Connect-Ease Introduces YAK-EASE Power Pack Pro

Portable, plug & play power system for the quickest, cleanest power kayak rigging possible

Rigging a fishing kayak with today’s sophisticated fishing electronics, lighting, and various accessories can take days, what with having to source and run wire and fuses, match leads, position batteries, etc.

Connect-Ease has been providing the quickest, easiest, and cleanest power boat rigging possible for years. Now—with the recent introduction of YAK-EASE—the company has extended their expertise into the realms of kayak angling with numerous new, problem-solving rigging and power distribution products.

Like the YAK-EASE Power Pack Pro, a self-contained, portable, plug & play power system that provides the quickest, easiest, and cleanest power kayak rigging possible—while saving hours and hours of sketchy rigging in the process.

Whether you’re setting up a basic fishing kayak to a deluxe, tournament-ready fishing kayak—YAK-EASE Power Pack Pro is the best solution available today


More on Michigan’s Wild Hogs

By Glen Wunderlich

Charter Member Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA)

This post is rerun from a few weeks ago and was already published.  Since I had a few questions about wild hogs, Ms. Hauger of the USDA followed up, as promised, today.  Her response is included below…GW

Years ago, a few friends and I learned about the presence of feral pigs in mid-Michigan, sighted in our big-game firearms and headed to an area reported to have been invaded by the invasive hogs.  We poked around and reluctantly headed home without locating a trace.  If it interests you as a hunter, farmer, or as an outdoors enthusiast, a report has been submitted to the DNR this past week of a wild hog in south-central Shiawassee County between Perry and Owosso!  That’s right and I am the person responsible for reporting the shocking experience.

If you live in the area – specifically a mile west of M-52 on W. Tyrrell Road – you may be contacted as part of a USDA investigation into the matter.  While driving on the dirt road at approximately 35 MPH, the large, lone hog scurried across the road without hesitation no more than 40 yards and vanished before my eyes into heavy cover.  I’ve estimated its weight to be approximately 300 pounds.  I really don’t know if my jaw bones have ever been stretched so far down!

After dwelling on the moment, I realized it may be a good idea to report the sighting on the DNR’s website section on invasive species.  Once there, the form gets quite detailed about location, date, and time of the observation.  After that, I followed up with a phone call to Dwayne Etter at 517-284-4725, who is the DNR’s wildlife research specialist in such matters.  Apparently, he was away from the office, so I left a voice mail hoping for a return call that never came.  Not to be denied, I followed up with a call to 517-284-9453, which is the general line and the receptionist directed me to Amberly Hauger of the U.S.Department of Agriculture (USDA) wildlife services division at 517-336-1928 and she promptly answered my call.  The USDA receives national funding to work with the state(s).

I didn’t get some of my questions answered, because officials are notified not to divulge information to members of the media without first conferring with higher-ups.  However, she cordially promised to follow up with answers to specifics later.

If you are not familiar with the appearance of these destructive animals, there are plenty of photos online.

How many we have in Michigan nobody really knows; however, the ferocious beasts have been spotted in many of Michigan’s 83 counties.  Wild hogs are known to carry up to 34 different diseases, some of them highly infectious and deadly to animals and people. These can be spread by a bite, by handling the carcass, or by eating the pork without taking careful precautions. Pig farmers are particularly fearful feral pigs could bring back swine flu. This respiratory disease was eradicated in 1978 only after decades of intense, concentrated effort. It was hard enough to eliminate the disease when it was localized on farms that could be isolated. If this disease were to spread freely among an uncontained population, it would be nearly impossible to contain.

Pursuant to MCL 433.14a(3), individuals not affiliated with the government may kill feral pigs as follows:

  • A person may kill swine running at large on private propertyif the person is, or is accompanied by or has the permission of, the owner or lessee of the property.
  • A person may kill swine running at large on public propertyif he or she possesses either of the following:
    • A license to carry a concealed pistol issued under MCL 28.421 to MCL 28.435.
    • A valid hunting license for any game issued under the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, MCL 324.43501 to MCL 324.43561.
  • This empowerment does not authorize the discharge of a bow and arrow, crossbow or firearm in an area where the discharge of that weapon or hunting of that weapon is prohibited by a local ordinance. MCL 433.14a(4).

Those who kill wild swine under these provisions are to report incidents to local law enforcement.  The Michigan DNR and the U.S. Department of Agriculture may want to collect blood or tissue samples from the carcass to test for diseases or to determine migration patterns for the species.

Below is the response to my questions to the USDA received today 7/10/24:

Hi Glen,

Thanks for being patient and allowing me time to answer your questions in regards to your article for the Argus Press about feral swine.  See below.

  • Are there other pig reports in Shiawassee County?
  • Over the last few years we haven’t received any additional feral swine reports in Shiawassee County. If anyone does see one, they can report the sighting(s) to Michigan DNR’s Eyes in the Field website Select mammals, and then in the dropdown box, select Russian Boar Observation.  USDA Wildlife Services works closely with the Michigan DNR to follow up on any feral swine reports.
  • Can wild pigs be hunted in game ranches?
  • While it’s legal to kill domestic pigs on game ranches, invasive species such as feral swine are a bit different. For more information regarding hunting feral swine, please reach out to the Michigan DNR or visit their website.
  • Are the number of pigs increasing and what is the population doing?
  • The first feral swine report in Michigan was roughly 30 years ago, and though at one point it was documented there were feral swine reports in 72 of the 83 counties.

Today  that is not the case and [there] are only a handful of counties that have verified feral swine reports in the last few years.

Let me know if you have any follow up questions!


Amberly Hauger

Wildlife Biologist

USDA-Wildlife Services

Okemos, MI

Water For Wild Sheep

The Wild Sheep Foundation (WSF) released a new video on the construction of the largest water guzzler in Nevada to combat past drought-related die-offs of desert bighorn sheep.

Nevada is the driest state in the union, and Clark County, which includes Las Vegas within its boundaries, is the driest. It is also home to the Muddy Mountains and one of the southwest’s largest desert bighorn sheep populations.

“Guzzlers are engineered devices designed to capture and hold water, dispensing it into drinking tanks available to desert bighorn sheep and other animals,” explained Kevin Hurley, WSF’s VP of Conservation. “Extreme drought conditions in recent years significantly stressed the Muddy Mountain herds. It was time to go big.”

Working closely with WSF Affiliate the Fraternity of the Desert Bighorn, the Wild Sheep Foundation matched a $30,000 grant from Spanish gunmaker Bergara to help fund a special guzzler project in the Muddy Mountains. The project also received funding from the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW), WSF Affiliates, Nevada Bighorn Unlimited Fallon, and Reno and Meadow Valley Wildlife Unlimited.

“Working with WSF and NDOW on the Muddy 7 project has been an incredible privilege”, said Dakota Russell, Vice President of Bergara Sales. “At Bergara, we were determined to go beyond just providing funding through the Bergara Foundation; we wanted to be actively involved with boots on the ground. While many of the projects’ volunteers may never hold a sheep tag, their dedication to supporting the sheep and other wildlife was unwavering, as if they spent every fall hunting these mountains. This project was truly a team effort, and it required the commitment and hard work of everyone involved to bring it to fruition.” Read more

Smith & Wesson Elevates Performance with New M&P Carry Comp Series

ARYVILLE, TN. – Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc.

(NASDAQ Global Select: SWBI), a leader in firearm manufacturing and design, announces today the release of the Performance Center® M&P9 Carry Comp Series pistols.

Whether you’re looking for a new everyday carry, home defense, or training pistol, this new series has you covered. Built across full-size, compact, and micro-compact frames, Carry Comp Series pistols are chambered in 9mm and come in a variety of capacities. The Shield Plus 4-inch barrel model ships with 10-round, 13-round, and 15-round magazines that allow the user to choose their preferred combination of size and capacity, making it a versatile personal defense carry option. The M&P 2.0 4.22-inch barrel models are offered in metal and polymer frame configurations, come in a 15-round or 17-round capacity depending on your frame-size of choice, and are trusted platforms for any training or personal defense application.

The M&P9 Carry Comp Series was developed with key features to improve the overall shooting experience of the user. The strategically designed Power Port™, located at the end of the barrel at the twelve o’clock position, diverts gas upwards, reducing felt recoil, which improves overall control. With optics-ready slides, if a user chooses to utilize a red dot, the new ClearSight™ Cut is designed to divert gasses away from the optic allowing the user to maintain an unobstructed view. If iron sights are preferred, these models also include a tritium front night sight and blacked-out serrated rear sight out of the box for an enhanced sight picture. Boasting a new aesthetic, M&P9 Carry Comp slides were developed with aggressively angled front and rear serrations to increase reliability and improve manipulation against tougher elements. All new Carry Comp models include flat-face trigger designs, grey Armornite© finished slides, and ship with a Performance Center Cleaning Kit. Read more

Hornady Click-Adjust Bullet Seating Micrometer

Introducing the Hornady® Click-Adjust Bullet Seating Micrometer – a revolutionary tool for precise reloading. This innovative device allows users to easily achieve benchrest accuracy with tactile .001″ click adjustments for bullet seating depth. No more hassle with multiple seating dies and extra costs – simply enhance your Hornady die set with the Click-Adjust Micrometer for optimal performance without breaking the bank.

This micrometer seamlessly replaces the standard seating adjustment on Hornady rifle seating dies, making it a versatile addition to any reloading setup. Users can feel the audible clicks as they make .001″ adjustments, ensuring complete control over bullet seating depth. This hands-on approach guarantees precise adjustments for consistent and reliable results.

The Click-Adjust Micrometer’s swift and effortless functionality streamlines the process of achieving benchrest accuracy. Reloaders can fine-tune bullet seating depth with minimal effort, saving valuable time at the bench. Once the desired depth is set, the micrometer maintains those settings for consistent repeatability, allowing users to reproduce outstanding results with every reload.

Choose Hornady’s Click-Adjust Bullet Seating Micrometer for a cost-effective solution to reloading precision. Elevate your reloading experience with this game-changing tool, offering unmatched precision in bullet seating depth through its intuitive setup and .001″ click adjustments.

Click-Adjust Micrometer Features: Read more

Effort to Ban All Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, and Ranching Defeated in Oregon, For Now

The Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) is pleased to report that as of last Friday, Oregon Initiative Petition 3 (IP-3) officially did not qualify for the 2024 ballot. CSF has been and will continue to be a leading voice against this misguided effort to ban all hunting, fishing, trapping, and ranching in Oregon.

Initially introduced as Oregon Proposition 13 (IP-13) intended for the November 2022 ballot, this proposal would remove all animal cruelty exemptions: criminalizing hunting, fishing, trapping, animal husbandry, pest removal, and more. Thankfully the sportsmen’s and farming communities united in opposition to IP-13, which ultimately led to its demise, in much the same way as our community united to defeat IP-3 this year. While it may be easy to let our guard down after two successive victories, proponents of the now failed IP-3 are expected to take another run at a statewide hunting, fishing, trapping, and ranching ban through IP-28 for the 2026 ballot. Read more

Apply to Hunt on a Game and Fish hunter Management Area

If you’re one of the many hunters making plans to head to a Wyoming Game and Fish Department hunter management area this fall, it’s time to apply for permission slips. Applications for HMAs open 8 a.m. July 11. A successful hunting season begins long before heading afield. Securing permission for access is one of the most important planning steps.

HMAs are typically ranches where Game and Fish manages hunting access. These properties may include portions of various private lands, as well as intermixed leased BLM and state lands within the HMA boundary. HMAs are part of the Access Yes program that facilitates the partnership between private landowners and Game and Fish to provide hunters and anglers free public hunting and fishing access on private land and inaccessible public land. Access Yes also includes walk-in fishing and hunting areas, each of which has its own rules regarding species and access dates. Read more Announces $1,000 Giveaway

Leading Online Retailer Will Give Away Two $500 Gift Cards in July, a leader in the firearms industry, announces a $1,000 giveaway to launch its new e-gift card program. Two lucky winners will be randomly selected to win one $500 gift card each. Eligible adults can enter the contest starting Monday, July 8, with the winner being announced on July 31. Terms and conditions apply, and details are available at Contest.

The new gift card program launched on July 1, 2024, and are designed to offer the ideal present for gun enthusiasts and sportsmen. Secure, protected, and convenient, these digital gift cards provide a seamless shopping experience, ensuring safety and compliance throughout the purchase process.

Gun owners looking to sell and upgrade their firearms through‘s innovative We Buy Guns online system can now choose to be paid with a gift card, receiving a bonus gift card up to $50. The streamlined process allows gun owners to submit their firearms for appraisal in under two minutes, with cash offers sent within 24 hours.

This new product aligns with‘s mission to provide the best online shopping experience for gun owners nationwide. Customers can purchase multiple gift cards in one transaction, making it easy to buy gifts for various recipients. Additionally, customers can schedule e-gift cards to be sent on specific dates, such as birthdays or holidays.

To enter the giveaway, please visit Read more

Shoot ON Announces the Long-Range Giveaway

Shoot ON, the premiere source for firearms reviews, instruction, and DIY gun content, announces the launch of the Shoot ON “Long-Range Giveaway.” The “Long-Range Giveaway” is presented by Shoot ON in conjunction with some of the top names in the shooting sports segment — Mossberg, Boyds Hardwood Gun Stocks, Timney Triggers, TenPoint Crossbow Technologies, and MTM Case-Gard.

The “Long-Range Giveaway” is themed in the spirit of Shoot ON’s industry-leading DIY editorial content. The successful winner will receive a Mossberg Patriot LR bolt-action rifle in 6.5 PRC plus a $250 gift certificate from Boyds Hardwood Gunstocks and a Timney Mossberg LBA Short-Action Trigger along with TenPoint’s new Axis Tripod and a rifle case and ammo crate box from MTM Case-Gard.

The total value of the “Long-Range Giveaway” prize package is $1,560.18.

There is no purchase necessary to enter the “Long-Range Giveaway.” Simply go to the Shoot ON “Long-Range Giveaway” page and select one of 12 easy ways to enter for your chance to win. You can also boost your odds of winning through the Daily Bonus Entry option.

The Shoot ON “Long-Range Giveaway” ends on August 15, 2024, so enter today! Must be 21 to enter. Read more

Millennium Sportsline Stadium Seats: Breathable Fabric for Hot Summer Days

Outdoor enthusiasts have enjoyed Millennium Outdoors’ state-of-the-art seating technology for decades, with comfortable, lightweight, and portable seats at an affordable price. Today, Millennium Sportsline Stadium Seats continues the company’s commitment to superior design and excellence by providing a spectacular seating experience far superior to hard bleacher surfaces. The Stadium Seat easily attaches to any bench-style surface, comfortably suspending the user for unparalleled seating at sporting events, ceremonies, or wherever sitting on traditional benches isn’t the preferred option.

Each Stadium Seat is constructed of durable ComfortMAX fabric that’s highly breathable and naturally circulates air to keep users cool and comfortable. The fabric is also weather-resistant and dries quickly, making it ideal for use in all weather conditions. The Stadium Seat also uses a sturdy, powder-coated aluminum frame that effortlessly supports users up to 400 pounds. An adjustable backrest provides ultimate comfort and support, making the seat the perfect choice for long sits.

At just 5.6 pounds, the Stadium Seat is lightweight and quickly folds down to just 20 x 17 x 7 inches, making it perfectly portable and a cinch to transport over long distances. It also has an adjustable carrying strap for shoulder transport and storage in numerous locations.

An adjustable seat strap with a buckle lets users firmly secure the Stadium Seat to almost any bench surface Its advanced attachment design prevents flipping, tipping, or sliding, giving spectators ultra-secure seating over bleacher surfaces. The seat comes in four colors: red, blue, grey, and black, and it can even be customized to display the logo of any business, club, or religious organization. For spectators looking to stay cool and comfortable during hot summer months, the Stadium Seat is hard to beat!

Millennium Sportsline® Custom Stadium Seat

  • Available in colors Red, Black, Blue, and Grey
  • 1-Year Warranty
  • MSRP: $99.99

Call or visit to inquire about personalized Stadium Seats with a custom logo.

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