RMEF Supports Wolf Delisting in Great Lakes

The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation today cheered federal delisting of wolves in the Great Lakes states, as well as the State of Wisconsin’s rapid movement toward implementing its own science-based wolf management plan.

Both actions help pave the way toward predator populations that are in better balance with elk, deer and other species commonly preyed upon by wolves.

“Barring any legal holdups from animal rights activists, we should see science-based wolf management and control measures go into effect by February, and that’s great news for conservation overall in the Great Lakes region,” said David Allen, RMEF president and CEO. Read more

Here’s Your Sign

This morning in Shiawassee County, Michigan, after but a scant covering of snow and temperatures in the 20s, an unfortunate driver got his sign.  The vehicle’s tracks can be seen to the guard rail.  Maybe this one should have read:  Watch for Signs.

Anti-Fishing Groups Bypass Ongoing Lawsuit in Attempt to Ban Lead Fishing Tackle

Alexandria, VA – On November 16, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was yet again petitioned by the Center for Biological Diversity and two other anti-fishing groups, requesting that the agency regulate the manufacture and sale of lead fishing tackle of certain sizes and uses under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). If approved, such regulation could result in a de facto ban of lead sinkers, jigs and other popular types of fishing equipment. Read more

Stabenow Calls for Corzine Subpoena

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow, Chairwoman of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee, has called for a subpoena to compel former MF Global CEO Jon Corzine and other MF Global executives to appear before the Agriculture Committee at a hearing on December 13, if they will not do so voluntarily. Chairwoman Stabenow announced she had requested Mr. Corzine’s appearance at the December 13th hearing Monday. To date, Mr. Corzine has not agreed to appear. Chairwoman Stabenow is seeking investigative power to compel him to appear if necessary. Read more

New XUVs Provide Off-Road Performance, Comfort, and Multi-Passenger Capability

CARY, NC – Now it’s easier than ever to conquer tough terrain and bring your buddies and gear along for the ride. The new John Deere Gator ™ Mid-Duty XUV 550 and 550 S4 crossover utility vehicles offer off-road performance, improved comfort, cargo versatility, and the ability to transport up to 4 people across the most challenging landscapes. Read more

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