CCRKBA Applauds Washington Post Expsure of Anti-Gun Falsehoods

BELLEVUE, WA – The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is applauding Monday’s exposure by the Washington Post of questionable data about school shootings used by the gun prohibition lobby to stoke public emotion against Second Amendment rights.

The newspaper’s fact checker confirmed what was first suggested last year following an Oregon incident: Anti-gunners use an overly broad definition of “school shooting” to pad the data. This followed a claim by Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) that since Sandy Hook there has been, on average, one school shooting a week. By the newspaper’s math, that would put the total around 128 incidents. The newspaper said the source for the claim is a report by anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety.

“Anti-gunners have essentially been cooking the books,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “This isn’t the first time a newspaper has called Everytown on this claim and it should cause the press, and the public, to wonder what other misleading claims the gun ban crowd has been making.”

The Washington Post gave Murphy’s claim a whopping “Four Pinocchios,” an allusion to how the famous cartoon character’s nose grew when he told a fib. It is “tantamount to calling something a bald-faced lie,” Gottlieb said. Read more

Savage Arms Introduces Magnum Target Rifle in 338 Lapua Magnum

SUFFIELD, Conn. – Long-range shooters who chamber the 338 Lapua Magnum have long been limited to a relative handful of expensive target rifles. The new Model 112 Magnum Target from Savage Arms™ provides a highly effective and more affordable platform for the powerful cartridge. Shipments of this new model are currently being delivered to distributors.

Savage built the rifle around its single-shot Magnum Target Action, and then coupled it with a pillar-bedded heavy barrel and Target AccuTrigger™, which can be adjusted by the shooter to a pull of just 6 ounces. The result is competition-grade accuracy at a price that lets shooters afford to send more rounds downrange.

Features & Benefits
• Single-shot Magnum Target action built to handle the 338 Lapua Magnum cartridge
• 26-inch heavy barrel, matte finish
• Target AccuTrigger can be set to as low as 6 ounces of pull
• Oversized bolt handle
• Gray laminate stock with pillar bedding
• Muzzle brake
• 12 pounds, 49.8 inches long Read more

Explosives and Gun Safes…Sound like fun

What is the perfect way to test the strength of a Gun Safe? Blow it up of course! That’s what Liberty Safe has done in its most recent round of their now famous torture testing. With the help of professional munitions experts, Liberty detonated explosive charges from the inside of the Safe to challenge the integrity of the Safe’s construction. A Liberty Fatboy and Fatboy Jr. are pitted against equivalent competitive brands to see which safes are the toughest!
Liberty’s advanced 2-piece body creates a much stronger box than other brands. When pitted against similarly priced safes, Liberty always outperforms. “We have been building safes for over 27-years and we know what it takes to build them right!” says Jamey Skousen, director of Marketing at Liberty. “Just because two safes may look the safe on the outside, it doesn’t mean they are built the same. That is why we do this kind of testing…it really shows that with a Liberty Safe, you are getting the best built safe for your money.”
Liberty Safe – Made in the USA! Read more

Core Rifle Systems Great American Giveaway

Ocala, Fl – In celebration of our countries unanimous Declaration of Independence that was adopted and passed in the United States Congress, by the representatives of the American people, CORE Rifle Systems “Annual Great American Giveaway” will be coming to a close.

CORE’s Great American Giveaway runs from April 27th 2015 through July 3rd 2015 at 12:00 Noon EST.
An individual winner will be determined from all eligible entries received. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. The winner will be awarded the CORE Rifle Systems – CORE15 Roscoe RB1 Pistol described in the details of the contest located Pistol configuration will be modified prior to transfer if prize winner resides in states with firearms regulations exceeding that of the Federal Government. Read more

The Gun Show Loophole Lie

By Glen Wunderlich

The gun show loophole is a term that’s been tossed around loosely by anti-gun activists for two decades, or so.  But, just what is it?  First, defining the term loophole is necessary:  a law addressing a certain issue that can be circumvented, because of a technical defect in the said law.  Relative to gun shows, the term infers something underhanded takes place at gun shows.

The root of the hype stems from the fact that some sellers of firearms are exempt from federal licensing requirements at gun shows.  This is true.  But, since 1938, those in the business of selling firearms have been required to obtain federal firearms licenses.  The operative term is “in the business.”

It is also true that all existing gun laws apply equally at gun shows as they do to any other place where guns are sold. If a dealer sells a gun from a business location, his home, or from a gun show, the rules are exactly the same. Dealers get authorization from the FBI for the sale only after the FBI runs its instant background check for each sale.

On the other hand, those who are not engaged in the business of selling firearms, but who may sell firearms from time to time, are not obligated to obtain the federal firearms licenses required of gun dealers or to contact the FBI before sales. It doesn’t matter where the guns are sold whether at a gun show or from a home. That’s why you may see ads in the newspaper or elsewhere by private individuals selling firearms.

Now comes U.S. Representative Carolyn Maloney with bill H.R. 2380 introduced last month titled Gun Show Loophole Closing Act of 2015. With a title like that, one would think it somehow addresses the mythical perception being perpetuated by political opportunists. Instead, it attempts to make gun-show compliance more onerous for operators. By so doing, some proprietors may just give up.

With the understanding of what a gun show loophole is – and, is not – here’s the bill, which has a counterpart in the U.S. Senate.

Gun Show Loophole Closing Act of 2015

Amends the federal criminal code to make it unlawful for any person to operate a gun show unless such person: (1) has attained 21 years of age; (2) is not prohibited from transporting, shipping, or receiving firearms and has not violated any federal firearms requirements; (3) has registered with the Attorney General as a gun show operator and has provided a photograph and fingerprints; (4) has not concealed material information nor made false statements in connection with a gun show operator registration; and (5) notifies the Attorney General of the date, time, and duration of a gun show not later than 30 days before the commencement of such show and verifies the identity of each vendor at the gun show.


Imposes recordkeeping requirements on gun show operators and criminal penalties for failure to register as a gun show operator and maintain required records.

Grants the Attorney General authority to enter the business premises of any gun show operator, without a showing of reasonable cause or a warrant, to examine records and inventory to determine compliance with this Act.

Increases criminal penalties for serious recordkeeping violations and violations of criminal background check requirements.

Authorizes the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to hire additional investigators to carry out inspections of gun shows.

In summary, if there is no gun show loophole – and, this bill certainly doesn’t address the loophole misconception – then what is this proposed legislation’s purpose? It would simply create a means to apply more authoritarian pressure on law-abiding citizens to give up their Second Amendment rights and to grow government through meaningless bureaucracy and expense.

It’s one thing government has always been good at doing.

CVA ACCURA V2-LR in Realtree MAX-1

COLUMBUS, GA– The CVA ACCURA V2-LR, available in Realtree MAX-1, stands out among all break-action muzzleloaders on the market today.

Its premium, custom quality Bergara Barrel is recognized as the most accurate production muzzleloader barrel in the world, and is now available in Nitride treated 416 grade stainless-steel. The ACCURA V2-LR rifle also includes CVA’s patent-pending QRBP “Quick-Release Breech Plug” – the only such breech plug on the market that can be easily removed with your fingers and no tool. Plus, the ACCURA V2 stock and forestock are upgraded with a SoftTouch coating and rubber grip panels – making it comfortable and secure even in the foulest weather. Read more

Rollermag from ProMag


PHOENIX, ARIZONA — NOW SHIPPING! The new PROMAG® Rollermag™ RM30 magazine reinvents the wheel by adding them to their NEW friction-free, anti-tilt follower. This revolutionary Rollerfollower™creates a smooth, rolling, controlled feed for maximum friction reduction in the TECHNAPOLYMER™ magazine body. The guided, anti-tilt follower rolls smoothly without contact to the body, only the stop. Read more

UTG Introduces Vanquish 700 Long Range Flashlight

Libre means freedom. UTG’s new EL700 High Lumen Flashlight with L.I.B.R.E. (Light with Integrated Brightness Regulated Emitter) Dimming Technology places the amount of visible light firmly in the user’s hand, giving you the freedom to adapt to your surroundings and granting you maximum situational control. State of the art circuit board design, advanced mounting solutions, and superior handling performance combine to make this the flagship of UTG’s new illumination line up. One click of the soft textured end cap button unleashes a powerful 700 lumens of white light capable of illuminating a target out to 400 yards effectively. When less light is needed, a Lumen Control Pad placed strategically on the center main body allows you to scale the brightness all the way from 700 lumens down to 20 lumens any time you need. In any environment you want to adapt to, simply press and hold the pad until the desired brightness is reached. Should a threat be encountered, a double- click on the Lumen Control Pad will ignite an aggressive rapid strobe mode that can temporarily blind or confuse an aggressor or serve as a distress beacon in emergency situations. Read more

Blaser R8 LONG RANGE: A Powerful Performance

Long range shooting enthusiasts and hunters will agree size does matter. While the targets are different the requirements are the same and now the Blaser R8 will be available in .338 Lapua Magnum.

The .338 Lapua Magnum displayed superior qualities for trajectory and down range bullet penetration without the erosion of the barrel found in other high velocity calibers. The specific demands of the caliber did however present challenges that many manufacturers could not overcome.
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Not so at Blaser. The relentless passion to refine hunting equipment and to offer the broadest caliber selection to shooting enthusiasts and hunters alike led to the modification of R8 magazine/trigger housing in such a way as to easily accommodate the .338 Lapua Magnum. Read more

New Colorful Hi-Point Carbines from Hi-Point

Dayton, OH-Hi-Point Firearms is known more for tough, reliable, accurate, low-cost guns than for “pretty” guns, but now they have one that looks cool, too!

After years of requests, Hi-Point has started producing new camouflage Carbines – and they do look cool! No more Henry Ford Model T policy of “you can have it any color as long as it is black.” The patterns are digital desert tan (shown below), woodland (subdued grey/green/brown/black combination), and a fun screaming pink camo pattern. Read more

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