Home Invader Stopped by Armed Woman with Kids

A woman with twin daughters taught an intruder she was nobody to mess with.  The bad guy searched for her and when he opened a door to a crawl space where she was hiding with the girls, she opened fire.  The six-shooter was emptied with five bullets hitting their mark.  The scumbag tried to escape but crashed his car and collapsed.  When the police arrived he cried for them to help him.  So sad.  Details of the encounter are here…

Survey Finds NRA Members United

FAIRFAX, Va. – The National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action conducted a national scientific poll of its members and found near unanimity among NRA members on a wide range of issues involving mental health reform and firearm rights.

Gun control advocates including New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, as well as various media outlets, have released data claiming to represent the views of NRA members, despite the fact that none of those surveys had access to the NRA’s membership list. The NRA survey of 1,000 randomly-selected NRA members across the country is the only legitimate survey of NRA members in existence. Read more

Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show

National Shooting Sports Foundation Statement on the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show


We have just learned that Reed Exhibitions has decided to postpone the 2013 Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show.

In  the days following Reed Exhibitions’ announcement that modern sporting  rifles would be prohibited from the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show, the  leadership of the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) has been  in intense, frank discussions with Reed Exhibitions management in an  effort to reverse this unacceptable decision. These discussions reached  an impasse.

NSSF  is in no way affiliated with, nor does it participate in or exhibit at  this show in any way. Reed Exhibitions does, however, manage the  NSSF-owned SHOT Show (though Reed manages the SHOT Show, all SHOT Show  decisions, policies and actions are made at NSSF’s direction).

Because of Reed’s recent actions, NSSF is considering all options regarding the management of future SHOT Shows.

More Michigan Gun Grabbing Pushed

A Lansing Michgian State Representative, Andy Schor (Democrat, go figure) is pushing a measure to stop open carry of firearms.  On the other side is Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners (MCRGO), attorney Steve Dulan:  “I call this type of legislation the  creation of mass murderer empowerment zones,” Dulan said. “When you  establish, in law, a place where law-abiding citizens are not allowed to bring weapons for self defense, you are creating a magnet for these  mass killers.”  More here…

Bulls-Eye Introduces New 1,000 Yard Wireless Camera System

EUGENE, OR – Bullseye Camera Systems, LLC., a developer of innovative products for the shooting industry, has recently announced its flagship product, the “Bullseye Camera System”.   The Bullseye Camera System is a wireless target camera that is placed 2-8 feet away from the target and wirelessly transmits back to your shooting location where you can view each and every shot as it happens, directly on your laptop. Read more

Trade Show Boycott

In a surprise move, just weeks before the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show is to open, Reed Exhibitions, on Jan. 17, announced it was banning modern sporting rifles from the show. The show is the largest outdoor sports show in the United States and perhaps the world.

When the word spread at the firearms industry’s largest trade show, the Shooting Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show (sm), reaction among exhibitors and attendees was fierce.  More here…

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