California: Rare Sighting of Wolverine Confirmed in Multiple Counties

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has confirmed that multiple sightings of what is believed to be the same wolverine occurred in May in the Eastern Sierra Nevada mountains. Two sightings were in the Inyo National Forest in Inyo and Mono counties. A third sighting occurred in Yosemite National Park in Tuolumne County.

Images and video of the wolverine, taken in May by separate individuals in different locations, were sent to CDFW for analysis, which consulted with wolverine experts from the U.S. Forest Service. Scientists identified the animal as a wolverine by its size, body proportion, coloration and movement patterns. CDFW field teams then confirmed the sighting locations through coordinates imbedded in the photos and video.

“Wolverines can travel great distances, making it likely that the recent sightings are all of the same animal,” said CDFW Senior Environmental Scientist Daniel Gammons. “Because only two wolverines have been confirmed in California during the last 100 years, these latest detections are exciting.”

Scientists documented a single wolverine in California from 2008 to 2018. That wolverine was first discovered in February 2008 in the Truckee region of the Tahoe National Forest. The recent detections were likely of a different wolverine given that the species’ lifespan is typically 12 to 13 years. Read more

Bear Creek Arsenal Brace Yourself Sale

Since 2013 Bear Creek Arsenal® has proudly produced high-quality AR15s at incredible prices and with the Brace Yourself Sale you can get all the pistol uppers you could ever want! This limited-run sale on select pistol uppers chambered in 7.62×39, .450 Bushmaster, 5.56 Nato, .17 HMR, .22 WMR, .223 Wylde, .300 Blackout, 6.5 Grendel, and .350 Legend gives you a variety of options! Whether you are looking for a CQB firearm, a plinker, a hunting firearm, or a range gun you cannot pass on these savings with no purchase limits, get as many as you want and check out these incredible AR pistol uppers while they last. Read more

NRA: Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Department Grant to Equip School Resource Officers

Funding From Dollars Raised at Local Friends of NRA Banquet

The NRA Foundation has awarded the Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Department a grant totaling $6,000 to fund equipment for School Resource Officers assigned the responsibility of protecting our schools. “We are very excited about being the recipients of this grant,” said Sheriff Robert W. “Bobby” Hawkins Jr., adding, “and we are pleased that the NRA is making an investment in the protection of our schools and community.”

Recently, the Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Office received funding for four new School Resource Officer positions for two (2) secondary schools and two (2) primary schools through a Department of Criminal Justice Grant. Those positions will place additional law enforcement resources at Mecklenburg County Schools. The Grant from The NRA Foundation will provide Colt firearms to those officers and will be used to protect the students of Mecklenburg County Public Schools and Mecklenburg County citizens as well.

Mecklenburg County School Superintendent Paul Nichols commented, “Many thanks to Mr. Lee, Mr. Wells, and the members of the Friends of NRA that supported this grant for the safety of our new middle and high school complex. Our new school facility was designed to provide the best safety features available…but no built-in features are as important to us as our team of SRO’s (School Resource Officers).” Nichols added, “They work so hard to support and interact with our students and staff, realizing that their first priority is to establish good relationships with the students, particularly those that come to our schools from difficult home circumstances. Read more

Weatherby Introduces New Centerfire Rifle Action

Sheridan, WY – May 31st, 2023 marks a historical event in Weatherby’s 78-year history, for the first time in over 50 years Weatherby will introduce a new centerfire rifle action, the Model 307™. Meant to complement the historic Mark V® and Vanguard® lineups, the Model 307 is a 2-Lug, fully cylindrical action compatible with many aftermarket accessories. It features a fluted bolt with a tool-less disassembly, TriggerTech trigger, and a detachable magazine to name a few. The goal of 307 was to design an action that could accommodate the vast offerings of stocks, triggers, rails, mounts, and magazines in today’s marketplace. All rifles with Model 307 actions will be built in Weatherby’s Sheridan, Wy headquarters, so shooters and hunters can expect the same precision craftsmanship that Weatherby has delivered since 1945.

Model 307 Builders Action Starting at $749 Read more

SAF Replies to Motion for Summary Judgement in Calif. Magazine Ban Case

Second Amendment Foundation

12500 NE Tenth Place · Bellevue, WA 98005

(425) 454-7012 · FAX (425) 451-3959 ·

BELLEVUE, WA – Attorneys for the Second Amendment Foundation and its partners in a long-running legal challenge of California’s magazine ban statute have filed a memorandum in support of their motion for summary judgment and opposition to the state’s counter-motion for a summary judgment. The case is known as Wiese v. Bonta, originally filed in 2017.

SAF is joined by the Calguns Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Firearms Policy Foundation and several private citizens. They are represented by attorneys George M. Lee at Seiler Epstein LLP in San Francisco and Raymond M. DiGuiseppe at DiGuiseppe Law Firm in Southport, N.C. The case is in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California. Read more

Knife Rights Sues to End Unconstitutional Federal Switchblade Act

Knife Rights has filed a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of portions of the Federal Switchblade Act (Title 15 Chapter 29 §1241), originally enacted in 1958, that restricts the introduction into interstate commerce of common automatically opening (“switchblade”) knives. It also challenges the ban on their possession on Native American reservations and in U.S. territories. The definition of a “switchblade knife” includes gravity knives and butterfly knives.

Joining Knife Rights in the case are members Russell Arnold and Jeffery Folloder and retailer members RGA Auction Services d.b.a. Firearm Solutions and MOD Specialties. They are represented by attorneys John W. Dillon at the Dillon Law Group and R. Brent Cooper at Cooper & Scully. Read more

Michigan: DNR Asks Anglers to Share Details of Muskellunge Fishing Trips

Ready for the statewide muskellunge possession season beginning June 3? Don’t forget to participate in the muskellunge angler survey to help Michigan Department of Natural Resources biologists obtain valuable data on this important sport fish.

“Muskellunge are difficult to survey, so biologists are dependent upon information provided by anglers to help us manage this species, says DNR fisheries biologist Neal Godby in Gaylord. “Angler survey reports give us insight into the relative abundance of muskellunge in a waterbody, size structure of the population, and whether the muskellunge in that waterbody are creating a fishery.” Read more

Michigan: Walk With a Forester

Wednesday, June 7, 10 a.m. to noon
Allegan State Game Area headquarters
4590 118th Ave., Route 3, Allegan, MI 49010

Join us for this free educational walk and forest management workshop at Allegan State Game Area, hosted by the Allegan Conservation District and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and led by district forester Ben Savoie.

Michigan has almost 20 million acres of forest, and oak forests are an important part of Allegan County’s landscape. However, due to development and management that does not always favor oak regeneration, Michigan’s forest landscape has changed over time. Over half of Michigan’s forested land is privately owned, and many of Allegan County’s privately owned forests are small-acreage and owned by families or first-time forest landowners. Read more

Enter the Fifth Annual Big Bass Bonanza Giveaway

Prizes valued at over $7,800.

June 2, 2023 (Winter Park, Fla.) – TBA Outdoors is excited to share the Fifth Annual Big Bass Bonanza Giveaway from Frogg Toggs, purveyor of high-quality rain gear, waders, footwear and accessories.

For its fifth annual giveaway, Frogg Toggs has upped the prize package to greater than $7,800. The chance to enter this bass fishing bonanza prize package runs through Thursday, June 15, 2023. One lucky grand prize winner will receive a bounty of gear from brands like Williams Knife, Lunkerhunt, Orca, Parallel Eyewear and Frogg Toggs.

“For the Fifth annual Big Bass Bonanza Giveaway, Frogg Toggs has put together another fantastic prize package this year with some amazing outdoors brands,” says Todd Fuller, President of TBA Outdoors. “We are excited to see all of these great brands collaborate for the lucky winner.”

Grand Prize Includes:

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Turkeys For Tomorrow supporting nest predator research in Iowa

BOONE, Iowa — Scientific analysis will be done on wild turkey carcasses and wild turkey eggs consumed by mammalian carnivores, thanks to a $15,000 grant from Turkeys For Tomorrow.

TFT’s support goes to aid a study now in its third year of a projected decade of work. Remarkable for its scope and thoroughness, the study attaches transmitters to wild turkey hens during the winter, then follows them through the spring, documenting their survival, their nesting success or failures, their use of the habitat and the precise reasons their reproductive efforts come to grief when they do. The genetic study is led by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources in collaboration with Dr. Dawn Reding, a conservation geneticist at Luther College.

The funds from TFT will go specifically to support DNA analysis of turkeys and eggs that have fallen to mammalian carnivores to identify species-specific rates of nest predation and whether those change over time within nesting seasons or across years. Read more

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