Chuck Adams Breaks Two World Records

July 25th, 2023 – Pope and Young, America’s leading bowhunting conservation organization, is excited to announce that Chuck Adams has set two new world records, both Sitka Blacktail in velvet categories. Pope and Young announced thirteen new world records at their 33rd Biennial Convention in April of this year.

Chuck Adams broke the record with his Typical Sitka Blacktail in the Velvet category with his giant 5×5 buck he shot in 2021 scoring an incredible 109 7/8”. The buck was shot on Kodiak Island, Alaska on August 12, 2021, and with the score being verified by a special panel of measurers, it is now recognized as the new world record.

“Amazingly, the very first deer I saw on my 2021 Alaskan bow hunt was a giant 5×5,” stated Chuck Adams. “I had been hiking for an hour and spotted big antlers above a ridge. I told myself it might be the largest Sitka rack I had ever seen. After a long crawl, I shot the buck from 36 yards. This is the best scoring typical blacktail I have ever taken during 18 trips to Kodiak, and a Pope and Young World Record!”

Chuck also topped the charts with the giant Non-Typical Sitka Blacktail that he shot in velvet on August 22nd, 2022, also on Kodiak Island. Adams shot this buck, scoring an incredible 117 7/8” after 26 long days on Kodiak Island. Adams’ non-typical Sitka Blacktail was confirmed at the February 2023 Pope and Young Panel Verification in Reno, Nevada. Read more

Antler King’s Barricade Creates High-Quality Cover Screen

Antler King offers hunters and land managers a simple solution for all-season cover with Barricade plot seed.

Featuring a blend of grain sorghum, forage sorghum, and sorghum sudangrass, Barricade grows thick, fast, and up to 8 feet tall. The annual sorghums are ideal for creating funnels and travel corridors, dividing food plots, growing bedding cover, blocking poachers, concealing ground blinds, and providing hunter cover for sneaking into the stand. Barricade growth also lasts well into the winter for a cold-weather wildlife food source.

Easy to use, Barricade should be planted in the summer for full growth by hunting season. A three-pound bag, which covers ¼ acre or 100 square feet, retails for $24.99, and a 40-pound bag retails for $199.99. Read more

Cosaint Arms Introduces the COS21

Introducing the Cosaint Arms COS21-Compact: A Revolutionary Handgun Redefining Concealed Carry

(East Flat Rock, NC) – Cosaint Arms, a leading innovator in firearms technology, proudly unveils its latest masterpiece, the COS21-Compact. This cutting-edge handgun sets a new standard for concealed carry firearms, offering exceptional performance, compact design, and unparalleled versatility.

At the heart of the COS21-Compact is the 3.5” Bull Barrel, meticulously engineered to deliver pinpoint accuracy and reduced recoil for swift follow-up shots. Crafted with precision and expertise, this handgun guarantees enhanced shooting experiences for both seasoned marksmen and enthusiasts alike.

The hard coat anodized aluminum frame is not only rugged and durable but also lightweight. The slide prep for the C&H Precision Weapons mounting plate ensures users can seamlessly integrate their preferred optics, empowering them with the advantage of lightning-fast target acquisition and improved shooting proficiency. Read more

March 2023 – Firearm & Ammunition Imports

NSSF® tracks and reports monthly U.S. import units for several sporting arms, ammunition, and optics categories from the US International Trade Commission. Below are the results for March 2023 compared to March 2022. Additionally, in the first quarter (January-March) 2023, total units imported in the four sporting arms categories dropped 25.0 percent while the two ammunition categories decreased 40.7 percent over the same time period in 2022.

  • March Handgun imports decreased 14.8 percent from 459,928 to 391,649 units. Within the handgun category, Pistol import units dropped 16.7 percent from 426,465 to 355,053 units while imported Revolver units increased 9.4 percent from 33,463 to 36,596 units. Read more

March 2023 – Firearm & Ammunition Exports

NSSF tracks and reports monthly U.S. export units for several sporting arms, ammunition, and optics categories from the US International Trade Commission. Below are the results for March 2023 compared to March 2022. Additionally, in the first quarter (Jan-March) 2023 total units exported in the four sporting arms categories rose 33.9 percent while the two ammunition categories increased 54.5 percent over the same time period. Read more

Nose Jammer Wax Sticks

Nose Jammer® is designed to overwhelm the sense of smell of big game animals and predators such as elk, whitetail, pronghorn, hogs, and coyotes. Try Nose Jammer® Wax Sticks to jam any critter you’re after this coming season. They’ll never see you coming.

“I found myself in the stand an hour before shooting light. As soon as daylight started breaking I could see small bucks and does all over. I had over ten deer downwind of me before the sun even came up and not a single one was nervous or winding me. As soon as I had a small break in deer activity, I hit the horns and within 2 minutes, this buck was standing at 50 yards looking in my direction. He was directly downwind. All it took was a couple of soft grunts and he was 9 yards from the base of my tree. He never smelled a thing. With a double lung hit, he only made it 10 yards. I have used every scent control product on the market over the years and have never had results like I have gotten with the Nose Jammer! Great Product!”- Dustin Arndt, Nose Jammer User.

Nose Jammer® is designed to overwhelm the sense of smell of big game animals and predators such as elk, whitetail, pronghorn, hogs, and coyotes. The formula contains Vanillin and other natural aromatic compounds including lignin, a major support structure for trees, grasses, and shrubs. These compounds don’t alarm game animals, but instead jam the olfactory system. This happens when those compounds are delivered at concentrated levels, overloading the olfactory gland found in an animal’s nose, helping hunters to remain concealed. Read more

USDA Forest Service Report Highlights Threats to Forest, Rangeland Health

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service has published a report that provides a snapshot of current U.S. forest and rangeland conditions and projects conditions 50 years into the future. The Resources Planning Act Assessment report uses a mixture of scientific, climate and economic projections to identify drivers of change, resources and trends across all land ownerships, as well as summarize probable outcomes for nature-based economies.

The Resources Planning Act Assessment is published every decade with mid-decade updates and can be used to inform policies, management decisions and research efforts. Resources covered include forests, rangelands, urban forests, forest products, carbon, fish and wildlife, biodiversity, outdoor recreation, water, and the effects of socioeconomic and climate change. The Forest Service uses the assessment and other tools, to help inform efforts like land management plans, which set the long-term management direction and guidance for each national forest and grassland.

“This assessment provides a critical window into the risks facing our forests, rangelands, and communities across the U.S. now and into the future. Socioeconomic changes and the effects of a changing climate are leading to shifts in disturbances, including wildfires, that strain our natural resources and leads to increasing challenges for land managers and owners,” said Forest Service Chief Randy Moore. “Projections made years ago are now proving accurate, with forests in many states, particularly in the Intermountain West, slowly becoming net emitters of carbon. The Forest Service, boosted by extraordinary investments and grounded in the type of sound science this assessment provides, is working to tackle these issues through such efforts as implementing the wildfire crisis strategy, increasing reforestation, and working across ownership boundaries. This requires a national all-in effort today to mitigate the projected issues of tomorrow and in the future.” Read more

Gearing Up For Dove: onX Marks The Spot

From – Paul Erhardt, Managing Editor, the Outdoor Wire Digital Network

One of the most valuable hunting tools available today is the GPS.

The ability to identify exactly where you are out in the wild, where your best hunting spots are, where your game cameras are, and where your hunting buddies are, is critical both for a successful hunt, but also from a safety standpoint.

Long gone are the days of carrying a compass and having to master land navigation – though that’s a helluva skill to have, so don’t dismiss the old school approach.

Today’s hunters have gone high-tech. And with the nearly universal acceptance and use of smartphones, with their built-in GPS capability, the phone is replacing the handheld GPS in locales where cell service is available.

Why carry a specific piece of additional gear whose tech is already replicated on your phone? Especially if it’s on your phone in the form of an app that is designed for hunting.

For hunters of all skill and experience levels the onX Hunt app is an ideal solution for searching and mapping your hunts. And because it sits right on your phone it adds exactly zero extra pounds, or even ounces, to your hunting load out.

I have the onX app, and I use it. I am far from a super-user because my needs are fairly limited in scope. As a dove hunter I need to confirm my distance from the nearest structures and roads. I also need to mark my hunting spots, though none are what I would call a ‘prime spot.’

And since I live in Arizona, and I need to be out there and ready to hunt 30 minutes before sunrise, it’s kind of important I have my route mapped out. I am not hunting in a sunflower field – or any kind of field for that matter – but in the desert. A rocky terrain pockmarked with areas of uneven footing due to monsoon season erosion.

I prepped specifically for dove season the first year I used the onX app by walking the best, least restricted route to my spot and marking key points along the way so I’d know I was on the right path and not about to stumble down a four-foot drop in the dark to take a face full of rocks, or worse, cactus.

Knowing exactly where I was going in the early morning darkness is arguably a trivial thing, but after several seasons of high school basketball I have become a big fan of no spraining my ankle…particularly if it happens to be on Opening Day.

onX has two tiers for their Hunt app. The Premium level is what I used in the past and is limited to a single state for a $29.99 annual fee. This gave me access to Arizona’s land ownership maps, 3D, satellite, topo, and hybrid basemaps.

It also allowed for offline maps, customizable waypoints with optimal wind and is accessible on iOS and Android phones, as well as a desktop.

However, for this upcoming dove season I will be using the Elite membership version of the app which has several more features starting with access to nationwide land ownership maps, and Canada hunting maps…not that I plan on hunting in Canada, but one never knows.

The Elite membership has other advanced tools such as their Terrain X 3D Viewer, recent imagery, and Route Builder.

The Elite membership is $99.99 annually, and while it is far more than I need it does give me some cool features to test. The route builder is top of my list of features to try since with the Premium version I just dropped waypoints, which certainly worked but this will be better.

onX has recently announced a host of new features available in the app, and while they may be a bit of overkill for my purposes, they will be a welcome addition for hunters who are far more serious about hunting season than I am.

The new features available in the onX Hunt app are a veritable smorgasbord for hunters looking to maximize their time in the field. Read more

Montana Surplus Elk Permits Available to Sign Up

Hunters interested in signing up for elk permits left over from the permit drawing can do so between today, July 21, and Aug. 4. This new process for the sale of surplus licenses began in 2020 in response to issues in years past. The old process was vulnerable to long lag times, confusion, and a perception of inequity for those unable to use the first-come, first-served online option starting at 5 a.m.

There is no prerequisite required to sign up for these permits, but if you are selected to purchase one you MUST hold a general elk license. Read more

Trijicon Brings Back Thermal Riflescope Optics Promotion

Trijicon Inc., global provider of innovative aiming solutions to military, law enforcement and individual consumers, is excited to announce that now through October 31, 2023, consumers who purchase any new REAP-IR® or IR-HUNTER® through a Trijicon Electro Optics retailer, will be eligible to receive a free Trijicon Tenmile® riflescope (select models valued up to $2,310).

The promotion will be managed online at, where consumers can find terms and conditions along with the required proof of purchase information. Upon purchase of a new REAP-IR 3 or IR-HUNTER 2 model, consumers can visit the website to select their preferred Trijicon Tenmile long-range rifle scope from three options:

  • Tenmile 5-25×50 SFP MRAD – MSRP: $2,100
  • Tenmile HX 5-25×50 SFP MOA – MSRP: $2,100
  • Tenmile HX 3-18×44 FFP MOA – MSRP: $2,310

Eligible consumers should allow 8–10 weeks for receipt of their Trijicon Tenmile riflescope after submitting all required information. Read more

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