Ruger Announces 10/22 Takedown

Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE: RGR) is proud to introduce the Ruger 10/22 Takedown™. Readily separated into two subassemblies, the Ruger 10/22 Takedown offers a convenient transport and storage option for the popular Ruger® 10/22®. As reliable and accurate as every 10/22, the Ruger 10/22 Takedown makes it even easier to keep America’s favorite rimfire rifle by your side. Read more

New Gun Laws not Needed

BELLEVUE, WA – Criminal charges filed today in the death of a Tacoma, WA toddler prove that the state does not need a new gun law to hold adults responsible for firearms negligence, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.
Pierce County Prosecutor Mark Lindquist today charged Eric Vita, 23, and the boy’s mother, Jahnisha McIntosh, 22, with second-degree manslaughter in the March 14 death of Julio Segura-McIntosh. Vita had placed his 9mm pistol under the seat of his car when he stepped out to pump gas shortly after midnight. The youngster got hold of the pistol and shot himself in the head.

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Ethanol and Old Outboard Boat Engines

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Ever since E10 gasoline (gas containing 10% ethanol) became widely available several years ago, the nation’s largest recreational boat owners group, BoatUS, has received hundreds of calls and emails complaining about boat engine problems. The majority of complaints concern older outboard motors, those made before about 1990. BoatUS’ Seaworthy magazine asked Mercury Marine’s Ed Alyanak and Frank Kelley, who between them have over 60 years of experience, to find out what’s made these decades-old outboards more susceptible to ethanol’s well-known problems and what owners can do.  Here’s what is advised: Read more

Bill Offers Free Fishing to Vets

A bill that would provide free fishing and hunting licenses to disabled Michigan veterans made its way through committee Tuesday.  Introduced by state Rep. Holly Hughes, R-White River Township, the proposed legislation was sent by the House Natural Resources, Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Committee to the full House for consideration.  The committee voted unanimously to approve the bill. Read more

MidwayUSA’s Choose Your Weapon Debuts Tonight

COLUMBIA, MO -MidwayUSA’s Choose Your Weapon hosts know a thing or two about hunting. Jim Burnworth and Ray Bunney have been hunting most of their lives and have an appreciation for the great outdoors. Because hunting antelope in Wyoming requires a different firearm and hunting method than hunting plains game in Africa, Jim and Ray will pick different weapons, test these weapons and explain why they chose that weapon for that particular hunt. Read more

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