Zero Tolerance for Zero Tolerance

GW:  This from the NRA and I couldn’t agree more…

We’ve been reporting very regularly on ridiculous cases involving over-zealous school officials misinterpreting and wrongly enforcing “zero-tolerance” rules.

In March, we reported on an outrageous case of a seven-year-old Baltimore, Md. student who, according to a March 2, Daily Caller article, was suspended for two days for the nefarious act of shaping a breakfast pastry into what his teacher thought looked like a gun.  Yes, a breakfast pastry. Read more

Eliminate armed guards for the President, Vice-President, and their families, and establish Gun Free Zones around them

Gun Free Zones are supposed to protect our children, and some politicians wish to strip us of our right to keep and bear arms. Those same politicians and their families are currently under the protection of armed Secret Service agents. If Gun Free Zones are sufficient protection for our children, then Gun Free Zones should be good enough for politicians.

Check out the petition and/or sign it here…  and good luck getting a response.

House Natural Resources Committee Passes Legislation To Protect All Hunting Opportunities On Public Lands

Washington, DC – Safari Club International (SCI) thanks the 28 members of the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources for their bipartisan vote to pass H.R. 1825, the Recreational Fishing and Hunting Heritage and Opportunities Act of 2013, today.  Further, SCI commends Congressman Dan Benishek (MI) for his leadership to advance H.R. 1825. SCI respectfully requests that this important legislation be brought to the House of Representatives for a floor vote soon. Read more

New Gun Bill Would Harm Youth Hunting

GW:  This is asinine and should get no traction, but here it is from MUCC…

A new gun bill introduced in the Michigan Legislature would apply all current license requirements for acquiring, carrying, possessing or transporting a pistol to all firearms, including restrictions on youth carrying or possessing them outside a target range.

House Bill 4774 was introduced by Rep. Jim Townsend (D – Royal Oak) on May 28, 2013. It literally goes through Michigan’s current law on pistol licensing and background checks, crosses out the word “pistol” and inserts “firearm.” Read more

Colorado Group Gathers Enough Signatures for Recall of Gun Grabber Morse

GW:  For those with short memories; for those that don’t have a clear understanding of what happened to left-leaning, gun-grabbing politicians as a result of their anti-gun stances in 1994, here comes a refresher course.

Colorado Springs, CO, June 4,2013, The Basic Freedom Defense Fund (BFDF,the Colorado grassroots group heading the recall of State Senate President John Morse (D-Colorado Springs) has submitted16,046 District 11 voter petition signatures to the Colorado Secretary of States’ office for the recall of John Morse.This exceeds both the 7,178 signatures necessary for the recall and also exceeds the total number of votes (13,451) cast for Morse during his 2010 election. Read more

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