OK to Bear Arms, but only Inside the Home: Appeals Court

New Yorkers, who wish to exercise their Second Amendment rights by carrying concealed pistols, are out of luck, based on an Appeals Court decision.  Requiring gun owners to obtain concealed-carry permits was in line with the state’s interest in protecting public safety and didn’t run afoul of the Second Amendment, the appeals court ruled.  But, obtaining them is near impossible. The Supreme Court may get this case, which should settle the issue of whether the Heller decision in 2008 only addresses the right to bear arms only applies to inside one’s home.  Crazy stuff is here…

U.S. Senator Moran Reaffirms Senate Opposition to U.N. Arms Trade Treaty

This from the NRA…

As we recently reported and warned would happen, following the election, the Obama administration moved forward with its plans to support a United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.  On Wednesday, November 7–the day after Election Day–the U.S. Mission to the U.N. made clear its support for renewed ATT negotiations, casting a vote in favor of a resolution that calls for a “Final United Nations Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty” to be held in New York City from March 18-28. Read more

CCRKBA Defends Stand Your Ground at Florida Hearing

BELLEVUE, WA – The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today defended the legal concept of Stand-Your-Ground, which is the law in 24 states, during a public hearing in Florida, where a movement is underway to change that state’s statute.
CCRKBA Legislative Director Joe Waldron told the committee examining Florida’s law that the state should not change a law that has been working for seven years. Florida Gov. Rick Scott appointed a commission to examine the law earlier this year following public outcry over the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. Read more

Obama Administration Endorses New U.N. Arms Trade Treaty Negotiations

Just as NRA warned would happen, following the election, the Obama administration has moved forward with its plans to support a United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. On Wednesday November 7, the U.S. Mission to the U.N. made clear its support for renewed ATT negotiations, casting a vote in favor of resolution A/C.1/67/L.11. The resolution calls for a “Final United Nations Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty” to be held in New York City from March 18-28. Read more

Michigan Update: Your Help Still Needed to Repeal Handgun Registration

As previously reported here by the NRA-ILA, the Michigan State Police are still trying to defeat House Bill 5225, legislation that would eliminate the state handgun “permit-to-purchase” and registration requirements in Michigan.  This important legislation is currently pending consideration by the state Senate, so the Senate leadership needs to hear from gun owners across Michigan today!  This bill has faced increased opposition by the MSP.  Read more

Help Repeal Handgun Registration in Michigan

Contact Your State Senator Today

House Bill 5225, legislation that would eliminate the state handgun “permit-to-purchase” and registration   requirements, is currently stalled in the Michigan Senate. The reason for this delay stems from opposition by the Michigan State Police, as well as Governor Rick Snyder’s office, asking Senate leadership to “hold” HB 5225. The Michigan State Police, never friendly to pro-gun reforms, including the current state Right-to-Carry law, has even proposed a number of crippling amendments to HB 5225 that would perpetuate Michigan’s antiquated registration system in the event that they are unable to stop its passage. Read more

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