Vegan Turns to Hunting, Writes Book

A vegan-turned-hunter reignites the connection between humans and their food sources and continues the dialogue begun by Michael Pollan and Barbara Kingsolver in his newly released book, The Mindful Carnivore: A Vegetarian’s Hunt for Sustenance

As a boy, Tovar Cerulli spent his summers fishing for trout and hunting bullfrogs. While still in high school, he began to experiment with vegetarianism. By the age of twenty he was a vegan. A decade later, in the face of declining health, he returned to omnivory and within a few years found himself headed into the woods, rifle in hand. Read more

Anti-Dove Hunting Bill Introduced in Iowa

Sure sounds a lot like what happened in Michigan a few years back.  Big money from big, national animal rights organization HSUS paid for TV spots depicting sportsmen as anti-dove hunting.  Over 2.1 million flowed into the debate pitting science against emotion.

Emotion won by a 70 to 30 percent “victory” in a referendum vote to discontinue a newly adopted dove season, which was to be on a test basis with wildlife biologists to evaluate effects.  It never made it that far.

It’s odd how anti “big-anything” lefties never seem to complain when they have the almighty dollar talking for them.

Attack on Number One Game Bird Continues in Iowa
For more than a decade, sportsmen in Iowa fought for the opportunity to pursue North America’s number one game bird – the mourning dove.  Last year, the hard work and dedication finally paid off as the Iowa legislature passed Senate File 464 authorizing dove hunting in the state.  Now, just months after the first successful dove hunt, anti-hunting activists are pushing to have the season banned.

On January 19th, State Representative Mary Mascher (D-Iowa City) introduced House File 2061 that would prohibit dove hunting in the state. Read more

Family of outdoors host Fred Trost in fight over debts, show tapes

Outdoor TV show host Fred Trost died a few years ago and now his family is slugging it out over debts and assets.

Sherry Trost, who married Fred in 1988, alleges that Trost’s son promised to pay her $109,000 to cover back taxes and loans owed by his father in exchange for the shows’ tape library and memorabilia she owned.

Fred Trost had promised his wife that if they took ownership, he would repay debts with an expected inheritance but Fred Trost died before receiving the inheritance.  Now it’s he said she said, because Fred left no will.  More here…

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