Too Warm for Maple Syrup
“We were going to wait,” Marvin Besteman explained, motioning towards the budding maples on his property, “but now its too late. We know we could have made some syrup, but not the good grade of syrup.” More here…
Outdoor commentary and legislative issues.
“We were going to wait,” Marvin Besteman explained, motioning towards the budding maples on his property, “but now its too late. We know we could have made some syrup, but not the good grade of syrup.” More here…
South San Francisco, CA – American Technologies Network, makers of military, law enforcement, security and outdoor night vision and thermal applications, have raised the bar in providing digital thermal imaging viewers in an affordable, rugged, pocket-sized package. Offering superior performance, the OTS-30 and OTS-60 are monocular viewers Read more
“We the people” trump Illinois lawmakers at ballot box and want their Second Amendment rights restored. A court battle looms to determine authority.
PASA Park, Barry, IL — In the election held Tuesday, March 20, 2012, the voters of Pike County, Illinois, approved a firearms concealed-carry ordinance by a 3,214 to 550 margin. It was one of the largest voter turnouts in county history. The ordinance directly contradicts current Illinois state law. As presented on the ballot, the ordinance took effect upon passage, and applies only to Pike County. The ordinance was placed on the ballot by a citizen initiative petition process that garnered three times the number of signatures required by law. Read more
This from the NRA:
Unquestionably the hottest issue in Second Amendment litigation today is whether the Second Amendment protects a right to carry firearms outside the home for personal protection—and if so, what might be the limits on that right. Until recently, far too many courts have wrongly claimed that because the Supreme Court’s decisions in District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. City of Chicago only struck down bans on handgun possession in the home, that’s all there is to the Second Amendment.
Now, there are signs that this resistance is weakening. Read more
How ‘ bout some pizza? You only get two toppings: crickets and worms. If you think you can stomach it, look here…
A suspicious animal, described as a cougar, reportedly was spotted today on the University of Michigan North Campus. No photo, no tracks, no corroboration, no nothing but it’s here…
An update is here…
And, better yet, a happy reunion of a lost dog and its family resulted from the cougar search here…
The Michigan House Judiciary Committee is reviewing an important and long-overdue bill that would eliminate the state handgun “permit-to-purchase” and registration requirements. Although a date has not been announced, House Bill 5225 will be heard in the House Judiciary Committee sometime after the spring recess. Read more
Michigan anglers may have the opportunity to fish with crossbows under a bill passed by the Senate Wednesday morning. It’s off to the House for consideration now. More here…
The use of electricity as a bear repellent is becoming increasingly effective and now some outfitters have electrified horse trailers to protect grain supplies. Others have charged garbage cans and play areas. Find out about the technology here…
Orphaned grizzly bear cubs, rescued from Alaska, will make their debut at the Detroit Zoo. A anti-hunting poacher killed their mother and the cubs were not expected to survive the harsh Alaskan winter.