Times Square Billboards Blast Humane Society of the United States

Washington, DC – Today HumaneWatch.org, a project of the nonprofit Center for Consumer Freedom, unveiled two new Times Square billboards on the corner of West 46th Street and 7thAve. The billboards highlight the Humane Society of the United States’ (HSUS) duplicitous fundraising practices—as the vast majority of its fundraising commercials feature dogs and cats, yet only one percent of the money HSUS raises from the public goes to local, hands-on pet shelters. Read more

Michigan’s Gun-Free-Zones Debate

Legislation that would allow permit holders, who undergo an extra nine hours of training to carry hidden guns in no-concealed zones, has come under fire from opponents of the proposal.  Senate Bill 59 would eliminate the state’s 83 county gun boards, shift approvals to sheriffs, and provide penalties for approvals that take too long or denials that are overturned.  Here’s the reference and a link to the piece about who doesn’t agree.

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs – The USFS Has Them

WASHINGTON – Thousands of temporary seasonal jobs with the Forest Service and its partners are available this summer and officials say now is the time to begin the application process.
“Due to the nature of much of our work, such as wildfire fighting and seasonal recreation programs, we anticipate hiring many temporary workers,” said U.S. Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell. “These jobs will provide economic relief for many unemployed Americans and help stimulate local rural communities.”

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Use the FlexCam This Turkey Season

When your back is up against an old pine tree or you’re sitting in a ground blind in a hardwood bottom listening to clucks, putts and purrs at 20 yards, the last thing you can do is move. As the turkeys walk around you, your heart begins to pound, when at last, the moment you’ve waited for arrives. That old tom puts his wings down, lifts his tail feathers, stretches out his neck and lets out a big gobble….BOOM! You pull the trigger and your shotgun fires, dropping the longbeard with spurs no one would believe. That’s exactly where the Flex Cam™ comes into play. Read more

Court Strikes Down North Carolina Emergency Powers Gun Ban

BELLEVUE, WA – A federal district court judge in North Carolina has just struck down that state’s emergency power to impose a ban on firearms and ammunition outside the home during a declared emergency, ruling that the provision violates the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Read more

Ruger Announces 10/22 Takedown

Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE: RGR) is proud to introduce the Ruger 10/22 Takedown™. Readily separated into two subassemblies, the Ruger 10/22 Takedown offers a convenient transport and storage option for the popular Ruger® 10/22®. As reliable and accurate as every 10/22, the Ruger 10/22 Takedown makes it even easier to keep America’s favorite rimfire rifle by your side. Read more

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