, or a recent graduate from gunsmithing school, April 27 & 28, is a very important date for you. It’s the date for the Brownells 6th Annual Gunsmith Career Fair. Some of the most knowledgeable, respected professionals in our Industry are going to be there to interview gunsmiths, and real “icons” of the gunsmithing world – folks like Ron Power, Les Baer, Jon Tank of Cylinder & Slide, Sharon and Paul Dressel – will be giving seminars to share their skill-building “secrets” with you. There’ll be a chance to ask an ATF representative questions one-on-one, and the big Friday night banquet with a keynote address by John Krieger of Krieger Barrels, Inc.

With around 60 employers there, Read more

USSA Launches New Blog – Protect What’s Right

GW:  Haven’t visited my friends’ site yet, but this sure looks like it’ll be a good place to network with people that are plugged in to current issues affecting sportsmen.  I am a proud member of the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance, because I want people like this fighting for my innate rights.  They take the whack jobs head on!

Today the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance launched a new blog that will be the place where American hunters, anglers and trappers can go to get the inside scoop on the politics of hunting.

The blog – – will feature commentary from USSA’s political experts on the hottest topics facing the sportsmen’s community.  It will also have frequent guest columns by other recognized writers and political pros. Read more

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