New Gun Bill Would Harm Youth Hunting

GW:  This is asinine and should get no traction, but here it is from MUCC…

A new gun bill introduced in the Michigan Legislature would apply all current license requirements for acquiring, carrying, possessing or transporting a pistol to all firearms, including restrictions on youth carrying or possessing them outside a target range.

House Bill 4774 was introduced by Rep. Jim Townsend (D – Royal Oak) on May 28, 2013. It literally goes through Michigan’s current law on pistol licensing and background checks, crosses out the word “pistol” and inserts “firearm.” Read more

Colorado Group Gathers Enough Signatures for Recall of Gun Grabber Morse

GW:  For those with short memories; for those that don’t have a clear understanding of what happened to left-leaning, gun-grabbing politicians as a result of their anti-gun stances in 1994, here comes a refresher course.

Colorado Springs, CO, June 4,2013, The Basic Freedom Defense Fund (BFDF,the Colorado grassroots group heading the recall of State Senate President John Morse (D-Colorado Springs) has submitted16,046 District 11 voter petition signatures to the Colorado Secretary of States’ office for the recall of John Morse.This exceeds both the 7,178 signatures necessary for the recall and also exceeds the total number of votes (13,451) cast for Morse during his 2010 election. Read more

First NRA Outdoors Long Range Hunting/Shooting School Featuring “Top Shot” Winner Ian Harrison Begins June 6

TULSA, Okla. (June 3, 2013) – Already a go-to resource for hunters and anglers in search of the finest trophy destinations around the world, NRA Outdoors now delivers NRA members access to specialized training from renowned instructors at world-class facilities with the first Long Range Hunting/Shooting School featuring “Top Shot” winner Iain Harrison, which begins June 6. Read more

Straight-Wall Cartridges in Michigan’s Southern Zone III

GW:  This bill died last year and has been brought back to life by Representative Matt Lori, whom I worked with last year on this bill.  The arguments against the bill are lame.

1)  “… could create the perception of a public safety risk…”  So, educate the uninformed.

2)  “Allowing certain rifles that shoot straight-walled cartridges could result in conservation officers having to enter privately-owned land to check cartridges…”  Since the DNR doesn’t enter privately-owned land to check – for the sake of checking – anything else, what’s the big deal about checking calibers.  Same with pistols in the Zone III during deeer season.  How do they know a pistol meets the requirements – minimum caliber, no centerfire cartridges, etc?  They don’t!  And, what has been the issue with this over the last decade?  None.

Get on with it!


House Bill 4283 (reported from committee without amendment)

Sponsor:  Rep. Matt Lori

Committee:  Tourism

First Analysis (5-13-13)

BRIEF SUMMARY: The bill would allow the use of certain specific rifles during the regular firearm deer season in the area that is currently restricted to only shotguns, muzzleloaders, and certain types of pistols. Read more

U.S. District Court Dismisses Lawsuit to Ban Traditional Ammunition

From our friends at the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF):

NEWTOWN, Conn. — The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia today dismissed a lawsuit brought by the radical anti-hunting Center for Biological Diversity and six other groups demanding the Environmental Protection Agency ban traditional ammunition containing lead components. Read more

Obama Administration to Sign U.N. Arms Trade Treaty “In the Very Near Future”

As we reported last month, on April 2, the United Nations General Assembly voted 153-4 to pass the Arms Trade Treaty, with the United States voting in favor and several countries abstaining. The vote in the General Assembly pushed the treaty process forward after negotiations twice failed to deliver on the goal of developing the treaty by consensus. The Obama Administration is expected to sign the treaty soon after it is opened for signature on June 3. Read more

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