Who Pays for School Guards?

Just read this lead-in to a piece in a local newspaper:  School officials have one response to the National Rifle Association’s call for armed police in every school: Who’s paying?  My question is rhetorical:  Who has paid so far?

There is a price to pay for everything.  So, the answer is in one’s priorities.

Here is one solution.  Remember when Obama visited his friend Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela and committed billions of our tax dollars to pay for his oil production efforts?  Then Obama remarked that the U.S. would be his best customer?

Let’s start right there by putting that cash toward school security.  Want more ideas?  More Read more

The NRA Speaks for Change

The National Rifle Association’s 4 million mothers, fathers, sons and  daughters join the nation in horror, outrage, grief and earnest prayer for the  families of Newtown, Connecticut … who suffered such incomprehensible loss as a  result of this unspeakable crime.

Out of respect for those grieving families, and until the facts are known,  the NRA has refrained from comment. While some have tried to exploit tragedy for  political gain, we have remained respectfully silent.

Now, we must speak … for the safety of our nation’s children.   Here is the plan in their own words:  http://nranews.com/pressconferencereplay.html Read more

Associated Press Clouds the Gun Debate with Its Ignorance

By Glen Wunderlich

There are so many opinions about “doing something” about guns, I’ve purposely avoided comment to date.  But, after reading an AP piece, it’s easy to see why people become confused.

It begins by stating that the previous “assault weapons” ban was considered imperfect by many.  Then it starts the misinformation indicating that if the ban had been in place during the Sandy Hook killings, it would have been illegal for the gunman to use the 30-round magazines…

First of all, Read more

Snyder Caves; Others Don’t

“I believe that it is important that these public institutions have clear legal authority to ban weapons from their premises,” he said in his written response to legislation that would allow concealed carry in gun-free zones. “Each is entrusted with the care of a vulnerable population and should have the authority to determine whether its mission would be enhanced by the addition of concealed weapons.”

Just wondering how we will ever ban whackos.

In South Carolina another proposal has been tendered in response to Sandy Hook:  Bill No. 3160, submitted Monday by Rep. Philip Lowe, R-Florence requires that each school employee wishing to carry a firearm on campus would be approved individually by that school’s board. Read more

Cerberus Capital Management Cashes in Freedom Group, Inc.

Thanks to the OutdoorPressroom.

“… We have determined to immediately engage in a formal process to sell our investment in Freedom Group.”

GW:  Gotta admit, they’re bailing at the top…

NEW YORK, Dec. 18, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — We were shocked and deeply saddened by the events that took place at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT on December 14, 2012.  We cannot comprehend the losses suffered by the families and friends of those killed by the unthinkable crimes committed that day.  No words or actions can lessen the enormity of this event or make a dent in the pain that was inflicted on so many. Read more

Teachers Favor Helplessness in School

On the verge of history to repeal Michigan’s gun-free-zones’ helplessness, comes this…

The unthinkable murder spree at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., Dec. 14 is a “chilling and heartbreaking reminder that firearms have absolutely no place in our schools,” wrote American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten and AFT Michigan Chapter President David Hecker in a letter to Snyder.

“Gov. Snyder, please show the kind of leadership that students, families, educators and community members need to be as safe as possible in their schools,” they wrote. “You can set an example for Michigan and the nation by taking this small but significant step to reduce gun violence by vetoing S.B. 59.”

Gun Control Facing Setback in Michigan

This from Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners…

Michigan Legislative Update This Bill is not yet law

Senate Bill 0059 – Passed by both House and Senate:  If signed into law … The bill would amend the Handgun Licensure Act (1927 PA 372) to:
* Eliminate county concealed weapon licensing boards and transfer all duties and responsibilities to the county sheriffs.
* Allow licensees and applicants that meet certain requirements to apply for exemptions to carry concealed pistols in most no-carry zones.
* Exempt individuals that have applied for and been granted an exemption to carry concealed pistols in no-carry zones.  Read more

More Poison, Please!

In 2011, Connecticut was rated the fifth toughest by the pro-gun control Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence on a scorecard which gave points for each restriction the group favors.

So, the gun grabbers will lobby for more of this poison, because they haven’t had enough of it.


Why Should We Be More Like Europe?

So, the United States should become more like Europe?  The gun grabbers would have you belive that it’s so much better over the pond, but reality paints a vivid picture our left-leaning liberals don’t want us to see.  The facts are out, and if anyone thinks removing guns from citizens is the answer, why hasn’t it worked over there?

England’s violent crime record is the worst of countries in the European  union.

The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935,  Australia 92 and South Africa 1,609.

At the same time here in the U.S. the number of federally required background checks of prospective gun purchasers has nearly doubled in the past decade — not coincidentally when violent crime has been in long decline across the nation, according to FBI records.

Yes.  More guns.  Less crime.  It’s true.

And, just try to name a location where mass murders have occured, which is not a gun-free zone.  I’m waiting!

The good news is that people are beginning to understand all of this and Michigan is taking the lead in an effort to address the insanity behind disarming people in areas where whackos prey.  New legislation may be enacted and the story is here…

Hard to swallow?  So, is the poison the Obama administration is feeding us.  Details of the European crime report are here…

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