The Ultimate Birdhouse Reference

The new book, Making Bird-Friendly Birdhouses, provides a wealth of information about cavity nesting birds and the birdhouses they need.
An example of the detailed, step-by-step, photo-illustrated pages that make this book so helpful and informative.

A new book for all birders clearly describes the step-by-step process of building birdhouses and nest boxes using the best possible plans, plus so much more. The photo-illustrated “how-to directions” come in the form of the new book: Making Bird-Friendly Birdhouses, authored by Mel Toellner and Matt Maguire. Anyone interested in birds, especially cavity nesting birds, will find this book captivating and an essential part of their birding references. There are 88 species of cavity nesting birds in North America, and providing nest boxes is essential to their conservation and well-being as individual species.

As popular as birdhouses are, many are designed with aesthetics in mind rather than a given bird species’ requirements, safety, and preferences. Making Bird-Friendly Birdhouses will help anyone provide the right birdhouse for the birds you are trying to attract by providing an appropriately designed birdhouse. The authors provide step-by-step instructions for each of 15-plus projects to create bird-safe birdhouses, including nest boxes for bluebirds, wrens, chickadees, owls, purple martins, and more. Even if you aren’t interested in “building” a birdhouse, the information in this book will help you make the best selection when buying one. Read more

Wildland fire and equipment professionals invited to October Roscommon Equipment Center workshop

Join Michigan Department of Natural Resources Roscommon Equipment Center staff Oct. 7-11 at the state’s Forest Fire Experiment Station for an in-depth firefighting equipment workshop. Register soon; space is limited to 16 attendees.

The workshop, which provides equipment demonstrations and networking opportunities, is ideal for fire department chiefs, equipment program leaders and other wildland fire professionals.

Activities will include:

  • Facility tour – Learn about available design and testing assistance.
  • Field day – Operate Michigan DNR equipment on experiment station testing grounds.
  • Off-site visit to Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario – A valid passport or enhanced driver’s license is needed for international border crossing.
  • Presentation – Each attendee should prepare a 10- to 15-minute presentation related to fire equipment to foster idea sharing.

To register, email Dave Stockoski by Aug. 31.

The DNR will provide ground transportation to and from Roscommon from the Traverse City Airport and to field activities. Hotel blocks will be arranged by DNR staff in Roscommon, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan and Traverse City. Flights, hotel and meal expenses will be covered by attendees.

The Roscommon Equipment Center program serves state and local firefighting agencies across the nation through specialized equipment testing, design and development.

Learn about the REC ?

Game and Fish Relocates Mountain Lion Caught on Campus of Tucson Medical Center

Wildlife officers from the Arizona Game and Fish Department on Saturday released to the wild a mountain lion that had wandered onto the campus of the Tucson Medical Center on Friday and became entrapped in an enclosed courtyard.

The department was alerted to the presence of the subadult male mountain lion around 10:30 a.m. Friday. With the assistance of officers from the Tucson Police Department, the wildlife officers were able to successfully dart and tranquilize the mountain lion without injury around 12:30 p.m. and moved it to the department’s Tucson regional office in a transport carrier.

Game and Fish officials determined that because the mountain lion was healthy and had not exhibited any previous nuisance behavior, aggression toward humans, or other unacceptable behaviors, it was fitted with a GPS radio collar and released Saturday at a location in the wild away from the Tucson area.

JK Armament 105 VSX Rimfire/9mm Custom Suppressor Configurator

Hammett, ID – One tax stamp, endless options! With the JK 105 VSX Custom Suppressor Configurator you dream it and we build it. This is your chance to build a long suppressor with assorted types of baffles so you can reconfigure it for use on as many of your firearms as possible!

Custom built just for you! Choose your materials, baffle designs, bore diameters, number of baffles, and more and we’ll whip up a JK VSX to your unique specs.

Material Options: Read more

Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 2.0

MARYVILLE, TN. – Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc.

(NASDAQ Global Select: SWBI), a leader in firearm manufacturing and design, announces today the release of the Bodyguard 2.0.

The Bodyguard 380 caught the attention of many when it first launched in 2010 at Shot Show® in Las Vegas. Since then, the series has offered various models with lasers, external safeties, and even engraved slide finishes. With this next generation of micro handguns, Smith & Wesson set out to deliver a pistol with unparalleled performance in a small and lightweight platform.

When compared to the original model, the Bodyguard 2.0 boasts a new profile, has a higher capacity, and includes modern design enhancements that make this the ultimate concealed carry choice. Chambered in 380 Auto, the pistol ships with a flush fit 10-round magazine and an extended 12-round magazine giving the user substantially more capacity, and models will be available with or without a thumb safety. The Bodyguard 2.0 has an overall height of 4-inches, a width just under 1-inch, and weighs in at 9.8 oz unloaded, which provides the user a more comfortable fit and improved control. It also includes a striker-fired design and new flat-face trigger for better consistency for more accurate shots. Out of the box, the pistol ships with a black u-notch rear sight, and a bright tritium-insert front sight, that allows the user to rapidly acquire and stay on target. Read more

Virtus Series by Phenix Rods

Irving, TX – Phenix Rods is excited to announce their new Virtus series of rods, featuring American-made craftmanship and attention to detail. Manufactured in the heart of the Ozark Mountains, the Virtus series places an emphasis on technique-specific rods built to the finest standards.

“When Phenix started we were manufacturing in the United States until the late 90’s,” says Phenix brand manager Vince Borges. “This is big for us. We are so excited to offer a domestically-made rod. Our builders will craft these rods one at a time, making sure that no corner is cut to deliver a rod that lasts and performs.”

The Virtus series will feature both a Blue Diamond as well as a Red Diamond line of rods. With 47 rods split between the 2 series, there is a rod built for every type of technique imaginable. When you buy a Virtus series rod by Phenix, you know you’re buying homegrown quality and craftmanship.

For more information on Phenix Rods, please visit their website HERE, or find them on Facebook and other social media avenues. Read more

SAF WIN: Eighth Circuit Strikes Down MN Young Adult Carry Ban

A three-judge panel in the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has handed down a unanimous 27-page ruling that Minnesota’s ban on concealed carry by young adults is unconstitutional under the Second Amendment, giving a victory to the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and its partners.

SAF is joined in the lawsuit, known as Worth v. Jacobson, by the Firearms Policy Coalition, Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus and four citizens, Austin Dye, Alex Anderson, Joe Knudsen and Kristin Worth, for whom the case is known. They are represented by attorneys Blair W. Nelson in Bemidji, Minn., and David H. Thompson, Peter A. Patterson and William V. Bergstrom at Cooper & Kirk in Washington, D.C.

Acknowledging that the right to keep and bear arms is a natural right, Circuit Judge Duane Benton observed, “First, the right to keep and bear arms ‘is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence. The Second Amendment declares that it shall not be infringed.’”

Judge Benton adds, “Importantly, the Second Amendment’s plain text does not have an age limit…. Ordinary, law-abiding 18 to 20-year-old Minnesotans are unambiguously members of the people. Because the plain text of the Second Amendment covers the plaintiffs and their conduct, it is presumptively constitutionally protected…

“Minnesota has not met its burden to proffer sufficient evidence,” he concludes. “The Carry Ban…violates the Second Amendment as applied to Minnesota through the Fourteenth Amendment, and, thus, is unconstitutional.” Read more

Moultrie Offering Big Savings For Prime Day Promotions

Moultrie, the leading innovator in cellular trail camera and feeder technology, is offering deep discounts on its industry-leading cellular trail cameras and accessories during Amazon Prime Day. On July 16 and 17, Moultrie is offering 25-60% off a wide selection of its most popular cellular trail cameras and accessories, making it the perfect time to upgrade your scouting arsenal or snag a cellular trail camera for the first time.

Moultrie’s industry-leading cellular trail cameras and accessories allow hunters to remotely monitor their hunting grounds and receive real-time updates on wildlife activity, and these discounts make them more accessible than ever.

Prime Day shoppers can expect to save on popular Moultrie products, including: Read more

Pope and Young Announces Two New Whitetail World Records

Pope and Young, America’s leading bowhunting organization, is excited to announce a new World Record Typical Whitetail Deer in Velvet and a new World Record Non-Typical Whitetail Deer in Velvet. Pope and Young convened a special panel to measure these potential World Records at a Measurers Workshop held in Regina, Saskatchewan on June 15th, and these two amazing bucks have been verified as new World Records in their respective categories.

Jack McNaughton shot his Typical Whitetail in Velvet near the Smokey River in Alberta on August 31st, 2013. Jack’s buck has a verified final score of 182 4/8” topping the charts and coming in as a new world record.

“Jack’s buck is one of the most incredible whitetails I have ever seen. The velvet was still in immaculate condition, and the symmetry of this buck is impressive to say the least,” stated Tim Rozewski, Pope & Young Director of Records.

Dallas Heinrichs shot his giant Non-typical Whitetail in Velvet near Hilland Saskatchewan on September 3rd, 2012. Dallas’ buck has a verified final score of 271 0/8” topping the charts by more than 22 inches and coming in as a new world record. Read more

FBI Partners with USPS for Fingerprinting to Appeal Firearm Purchase Denials

To streamline the process for individuals to appeal firearm purchase denials from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), the FBI recently partnered with the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) to assist individuals who have registered with the Identity History Summary Check (IdHSC) program. Registrants can register with a participating post office for digital fingerprinting services. For a $50 fee, the post office will submit the registered customer’s fingerprints to the FBI.

Pursuant to Public Law 92-544, registrants can obtain an IdHSC (also known as a “rap sheet”) for different kinds of NICS appeals:

  • Individuals may challenge their IdHSC record. Examples of challenges could be if the individual thinks a record entry is incorrect, or if an entry for a record is incomplete.
  • Individuals may challenge firearm purchase denials. Possible reasons for incorrect denials could be cases of mistaken identity or incorrect entries in IdHSC records.
  • Individuals may wish to participate in the Voluntary Appeal File. This file contains clarifying information to help reduce unnecessary delays or incorrect denials for firearm purchasers who have been denied more than once or frequently experience delays. Reasons for purchasers to have extra difficulty can include instances of identity theft or mistaken identity

Readers can find more information about the IdHSC program here.

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