GW: This bill died last year and has been brought back to life by Representative Matt Lori, whom I worked with last year on this bill. The arguments against the bill are lame.
1) “… could create the perception of a public safety risk…” So, educate the uninformed.
2) “Allowing certain rifles that shoot straight-walled cartridges could result in conservation officers having to enter privately-owned land to check cartridges…” Since the DNR doesn’t enter privately-owned land to check – for the sake of checking – anything else, what’s the big deal about checking calibers. Same with pistols in the Zone III during deeer season. How do they know a pistol meets the requirements – minimum caliber, no centerfire cartridges, etc? They don’t! And, what has been the issue with this over the last decade? None.
Get on with it!
House Bill 4283 (reported from committee without amendment)
Sponsor: Rep. Matt Lori
Committee: Tourism
First Analysis (5-13-13)
BRIEF SUMMARY: The bill would allow the use of certain specific rifles during the regular firearm deer season in the area that is currently restricted to only shotguns, muzzleloaders, and certain types of pistols. Read more