Faxon Firearms Introduces the ION-X Hyperlite 5.56 Rifle

Faxon Firearms Introduces the Faxon ION-X Hyperlite 5.56 Rifle: A Lightweight Powerhouse for Competitive Shooters and Firearm Enthusiasts

Cincinnati, Ohio – Faxon Firearms, a leading provider of high-quality firearms and components, is proud to announce the release of the Faxon ION-X Hyperlite 5.56 Rifle, the newest take on Faxon’s beloved ION FX5500 Rifle. Engineered to meet the exacting demands of today’s competitive shooters and firearm enthusiasts, this rifle sets a new standard for performance and precision.

At the heart of the Faxon ION-X Hyperlite 5.56 Rifle lies its outstanding lightweight design. Weighing in at under 5 lbs, this rifle delivers exceptional maneuverability and ease of handling, making it the perfect companion for competition shooting and lightweight AR enthusiasts alike. Its 16″ 5.56 NATO pencil profile barrel, combined with the slim 3-port muzzle brake, provides an unparalleled shooting experience. Notably, the slim profile of the muzzle brake allows for easy removal of the gas block and barrel nut without disturbing the muzzle device. Read more

CCRKBA Rips Raskin for Calling Hunter Biden a ‘2A Rich Guy’

BELLEVUE, WA – The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is calling out anti-gun Democrat Congressman Jamie Raskin of Maryland for portraying Hunter Biden as a “rich guy exercising his Second Amendment rights” as an explanation for Biden’s purchase of a handgun while allegedly failing to admit his drug use on the federal Form 4473 he filled out.

“I’m not sure whether to shake my head in disgust or just laugh out loud,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “Raskin’s flippant dismissal of what would otherwise be a serious criminal act if anybody other than Hunter Biden were involved is either a new low in attempted sarcasm, or an exhibition of monumental stupidity.” Read more

Michigan: Orion Sporting Weekend

July 21-23
Bald Mountain Shooting Range
2500 Kern Road, Lake Orion
(in Bald Mountain Recreation Area)

Celebrate the fun, excitement and camaraderie of the sporting life during a weekend of awesome outdoor experiences for the whole family. The event is open to the public, and admission is free.

Don’t miss the chance to try:

    • Clay target shooting: Beginner stations for novice shooters to try clay shooting for the first time under the supervision of experienced instructors, as well as open shooting for experienced shooters, will be available. And for side-by-side shotgun shooters, there’s the Great Lakes Side by Side Classic, a vintage sporting clays competition with prizes and trophies.
    • Fly fishing: Learn how to fly cast and fly fish, with fly casting instruction available all day Saturday and Sunday.
    • Falconry demonstrations: See hawks and owls at work and learn about local birds of prey from expert bird handlers during this hands-on hawking demonstrations Saturday and Sunday.
    • Hunting dog demonstrations: Dog training experts and handlers will show you some great training tips, talk about important nutritional needs for your dogs and much more.
    • Activities for the whole family: Bring the kids out for bounce houses, archery, BB gun shooting, bird house painting and more.
    • Bourbon and beer tastings: Learn more about Michigan craft brews, bourbon and wine and try some offerings from local breweries and distilleries (after you’re done shooting, of course).
    • Vendors: You’ll find artists and craftsmen at work, dozens of exhibitors and vendors, and food trucks available on-site from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily.

More info/register ?

Talladega Marksmanship Park Holding GLOCK Armorer Course in September

TALLADEGA, Ala. – The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) is set to host a GLOCK Armorer Course at Talladega Marksmanship Park in Alabama as part of CMP’s regular marksmanship education offerings.

The GLOCK Armorer Course will be held Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2023, and includes eight hours of classroom training on how to safely use and maintain GLOCK firearms. Materials will be provided – no firearms or ammunition will be allowed in the classroom. Lunch will be catered to all participants. To be eligible, individuals must be an active/retired law enforcement or military officer, private security, GLOCK Stocking Dealer/Range Program Employee or current GSSF member.

For questions regarding the GLOCK Armorer Course, please contact CMP’s Bret Lankford, Training Manager, at (256) 474-4408 or blankford@thecmp.org. Interested individuals may also visit https://www.glocktraining.com/RegWizard.aspx?classid=110729 to register. Read more

Creedmoor Sports, Alabama DCNR and Outdoor Stewards of Conservation Release “Connecting with Conservation” Video

The first in a series of videos promoting the fact that outdoor industry manufacturers, state wildlife agencies, and America’s 60+ million active HATS (Hunters, Anglers, Trappers, and Shooters) fund and manage wildlife conservation and target shooting opportunities has been released.

The video, “Connecting with Conservation – Creedmoor Sports and Outdoor Alabama,” features staff from Creedmoor Sports and the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR) touring Creedmoor Sports headquarters in Anniston, AL and visiting the site of a newly acquired property that ADCNR plans to develop into a multi-million-dollar hunting and shooting sports area for Alabamians to enjoy.

“It was great to see all the hard work being done by the good folks at ADCNR to expand target shooting opportunities here in Alabama. We learned a great deal about how these ranges are financed, and Creedmoor Sports is glad to support such efforts through the excise taxes we pay. We certainly want to thank our customers for their patronage and inform them that their purchases of items like firearms and ammunition are a primary funding source for ADCNR’s Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division which allows them to build and enhance such shooting ranges.” noted John Teachey, Vice President of Operations and Marketing at Creedmoor Sports. Read more

Wildlife Habitat Conserved, Hunting Access Improved in Wyoming

Continuing a family conservation mindset dating back to the early 1900s, landowners worked with the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Wyoming Game and Fish Department (WGFD) and partners to conserve important habitat for elk, mule deer and other wildlife, and bolster hunting access to adjacent public lands in southeast Wyoming.

“We salute the conservation ethic of our landowner partners,” said Kyle Weaver, RMEF president and CEO. “Entering into a voluntary conservation agreement with RMEF allows the family to continue to steward their land and maintain its wildlife values while also providing pivotal access through it to improve hunting opportunity on nearby public land.”

The property is about 35 miles northwest of Laramie and is mostly surrounded on three sides by state and federal land. In addition to conserving their land in perpetuity, the landowners and their neighbors extended an existing agreement, managed by WGFD, from five to 20 years for a road access easement that reaches adjacent lands administered by the State of Wyoming, Bureau of Land Management and Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest. Read more

New Tech for Trolling Motors

Trolling motors are everywhere in fishboats these days, from the stern of canoes and jon boats to the bow of kayaks, bass boats and flats boats. In the last few years, jumbo motors are even showing up on offshore fishing boats—really big offshore fishing boats.

These are all 36-volt motors and all produce 100 pounds of thrust or more at full power.

The Rhodan HD GPS Anchor model is available with shaft lengths to 108”, winning the “mine’s longer” race over the Minn Kota Riptide Terrova, which is available with up to a 100” shaft. These should be long enough to reach the water from the bow of your 53’ Hatteras if you want. (Most of these motors go on the front of fast center console boats in the 25’ to 40’ range and are used to position the boats via “spot-locking” GPS over grouper and snapper reefs, in lieu of messing with all that anchor rope.)

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Michigan: Fort Wilkins Celebrates 100 Years As A State Park

A visit to Fort Wilkins is a treat in itself, but the weekend of July 28-30 offers even more – an encampment with the Civil War living-history group Battery D, 1st Michigan Light Artillery, featuring 25-plus costumed interpreters, a depiction of army barracks life and soldiers’ pastimes, full-scale cannon, and authentically reproduced clothing, tools and weapons.

It’s an annual tradition that was paused during the COVID pandemic. Battery D’s return coincides with Fort Wilkins Historic State Park’s 100th anniversary.

“In 1923, Fort Wilkins became a state park, and today the site includes camping, picnicking, fishing and other recreation opportunities as well as this wonderfully preserved historic site,” said Barry James, Upper Peninsula historian for the Michigan History Center.

“You’ll hear the echo of cannon fire rolling down the length of Lake Fanny Hooe, just as soldiers heard it more than 175 years ago. It is an experience not to be missed!”

  • The encampment is open to park visitors 8 a.m. to dusk Friday and Saturday, July 28 and 29, and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, July 30.
  • Demonstrations, including Civil War medical and undertaking procedures, drills and skits are featured throughout the weekend.
  • For the daily schedule of activities, call 906-289-4215. Read more

Mossy Oak Collaborates with Heat Hog on Original Bottomland Portable Propane Heaters

WEST POINT, MS – Mossy Oak, the industry-leading camouflage brand, is pleased to announce its collaboration with makers of the Heat Hog brand of innovative heating solutions. This partnership aims to introduce a new line of portable propane heaters decorated in the iconic Mossy Oak Original Bottomland camouflage pattern. The camouflage heaters will be available in two three models, with BTU outputs of4,000 9,000, and 18,000, catering to outdoor enthusiasts and individuals seeking easy-to-use, reliable heating options for their outdoor activities such as in the hunting blind, camping or ice fishing

The ONLY tiltable portable heater, Heat Hog is a new breed that helps you command the cold and runs on the 1-pound propane cylinder or a 20-pound tank, is indoor and outdoor safe, and doesn’t require any electricity. It includes a warming dock in the back allowing you to get more fuel use out of each tank, a curved heating plaque which provides 33% a wider heating area than other heaters, and its patent-pending tilting design, so you can control where the radiant heat goes.

Jon Thelen, with a 25-year fishing industry career, expressed his enthusiasm about the product by stating “Whether talking portable fishing or in my deer stand, I want and need a heater I can rely on to keep me warm and stand up to the elements. Heat Hog uses every ounce of propane in the can meaning I have no waste and on top of that it has proven durable enough to ride in my sled at 40mph up the trail to the hotspots and fire right up! Read more

BioLogic Unveils Amazing Fall Attraction in New Endurance Radish

BioLogic, the world’s leader in food plot research, has announced the development of a new, unique food plot planting. What if there were a plant that was irresistible to whitetails? What if the same planting helped to suppress weeds, improve soil nutrients, break up compacted soils and dramatically improved the soil for future crops? Most would say it sounds like we may have stumbled across “the magic bean,” but in this case it’s a new generation of radish developed for deer, introducing “BioLogic’s Endurance Radish!”

BioLogic’s exclusive New Zealand Endurance Radish is a unique, new generation of late flowering, soft-leaf type forage radish with high quality, large tuber and prolific leaf material. It is a new generation radish cultivar capable of growing extremely browse tolerant and nutrient-dense forage with advanced regrowth and cold tolerance over traditional radishes.

In testing we have found that in addition to the desirable cover crop characteristics described above, these new radishes are some of the most attractive plants to whitetails we have EVER seen. These radishes are brassicas, just like others that BioLogic has made famous, but are attractive to deer earlier during the season than many other brassica types. However, because of the superior browse tolerance of this new cultivar the plants will continue to pump out more forage, even after being browsed, providing nutrient-rich forage for months of attraction and herd health. They’re tough, too, in addition to being browse tolerant, they are drought tolerant and cold hardy, too. Read more

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