Up Close Bear Hunt with Action
A Saskatchewan black bear hunt that’ll keep you watching. Sometimes it’s just too close for comfort…
Outdoor commentary and legislative issues.
A Saskatchewan black bear hunt that’ll keep you watching. Sometimes it’s just too close for comfort…
Overland Park, Kan. – The new 1X MP Zombie Assault sight from Bushnell features one power magnification and a versatile illuminated reticle that allows shooters to quickly acquire targets in shooting games, competition or while honing their skills at the range.
The new 1X MP Zombie Assault sight features an illuminated T-Dot reticle with five brightness settings. In addition, the reticle can be displayed in red or green, allowing the shooter to control both the brightness and reticle color and select the best combination based on ambient light conditions. Read more
Video 2: Socializing and Crate Training
In the second installment of the monthly D.T. the Dog training videos from D.T. Systems, dog trainer Dan Ihrke talks about the importance of socializing with your new puppy and creating a strong bond with your dog. Dan also shows how simple it can be to crate train your new puppy. Dan goes through several steps to putting your dog into a kennel and shows the proper way to take a dog out of the kennel. Read more
By Glen Wunderlich
It was incomprehensible to me that Wisconsin does not have a hunting season for woodchucks, but sure enough, it’s true. State Representative Andre Jacque (R) from De Pere, however, has prepared a bill to remove the burrowing rodents from protected status. That’s right. They’re protected in Wisconsin, while in adjacent Michigan the season is open year-round with no limit.
Apparently, Wisconsin is short on qualified weather forecasters. Or, maybe it has a soft spot for the varmints because the city of Wausau has a baseball team dubbed the Woodchucks. The DNR can’t offer a reason for protection, either.
Predictably, Wisconsin’s chapter of the Sierra Club’s director, Shahla Werner, thinks hunting woodchucks (or, groundhogs in some circles) is just plain irresponsible, because she’s never heard of anyone eating them. Read more
Recent data reported by animal rights charity group, PETA, reveal the anti-group killed 89.4% of dogs and cats placed in its shelter at the Virginia headquarters in 2012. Read more
The U.S. Senate has announced that anti-gun legislation will be heard on the floor next week. While that could change at any time, right now it means that your Second Amendment freedoms are on the chopping block, and you need to take immediate action to save them. Read more
This from Michigan United Conservation Clubs…
Contact: Tony Hansen, Chief Information Officer; thansen@mucc.org 269-420-9510
Statement from MUCC Executive Director Erin McDonough On Anti-Hunter’s Petition Collection Process
“We are not surprised that the group ‘Keep Wolves Protected’ was successful at purchasing the signatures required for a ballot referendum with funds provided by the anti-hunting organization, Humane Society of the United States. We are, however, saddened by the waste of resources expended by a group that claims to support wildlife in an effort that will ultimately delay science-based management of wolves,” said Erin McDonough, Executive Director of MUCC. “The coalition and Washington-based HSUS have openly boasted about the fact that they would spend between $3 and $6 per signature to obtain the necessary signatures in an effort to force their agenda on the people of Michigan. As true conservationists, we see that as a tremendous waste of resources that could have been put to use to actually help aid conservation efforts, improve habitat and ultimately make a real difference for wildlife.” Read more
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is offering more than 25 state-owned properties in four Michigan counties for sale by sealed-bid auction at www.michigan.gov/landforsale.
Remember the legal odyssey involving Feld Entertainment, owner of the Ringling Bros. circus, and a cabal of animal rights groups? If you don’t, here’s the summary: Animal rights groups sued the circus alleging elephant abuse and lost. The court concluded that their key witness was a essentially a “paid plaintiff and fact witness” who was “not credible.” Feld countersued under federal RICO statutes, alleging racketeering, fraud and witness bribery.
The second case is ongoing, but it is in the first lawsuit that there is news. Lots more here…
BELLEVUE, WA – The controversial Arms Trade Treaty passed by the United Nations General Assembly (GA) with the United States’ support represents an alarming policy shift, and a potential threat to American gun rights, the Second Amendment Foundation said. Read more