Hundreds of geese banded in southeast Michigan

Michigan Department of Natural Resources wildlife biologists, staff and volunteers helped to round up and band over 1,000 Canada geese in Southeast Michigan last month.

girl helps band gooseThe geese were banded as part of a national effort to track the population and movement of Canada geese in the United States. In North America, biologists band more than 200,000 ducks and nearly 150,000 geese and swans each year.

In the latter part of June, geese molt their primary flight feathers and are unable to fly, making them easier to capture and band.

“We banded 170 birds at three locations in Jackson and Hillsdale counties,” said DNR wildlife biologist Kristin Bissell. “We had 11 very enthusiastic, hard-working volunteers who helped make it a success!  We’re happy that a sample of the geese from the south central portion of the state will be represented in the banding effort!”

During the banding process, Read more

Duck Breeding Population Estimates Show Promising Numbers

While just below last year’s record numbers, 2013 duck populations are still well above long-term averages

PRATT­- Duck populations are strong, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) 2013 Report on Trends in Duck Breeding Populations. The preliminary estimate of total duck populations from the traditional survey area (northcentral United States, southcentral and northern Canada, and Alaska) is 45.6 million birds­- a six percent decrease from last year’s estimate of 48.6 million birds, but a 33 percent increase from the long-term average. In addition to estimating duck populations, the survey also examines habitat conditions. Read more

Day 6 PlotWatcher Pro Technology

Day 6 Outdoors, an industry leader in time-lapse cameras, is challenging you to stop guessing where to hunt and use its PlotWatcher Pro instead. With time-lapse technology, HD capability and an unmatched battery life, the PlotWatcher Pro is the only tool you need to take the guesswork out of choosing a location for your treestand or ground blind. Read more

ZEISS Announces The New CONQUEST RIMFIRE Riflescope

NORTH CHESTERFIELD, VA., July 24, 2013 – Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, the world’s leading manufacturer in high performance sports optics, is pleased to announce the launch of the new CONQUEST RIMFIRE 3-9×40 Riflescope. This new addition to the CONQUEST line is the perfect choice for various types of target plinking, small game or turkey hunting.

The product is based on the tried and tested, compact 1-inch CONQUEST line delivering bright images and generous eye-relief. CONQUEST RIMFIRE has ¼ MOA, is parallax adjusted for 50 yards, and features the Z-PLEX (#20) reticle in the second image plane for fast, precise shot placement on small targets. Read more

1.7 Million Acres Accepted for CRP, Acre Totals Now at 26-Year Low

Pheasants Forever has grave concerns regarding continued massive habitat losses through weakening CRP

Washington, D.C. – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will accept 1.7 million acres offered under the 45th Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) general sign-up, lowering Conservation Reserve Program total acreage to 26.9 million acres. Now at a 26-year program low, Pheasants Forever calls this depletion a modern low point for conservation, one which will have serious ramifications not only for wildlife, but for the nation’s soil and water quality as well. Read more

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