Federal Announces Gold Medal Action Pistol Ammunition

Federal Ammunition is proud to announce a new product line called Gold Medal Action Pistol; manufactured specifically for those who compete at the highest level in any action shooting sport. The new Gold Medal Action Pistol offers even better accuracy and consistency than the original Gold Medal, and it’s loaded to competition power-factor requirements. The fully encapsulated FMJ bullet and Catalyst lead-free primer delivers cleaner shooting. The all-new Gold Medal Action Pistol loads are available in 9mm Luger, 147-grain FMJ and 40 S&W, 180-grain FMJ.

Gold Medal Handgun 9mm Luger GM9AP1 | Federal Ammunition

“Gold Medal Action Pistol is specifically designed for the action shooting sports and loaded to power factor requirements with heavy, flatter-nosed bullets for more reliable knockdowns on steel targets in competition,” said Federal’s Handgun Ammunition Product Manager, Chris Laack. “We have a similar product in Syntech Action Pistol that has been extremely successful the past several years, and we are proud to now offer Gold Medal Action Pistol as well. This delivers more options to our competition-focused customers.” Read more

Weapons Abandoned By Biden Administration Appear In Hamas Terror Attacks

— Larry Keane
Keane is Executive Vice President and General Counsel for the NSSF

President Joe Biden’s got a gun problem – one that’s much bigger than the federal charges his son Hunter Biden faces in court.

The surprise terror attacks by Hamas into Israel were made possible, in part, because of U.S. arms left behind in Afghanistan by the Biden administration. Those arms have found their way to another battlefield. Startling images showed Hamas terrorists rampaging through Israeli villages. Some images appeared to show Hamas terrorists armed with U.S.-made military arms. Some of the hundreds of thousands of small arms abandoned to Taliban terrorists in 2021 have been smuggled to Hamas terrorists and were used to kill innocent men, women and children.

President Biden has been myopically focused on stripping gun rights from law-abiding American citizens. Meanwhile, his own failed policies, coupled with diplomatic mistakes, are proving deadly. President Biden has surrendered his authority to wag his finger from Rose Garden lecterns at the firearm industry. His lies that the firearm industry is responsible for illegal international arms smuggling with Mexican narco-terrorists were always untrue. Now, however, the entire world can see. Gun control’s darling president who gave them an office in The White House is America’s largest illicit arms trafficker. His deadly mistakes have cost American lives and hundreds of lives of America’s closest ally in the Middle East and empowered terrorists that chant “Death to America.”

Stage Set

Just a little more than two years ago, President Biden pulled the last U.S. forces out of Afghanistan. Within moments of the last American C-17 lifting off from Kabul International Airport, Taliban forces were seen on international television collecting military weapons – from helicopters and armored vehicles to hundreds of thousands of small arms. One report described the seizure of U.S.-supplied guns as enormous.” Taliban fighters are swapping worn AK-47s for U.S.-made M-4s and M-16s.

Later reports detailed that The White House left $7 billion in weapons and equipment in the wake of the ill-fated Afghanistan withdrawal. That consisted of 600,000 weapons – including 350,000 M-4 and M-16 rifles, 60,000 machine guns and 25,000 grenade launchers. That’s on top of the 23,825 Humvees in Afghanistan, including armored gun truck variants, and nearly 900 combat vehicles, all of which are in the hands of the Taliban, a terror organization that is the avowed enemy of the United States.

Some of them were used by Hamas terrorists invading from Gaza to kill Israeli soldiers and civilians and used to force hundreds of Israelis into captivity as hostages. As recently as June, Palestinian news agencies admitted that U.S. arms captured by Taliban forces were smuggled into Gaza and were being used by terrorists there. NBC News reported on the illicit arms supply to terrorists in Pakistan in January 2023 and Middle East Monitor reported in June that U.S. and Israeli intelligence were aware that U.S. arms were being carried by terrorists in Gaza. Newsweek also reported in June that U.S. arms seized by Taliban forces were arriving in Gaza, along with U.S.-made missiles reportedly being smuggled back to Iran to potentially supply both Hamas and Hezbollah.

Trading Gun Smuggler

This isn’t the first time President Biden and his gun control allies have been duplicitous when it comes to denying Americans their Second Amendment rights but playing fast-and-loose with supplying arms to sworn enemies, mercenaries and terrorists who target the United States and allies. In October 2022, President Biden made a prisoner swap deal with Russia. In exchange for the freedom of Brittney Griner, a WNBA star arrested in Russia on drug charges, the president authorized his State Department to free Viktor Bout, a convicted international arms smuggler from Russia, also known as “The Merchant of Death.”

Bout is a former Soviet-era military officer who was arrested in 2008 in Thailand by U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agents in a sting for proposing a sale of tens of millions of dollars to the Colombian narco-terrorist group Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. The illicit sale was for $20 million worth of “a breathtaking arsenal of weapons — including hundreds of surface-to-air missiles, machine guns and sniper rifles — 10 million rounds of ammunition and five tons of plastic explosives.”

Bout’s history runs much deeper. He was identified as an illicit arms dealer by the United Nations in 2000. He was moving arms to African warlords, Middle East dictators and Central American narco-terrorist groups. His attempt to arm the FARC was what ultimately put him in prison for charges of conspiracy to kill U.S. nationals, U.S. officers and employees, conspiracy to acquire missiles to destroy aircraft and conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization.

Senate Corruption

President Biden’s longtime Capitol Hill gun control ally, U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), was just indicted for a corrupt bribery scheme involving, among other things, greasing the skids for small-arms sales to Egypt, which has its own troubled history of support for Hamas terrorists. Sen. Menendez is accused of taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes in cash, gold bars, a Mercedes-Benz C-300 convertible and home mortgage payments.

Sen. Menendez has been a critic of the U.S. Munition List to Commerce Control List (USML-CCL) export reforms that were finalized under the Trump administration that put greater safeguards around defense items and ensured end-to-end verifications for U.S. manufacturers exporting firearms.

President Biden started out his presidential campaign by calling the firearm industry “the enemy.” NSSF said at the time that the comment was appalling. His presidency has focused on demagoguing the industry that continues to support law-abiding Americans who exercise their right to keep and bear arms. This industry equips our law enforcement to keep communities safe and arms our military to protect the United States against enemies. Meanwhile, arms blithely abandoned in Afghanistan are being wielded against U.S. allies.

President Biden has surrendered his moral authority to lecture the firearm industry when he lets arms slip into the hands of terrorists.


Liberty Ammo Performance Series Comparison – SIG Sauer

Bradenton, FL

Liberty Ammunition continues the “Comparison Series” with statistical comparison to SIG Elite V-Crown personal defense ammunition.

Gary Ramey – CEO of Liberty Ammunition noted “Sig is a premier manufacturer of firearms with a broad line of ammunition. But when it comes to self-defense ammo performance, Liberty Ammunition is lighter to carry and hits harder. A lot harder.” Read more

Redding Reloading Equipment Metric Bullet Seating Micrometer Product Line

Cortland, NY….. As an industry leader in the design, development and production of premium handloading equipment, Redding Reloading is pleased to introduce a new line of Metric Bullet Seating Micrometers for rifle and handgun cartridges. The perfect addition to your Redding Seating Dies, offering handloaders around the world the convenience of fast and accurate changes in bullet seating depth in their measuring scale of preference. Thus, making it easier than ever to fine-tune your favorite loads or take the guess work out of loading multiple bullet types with the same seating die. Read more

Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s Looking to Hire Thousands of Outfitters Ahead of Holiday Season

Companywide event to offer same-day hiring opportunities across several retail departments to provide genuine expert, friendly service to customers

SPRINGFIELD, MO — Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s, North America’s premier outdoor retail and conservation company, is looking to hire thousands of seasonal, part-time and full-time Outfitters to serve customers during the holidays. Read more

POMA Announces New Executive Director

GW: Welcome aboard, sir. Sure can’t hold it against you for being a Buckeye
The Professional Outdoor Media Association is thrilled to announce its new Executive Director, Robert Sexton! He began October 1, 2023.

“Members of the Outdoor Media are the essential ambassadors of our great outdoor heritage, fostering interest in hunting, fishing and the shooting sports, while providing a window to our way of life to the general public. I’m proud to serve them in building a strong POMA to support their important work,” said Rob Sexton.

Rob is one of the most seasoned non-profit consultants and issues management professionals in the country. Following early training working for the Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives and a key committee chairman, Rob joined the staff of the Sportsmen’s Alliance in 1995. Over the next 17 years he rose through the ranks to Senior Vice President, responsible for federal and state legislation, litigation and ballot issues as well as forging strategic partnerships for the organization.

In 2012 Rob launched RTS Strategies, and works as a consultant for non-profit organizations, with a specific focus on executive management and public policy on behalf of organizations related to hunting, fishing, firearms, and the shooting sports. Clients of RTS Strategies have included the National Shooting Sports Foundation, Sportsmen’s Alliance, Union Sportsmen’s Alliance, American Kennel Club, and more.

Rob is a 1990 graduate of The Ohio State University. He and his wife Beth have been married for 30 years and have four grown children and two grandchildren. An avid hunter and angler, Rob enjoys fishing on Lake Erie and hunting wild turkeys, white-tailed deer, pheasant, quail and doves, along with shooting sporting clays when time permits.

Winchester 28 Gauge Ammunition Offerings for Upland and Waterfowl Hunting

EAST ALTON, IL — Winchester Ammunition announces its new selection of 3-inch, 28-gauge shotshells for upland and waterfowl hunting. The new offerings will be shipping this fall.

Winchester continues to offer innovative shotshell products for every hunting situation. With the growing interest in sub gauge for hunting and sport shooting, a modern look at the 28-gauge shotshell was an exciting prospect.

The new shotshells, with increased payloads, will initially be offered in Winchester XPERT® Steel, Bismuth™ and Super Pheasant® lines.

NEW for 2023, Winchester 28-Gauge Offerings:

XPERT Waterfowl & Upland
Winchester XPERT packs a high-velocity, steel-shot payload that brings down birds hard and fast. With a load spec tailored to both upland and waterfowl hunting, trust the time-proven dependability of legendary XPERT shotshells for a successful hunt.

Bismuth Waterfowl & Upland
All the best Bismuth shotshell technology in one lethal load. With increased range, superior downrange energy and better patterns, Winchester Bismuth offers everything that the serious hunter needs when going afield.

Super Pheasant
Winchester Super Pheasant is a premium offering for hunters looking for quality and reliability. Copper-plated lead shot paired with our tight patterning wad ensues hard hitting long-range performance.

About Winchester Ammunition

Winchester is the largest small caliber ammunition enterprise in the world and the leader in delivering innovative ammunition products to hunters, sport shooters, law enforcement and the U.S. Warfighter. The 157-year-old Winchester brand is built on integrity, hard work and a deep focus on its loyal customers. Learn more about Winchester by visiting Winchester.com or connecting with us on Facebook at Facebook.com/WinchesterOfficial.

Winchester: Committed to Safe, Legal and Responsible Firearm Use

As a global leader in the shooting sports and hunting industry, and a brand of 157 years, Winchester is committed to safe, legal and responsible firearm use. Winchester works with key groups like the National Shooting Sports Foundation on a variety of topics important to our industry, including training and education, and on specific programs such as Gun Owners Care and Project ChildSafe. Winchester will continue to support programs, organizations and individuals who promote hunting and shooting sports activities in a positive and responsible environment. Any use of firearms by youth participants should be done under the direct supervision of a parent, guardian or other responsible adult.

About Gun Owners Care

Gun owners care. You care about safety. You care about preventing unauthorized access to firearms. You care about bettering your community, helping those in need, and conserving wildlife and wild places for generations to come. It’s time for gun owners to tell their stories and to show how they’re making a difference. NSSF®, the trade association for the firearms industry, has established the Gun Owners Care campaign to unite gun owners and the firearms industry in this common cause. Visit gunownerscare.org for more information.

Hodgdon Powder Company Unveils New Website

Hodgdon Powder Company, the Gunpowder People, announces the launch of its newly redesigned website, www.HodgdonPowderCo.com. This redesign not only includes a new version of the overarching Hodgdon Powder Company website but also introduces a streamlined structure for all the associated brand’s websites, including IMR, Winchester, Accurate, Blackhorn 209, Ramshot, and the Hodgdon brand. The website also includes easy navigation to the Reloading Data Center, the most comprehensive and trusted online resource for load development. Read more

Sportsmen’s Alliance Granted Intervention in Refuge Lawsuit

The Sportsmen’s Alliance, together with Safari Club International and National Rifle Association, was granted intervenor status in a lawsuit brought against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to phase out lead ammunition in the Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge in West Virginia.

Suit was brought against FWS by anti-hunting organizations for removing Canaan Valley Refuge from a list of refuges where a phase-in of a lead ban had been scheduled in a previous rulemaking by the Service. FWS removed Canaan Valley from the list after the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources opposed including the refuge in the proposal, citing lack of scientific evidence and the expense of nonlead alternatives for hunters.

“This is a great day for the hunting community because we now have a place at the table as this baseless lawsuit moves forward,” said Todd Adkins, vice president of government affairs at the Sportsmen’s Alliance. “We can help show our support for the decision to remove this refuge from the list as we continue to fight for maintaining full access to our public lands for every hunter and angler in America.” Read more

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