House panel clears conceal-and-carry gun bill

By a 19 to 11 vote, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee passed a concealed carry bill that would allow permit holders to cross state lines without fear of violating laws.  Of course, Democrats are opposed on the basis of a states’ rights argument.  Oddly enough, they never use that argument when Obama shoves mandates like health insurance down the states’ throats.

Gun Registration Looms in California

This from the US Sportsmen’s Alliance…

Gun Registration Coming to California Unless Governor Acts

Time is Running Out For Sportsmen to Ask Governor Jerry Brown to Veto Gun Registry Bill!

California Assembly Bill 809, introduced by Assemblyman Mike Feuer (D- Los Angeles), was recently passed by the California legislature.  The bill, which requires gun owners to register all firearm purchases and transfers with the state, is still awaiting action by the Governor. Read more

Tasers and Stun Guns May Become Legal in Michigan

Michigan residents with permits to carry concealed pistols also could carry stun guns or Tasers under a measure approved 35-3 on Tuesday by the state Senate. The measure now goes to the House.

Under the Senate legislation, laws that cover the use and licensing of concealed handguns also would apply to stun guns or Tasers. That includes certain no-carry zones such as schools and stadiums.

Michigan would join 43 other states that let residents carry stun guns under certain circumstances. Michigan law has banned the use of stun guns since 1976, with exceptions for police and some other personnel.

Ultimate First Aid Afield

Ultimate Band-Aid for
Worst Case Scenarios

LITTLETON, NH – (FALL 2011) – Earthquakes.
Floods. Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Car crashes. No one has the luxury of knowing
when they or a loved one might be thrust into a situation where they sustain a
potentially life threatening bleeding wound. That’s why consumers need to be
prepared to address these worst case scenarios by always keeping QuikClot Home,
the world’s most effective hemostatic bandage for stopping bleeding, on hand. Read more

USFWS Proposes Gray Wolf Delisting

Following approval of a revised wolf management plan by the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today proposed to remove the gray wolf population in Wyoming from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife. Due to recovery efforts and the provisions of the revised state plan, the Wyoming wolf
population is healthy and stable, current and future threats to wolves have been addressed, and a post-delisting monitoring and management framework has been developed.Today’s formal proposal follows an agreement with the state of
Wyoming that serves as the blueprint for returning wolf management to state control Read more

RMEF Attorneys to Argue Challenge to Wolf Delisting

MISSOULA, Mont.-Attorneys  representing the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and other conservation groups on Nov. 8 will go before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Pasadena, Calif., to argue against “many weak points” in a lawsuit seeking to end state management of gray wolves and return the species to full federal protection. Read more

USSOCOM Family of Muzzle Brake Suppressors Contract Awarded to SureFire

Fountain Valley, CA-SureFire, LLC, manufacturer
of high-end illumination tools and tactical products, has been awarded its
largest suppressor contract to date. The $23.3 million contract, for an
indefinite quantity of sound suppressors, suppressor adapters, blank firing
adapters and training adapters, was awarded by officials of the Naval Surface
Warfare Center, Crane Division-the pri- mary solicitation center for U.S.
Special Operations Command-as part of the Family of Muzzle Brake Suppressors
(FMBS) contract. Read more

Brooke’s First Deer

By Glen Wunderlich

The Perry Youth Hunt Extravaganza held last weekend at the Perry VFW became the gathering place for youngsters ages 10 and up to share their hunting tales of the two-day youth deer hunting season.  For the first time, 10 and 11-year old Michigan youngsters could hunt deer with firearms.  But, not everyone knew of the recent change,
because it came after the hunting rules were published.

When 11-year-old Brooke discovered the news with her father, Earl Parish, on opening day, she agreed to tote a .20-gauge slug gun in  southern Shiawassee County for the afternoon session.  The crossbow she carried afield in the morning was left behind.  It would be a decision that would place the gritty youngster in an elite club as a charter member:  Girls under the age of 12 taking a legal buck on the first day under the new law. Read more

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