The Alpha Buck

The Alpha Buck
This story begins about a year and a half ago when my wife and purchased a little piece of land not far from the center of Alpharetta, Georgia. Since then, I’ve continued to run trail cams on the property and seen nothing but does; honestly, it’s kind of crazy that not even one small buck has shown up in over a year. In early December, that all changed.
On Wednesday, December 4, an absolute bruiser that I now called the Alpha Buck decided to grace us with his presence. He showed up at midnight in my upper field and then daylighted at 7:15 a.m. that next morning. Naturally, the daylight photos instantly got me fired up… but what really got me going was when my security camera caught him walking down the driveway at noon. I knew then it was on.
That evening, I went over to the property for an afternoon sit. It’s now 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, December 5, and like clockwork he came right in to feed. I smoked him at 30 yards. Broadside, full pass through, a tad back and a little high but surely a fatal shot. Well… This is where the story gets interesting.
Knowing I made solid contact, I backed out and gave the deer a few hours. Read more