Snyder Caves; Others Don’t

“I believe that it is important that these public institutions have clear legal authority to ban weapons from their premises,” he said in his written response to legislation that would allow concealed carry in gun-free zones. “Each is entrusted with the care of a vulnerable population and should have the authority to determine whether its mission would be enhanced by the addition of concealed weapons.”

Just wondering how we will ever ban whackos.

In South Carolina another proposal has been tendered in response to Sandy Hook:  Bill No. 3160, submitted Monday by Rep. Philip Lowe, R-Florence requires that each school employee wishing to carry a firearm on campus would be approved individually by that school’s board. Read more

DNR seeks youthful take on Michigan’s outdoors, invites applications to NRC’s Youth Conservation Council

What will it take to get new generations of potential hunters, anglers and other outdoor recreation enthusiasts excited about and invested in the future of Michigan’s natural resources?

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is going straight to the source – inviting young people between the ages of 14 and 18 who are passionate about the state’s great outdoors to apply for membership to the Natural Resources Commission (NRC) Youth Advisory Council on Fishing, Hunting, Trapping and Conservation.

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Why Should We Be More Like Europe?

So, the United States should become more like Europe?  The gun grabbers would have you belive that it’s so much better over the pond, but reality paints a vivid picture our left-leaning liberals don’t want us to see.  The facts are out, and if anyone thinks removing guns from citizens is the answer, why hasn’t it worked over there?

England’s violent crime record is the worst of countries in the European  union.

The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935,  Australia 92 and South Africa 1,609.

At the same time here in the U.S. the number of federally required background checks of prospective gun purchasers has nearly doubled in the past decade — not coincidentally when violent crime has been in long decline across the nation, according to FBI records.

Yes.  More guns.  Less crime.  It’s true.

And, just try to name a location where mass murders have occured, which is not a gun-free zone.  I’m waiting!

The good news is that people are beginning to understand all of this and Michigan is taking the lead in an effort to address the insanity behind disarming people in areas where whackos prey.  New legislation may be enacted and the story is here…

Hard to swallow?  So, is the poison the Obama administration is feeding us.  Details of the European crime report are here…

POMA Spring Conference A Business-Building Event

GW:  These are my people and my POMA.  Count me in, once again.

The Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA,, is set to host hundreds of outdoor industry communicators and PR and marketing professionals in Columbia, South Carolina, March 6 – 9, 2013, at POMA’s 2013 Annual Business Conference. The event connects traditional outdoor sports media and industry professionals for purposes of generating editorial content. Read more

Walnut Twig Beetle Discovered in Butler County, Ohio

GW:  Bad news, for sure.  In mid-Michigan, we’ve already lost all of our ash trees to Emerald Ash Borer.  The prospect of losing walnut trees is disturbing, although there is no indication this scourge will reach us.

COLUMBUS, OH – The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) and the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) today announced the first discovery of Walnut Twig Beetle in southwest Ohio. The Walnut Twig Beetle is a small beetle known to carry a fungus that causes Thousand Cankers Disease (TCD), which threatens the health and sustainability of walnut trees. At this time, there have been no trees determined to be infested with TCD in Ohio. Read more

MidwayUSA Round-Up Contributions Surpass $1 Million for 2012

GW:  If you can’t find it within yourself to join the NRA, here’s a good option:  Buy your firearm and outdoor gear from Midway and donate a few pennies to the cause of gun rights.  It really adds up!

For the first time ever, MidwayUSA Customer Round-Up contributions topped $1 million in a single year, the highest amount ever donated by MidwayUSA customers since the program launched in January 1992. In the month of November alone, Customer contributions totaled over $100,000, the most that has ever been collected in a single month – two incredible records! Read more

More Atlantic Salmon in Michigan Waters

Michigan became world-famous when it made a daring effort to revitalize the Great Lakes sport fishery by stocking Pacific salmon in the 1960s. While Chinook and Coho fishing still remain very good overall, Michigan is now looking at residents of the other ocean to beef up the Great Lakes fishery: Atlantic salmon.

Highly prized around the world for their sporting characteristics, Atlantic salmon are currently thriving in the St. Marys River, theAtlantic salmon connecting water that drains Lake Superior and flows into Lake Huron. Michigan Department of Natural Resources’ Fisheries Division personnel hope to expand the Atlantic salmon fishery further into Lake Huron. Read more

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