Military Armament Corporation’s MAC 1014 Semi-Auto Defense Shotgun

Knoxville, Tennessee – In a dangerous situation professional and personal defense practitioners agree if you can only have one firearm, the ideal choice is a shotgun! A shotgun takes the lead above all other firearms in versatility, adaptability and overall effectiveness in close quarter engagements for home, survival or mobile defense. The choice of those who “know” will be Military Armament Corporation’s MAC 1014 Semi-Auto because of their reliability, durability and ease of use, and, MAC 1014s are priced to meet departmental budgets!

The MAC 1014 12-gauge features a steel receiver designed with a self-regulating gas piston system which allows it to cycle with shotshells from 1-ounce up to the heaviest 3-inch magnum loads. Gas not needed to cycle the action is vented through a unique system, thereby reducing recoil and allowing for quicker follow-up shots. A large, knurled charging handle ensures excellent traction even when wearing gloves. The MAC 1014’s serrated cartridge drop lever promotes no-fumble operation. The safety located behind the trigger, can quickly be moved from safe to fire without changing hand position.

The MAC 1014 has a 5 + 1 magazine tube which is compatible with Benelli™ Read more

CVA Unveils the Crossfire Muzzleloader

Lawrenceville, Georgia – BPI Outdoors/CVA is excited to announce the introduction of the Crossfire™ muzzleloading rifle. This cutting-edge innovation marks a significant milestone in the evolution of in-line muzzleloaders, demonstrating CVA’s unwavering commitment to advancing the firearms industry. The Crossfire is bridging the gap in the in-line muzzleloading world.

The new CVA Crossfire was developed for use with the Federal’s patented FireStick™ ignition system. This Crossfire is easy to load, easy to shoot, and easy to unload at the end of your day in the field. Read more

Garmin selects Ravin Crossbows for new Xero X1i crossbow scope integration

OLATHE, Kan./August 15, 2023/Outdoor Wire – Garmin (NYSE: GRMN) today announced an integration of its Xero® X1i crossbow scope with Ravin Crossbow’s precision-based platforms. The new custom Xero X1i scope is preloaded with the technical specifications of all Ravin Crossbow models and adjusts aiming solutions based on each model’s specifications, providing hunters with unparalleled “out of the box” accuracy and blistering fast setup times.

“Ravin Crossbows paired with the Xero X1i provide a new level of precision aiming that will meet the demands of even the most advanced crossbow hunters. Simply put, the combination of Ravin’s industry-leading accuracy with the superior ranging and aiming capabilities of the Xero X1i creates one of the most comprehensive crossbow shooting experiences available.” – Bryan Yalowitz, Garmin outdoor product strategy director

Innovative accuracy

Garmin Xero X1i is an electro-optic based crossbow scope with a built-in laser range finder that offers one of the most advanced crossbow aiming platforms on the market, thanks to a proprietary algorithm that compensates for distance and angle. With 3.5x magnification and digital overlays to improve sighting precision, the Xero X1i can range game targets up to 250 yards away and reflective targets up to 500 yards away. Integrating the technical information for each individual Ravin Crossbow assists the Xero X1i in calibrating an aiming solution, so users can be confident they have the most accurate pin placement for the specific hunting situation. Read more

NSSF Challenges Unconstitutional Illinois Law Attacking Free Speech, Blame-Shifting on Crimes

WASHINGTON, D.C. — NSSF®, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, filed a legal challenge to Illinois’ unconstitutional law that seeks to muzzle firearm manufacturers’ and retailers’ First Amendment right of free commercial speech and to regulate industry members’ commercial conduct in every state of the Union. Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed the Firearm Industry Responsibility Act into law and NSSF immediately filed its challenge.

“The flawed logic of this unconstitutional law is second only to the contempt for which the authors and Governor Pritzker hold for the Constitutionally-protected right of the citizens of his state to keep and bear arms,” said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF’s Senior Vice President and General Counsel. “This law bans commercial free speech, which is protected by the First Amendment. It also requires firearm manufacturers and retailers to establish undefined ‘reasonable controls’ to prevent criminals from lying on background check forms. The irony is that the firearm industry works hand-in-hand with the ATF and Justice Department to prevent illegal straw purchases of firearms while the governor signs laws that set criminals free on the streets to prey on the innocent citizens of Illinois. Just like Governor Pritzker’s signature on a law banning cash bail, this law empowers criminals and punishes those who obey the law. We are confident that this unconstitutional law will not survive.”

Illinois’ Firearm Industry Responsibility Act criminalizes First Amendment-protected commercial free speech by banning advertising with vague definitions of “intent to appeal to minors.” Gun control politicians in Illinois are attempting to restrict law-abiding citizens from passing on safe firearm handling and shooting skills to the next generation by squelching ability to depict it in advertising. Only adults over the age of 18 can legally purchase a long gun and only adults over 21 can legally purchase a handgun. Read more

Appeal Brief Filed in Challenge of CA Anti-Gun-Show Law

BELLEVUE, WA – Attorneys representing the Second Amendment Foundation and its partners in a federal lawsuit challenging a California statute designed to end gun shows on city, county and state-owned property in the Golden State have filed a 103-page appellants’ brief with the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.

SAF is joined in this case by B&L Productions, Captain Jon’s Green Can Lockers, L.A.X. Firing Range, DBA LAX Ammo, the California Rifle & Pistol Association and South Bay Rod and Gun Club. They are represented by attorneys C.D. Michel, Anna M. Barvir and Tiffany D. Cheuvront, Michel & Associates, Long Beach, Calif., and Don Kilmer, Caldwell, Idaho.

At issue is AB 893, which the brief asserts was clearly intended to end gun shows on city, county and state property in California by banning the buying and selling of firearms, ammunition and firearms components. The law is being challenged on First and Second Amendment grounds.

“Banning gun shows has been the goal of anti-gun politicians and the gun prohibition lobby in California for a long time,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “They contend it’s wrong for the state to ‘benefit’ from the sale of firearms, but it goes deeper than that. They simply do not like firearms or the people who own, collect and use them, and ultimately it is their desire to eliminate firearms ownership.” Read more

Benelli Releases Short Film in Association with Ruffed Grouse Society

August 2023, Accokeek, MD – “The most difficult bird there is to hunt is the ruffed grouse,” says Darin Melton in the new Benelli short film Raising Habitat release. “Folks call them the King of the Woods; they call them the Ghost of the Woods. They figure out a way to elude you. One minute you think you got them figured out and the next minute you don’t. You’ll hunt eight, ten miles a day…one point, one find, one flush makes it worth it — makes you keep coming back to it.”

Within living memory, fans of the ruffed grouse once enjoyed plying the fall woods in search of this magnificent and challenging game bird, whose territory spanned much of the northern tier of the U.S. down through the Appalachians. Many changes, though, over the last half-century have contributed to a plummet in ruffed grouse populations throughout their traditional range. A recent study concluded that ruffed grouse populations have declined “at least 50% throughout the Eastern U.S. over the last 20 years.” Read more

What’s that in the water? Freshwater jellyfish

As anglers, swimmers and other water recreation fans flock to Michigan lakes and streams this summer, some may catch a glimpse of a common, though rarely seen invertebrate known as the freshwater jellyfish. Don’t be concerned though — these jellyfish are not harmful to humans and are believed to have negligible adverse effects on the aquatic environment.

Freshwater jellyfish (Craspedacusta sowerbyi) are related to the various marine species of jellyfish, but in essence are not true jellyfish since they have a membrane called a velum that the marine species do not. Despite this difference, the appearance and movement of freshwater jellyfish mimic those of a true jellyfish. They are not native to Michigan or even North America and are believed to be native to China and Asia. However, this species has been found throughout most of North America for well over a century and is considered to be a nonharmful member of our aquatic communities, and certainly an intriguing one. Read more

Announcing the 2023 Gun Rights Policy Conference

BELLEVUE, WA – The 38th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference, co-hosted by the Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, will be held Sept. 22-24 in Phoenix, Arizona.

The theme of this year’s event, which will be held at the Marriott Phoenix Airport Hotel is “Road to Liberty!” Registration is available online at the SAF website. For those unable to attend, the conference will be available on multiple virtual platforms including YouTube and Facebook.

This year’s conference will be attended by more than 600 gun rights advocates and activists, and will feature a veritable “Who’s Who” of leaders in the Second Amendment movement. More than 80 speakers will offer presentations on a variety of subjects including legislation, the upcoming campaigns for the 2024 elections, firearms litigation and more.

Already scheduled are such notables as Alan Gottlieb, Adam Kraut, Massad Ayoob, Mark Smith, AWR Hawkins, John Fund, Tom Gresham, Mark Walters, Steven Gutowski and representatives and staff from SAF, CCRKBA, FPC, NRA and GOA as well as leaders of state organizations. A complete list of speakers will be added at a later date. Read more

Use Hi Mountain Seasonings Fish Brines to  Add Flavor and Prevent Drying of Your Fish

Riverton, WY (August 15, 2023 ) — Fish, while a popular and a healthy meal choice, can be delicate and can easily dry out if over cooked. Using one of Hi Mountain Seasonings carefully crafted brines before baking, smoking or grilling can alleviate that problem. These brines not only add great flavor to the fish, but add moisture making them easier to cook and not stick to the pan or grill.

Hi Mountain Seasonings offers three easy to use, uniquely different fish brines that can be used to brine any species of fresh or saltwater fish: Alaskan Salmon Brine with Pure Maple Sugar, Wild River Trout with Natural Honey and Gourmet Fish Brine. The company also offers a Game & Poultry Brine and a Brown Sugar Brine. Each brine has its own unique flavor and contains two packets of mix that make one gallon of brine each. Each has suggested retail price of $9.99.

So, go grab your pole or head to your closest fish market and prepare some mouthwatering, tender gourmet fish for yourself, friends and family. It is easy with Hi Mountain Seasonings brines. The Mayonnaise-Grilled Fish Fillets recipe below is taken directly off the Hi Mountain Seasonings’ website,, where you can find dozens of other free recipes for wild game, fish, weekend meals, quick and easy weekday dinners, breakfasts and side dishes, as well as tips and techniques for smoking and brining, sausage and jerky making, and much more. Hi Mountain Seasonings Gourmet Fish Western Style Seasoning and Wild River Trout Brine can be purchased directly from the website, as well as retailers nationwide.

Mayonnaise-Grilled Fish Fillets

Makes 4-6 servings Read more

Get More Distance with Easton 4mm Axis Long Range

Salt Lake City, Utah – When 5MM AXIS came on the scene it revolutionized hunting arrows. The small shaft innovation offered better accuracy and mitigated friction to retain velocity and add penetration. Now the concept has gone forward to the next level with the introduction of the new 4MM AXIS Long Range.

The Long Rang AXIS will offer bowhunters even more of what they want in a micro diameter arrow. 4mm AXIS uses a lighter weight carbon for more speed to the target in order to drive broadheads deeper upon impact. “Additionally, it adds penetration as the shaft passes through with less friction behind the broadhead channel” said Gary Cornum, Easton Director of Marketing. “Millions of successful hunts testify to the awesome effectiveness of a simple concept that equates to more downed big game—it’s like getting magnum ammunition made for a bow.”

Made in Easton’s Utah factory, the AXIS Long Range is engineered with specialized carbon-fiber to increase arrow velocity. Easton 4mm nocks and front-of-center boosting 8-32 half-outs are included to help tighten arrow grouping. 4MM AXIS Long Range is available in four sizes, 250, 300, 340, and 400 in both standard straightness and in the ultra-precise ±.001 Match Grade.

    • High-strength, lighter weight carbon adds velocity for longer range
    • Includes 8-32-point half-outs
    • Pre-installed 4mm nocks
    • Four sizes: 250, 300, 340, & 400
    • Available in standard straightness and in the ±.001” Match Grade
    • Made in USA

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