HSUS Wants Chickens to have a Decent Life

A compromise brought forward by egg producers and animal-rights activists would double the required cage size for laying hens nationwide and provide  amenities that cater to natural bird instinct. The Egg Products Inspection Act  Amendments of 2012 (HR 3798) before the House Committee on Agriculture gives  farmers 15 years to replace the old-style cages with “enhanced cages” and must give each hen at  least 124 square inches.  More here…

Burris Optics Offers $100 Rebate on 4x-12-42mm Eliminator

GREELEY, Colo. (March 26, 2012) – It’s not very often that a manufacturer offers a rebate on one of its hottest products, but Burris has done just that with today’s introduction of the Eliminator™ $100 Rebate. Hunters and shooters who purchase the 4x-12x-42mm Eliminator LaserScope (Model 200112) at an authorized dealer before the end of the year can cash in on this $100 rebate program. Read more

Michigan Legislative Update Senate Bill 59

This from MCRGO…

The most important legislation for legal gun owners since the Castle Doctrine and shall-issue is currently under consideration by the Michigan Legislature.  The bill would eliminate county gun boards and allow all CPL holders to be exempt from pistol free zones after additional training.

Senate Bill 59 (S-3) passed the Senate Natural Resources Committee last Thursday.  A vote is expected in the full Senate this week.  Read more

Raining Crows

By Glen Wunderlich

A business associate once told me that advice was only worth what one pays for it.  Well, here’s some advice that breaks that mold.

L-R, Matt, Shawn, and Glen and crows

When it comes to crow hunting, I’ve tried it all, but until recently, nothing seemed to help significantly.  Magnum hand-brewed shotshell loads worthy of bringing down orbiting space junk didn’t improve results.  Extra-full chokes, same thing.  Bags of motionless decoys?  Leave ‘em home.  The owl decoy everyone seems to want to interject into the action?  Not necessary.  Mouth-blown crow calls?  Good luck learning the language.  Heavy shot?  Save it for turkeys.

But, after years of experimenting, there appears to be promise for my crow-hunting comrades, Shawn Weaver, Matt Arnold and me, because our results have improved since we began our three-man hunts. Read more

What Matt Morrett Learned from a PhD Gobbler Named Bubba

By Matt Morrett as Told to John E. Phillips

Every cowboy believes he can ride every bull he gets-on, and eachturkey veteran believes that he can take every turkey he hunts. But, PhDgobblers are as crafty and as smart as the bull that’s never been ridden.Matt Morrett is a multi-winner World Champion turkey caller and a professional hunterfor Hunter’s Specialties. One of the PhD gobblers who has learned his craft was a turkey named Bubba. Read more

Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Bill Introduced

For the second time in as many weeks, a national Right-to-Carry reciprocity bill has been introduced in the U.S. Senate.

On March 20, U.S. Senator John Thune (R-S.D.) introduced Senate Bill 2213, the “Respecting States’ Rights and Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act.”  NRA strongly supports this measure.  Under this self-defense bill, an individual who has met the requirements for a carry permit, or who is otherwise allowed by state law to carry a handgun, would be authorized to carry a handgun in any other state that issues such permits or does not prohibit concealed carry, subject to the laws of the state in which it is carried.

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Nebraska Farmers Show Their Pride

This from Humane Watch:

We had to laugh when HSUS started its “We Are Nebraska” campaign a few days ago. An anti-agriculture group claiming to represent an agricultural state? Puh-leez.

From what we can see on HSUS’s Flickr steam, only two farmers and ranchers have submitted photos supporting HSUS’s campaign, including one who’s on HSUS’s state council. (Gee, what happened to all those 51,000 HSUS “members” in Nebraska? Maybe they don’t exist.) Read more

Missouri Coalition Defeats HSUS-Backed Ballot Initiative

Missouri citizens didn’t buy into an HSUS scheme to shove more animal-rights nonsense down their throats.  A petition drive has ended.

“Your Vote Counts was a front for HSUS so they could more effectively attack agriculture in the future, but it would have opened a floodgate of outside money on any number of issues,” says Missouri Farmers Care Treasurer Dale Ludwig “The fact that 77% of Your Vote Counts’ money came from HSUS is a pretty clear indicator that animal-rights groups wanted this change so they could attack agriculture again.”  More here…

Eric Holder: Brainwash people’s thinking about guns

Attorney Eric Holder had this to say in 1995.  “I’ve asked the school board to make a part of every day some kind of anti-violence, anti-gun message: every school, every day, at every level.  We need to do this every day of the week and just brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.”  Hear him in his own words at the link below:


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