Wyoming Governor Signs Suppressor Bill into Law

The American Silencer Association is pleased to announce that Wyoming’s SF0132 Hunting with Silencers bill was signed by Governor Matt Mead Monday. This makes Wyoming the 28th state to allow hunters to use sound suppressors while hunting. The law, which goes into effect July 1st, 2013 will make it legal to hunt varmints, big game and trophy animals with sound suppressors. It also legalizes the possession of suppressors “anywhere where game MAY occur” in Wyoming. Read more

Muzzy Introduces The Trocar

PROCTOR, Minn. (February 19, 2013) – Muzzy Outdoors, the makers of the world’s number-one selling fixed-blade broadhead, has truly reset the bar on this category of broadhead with the introduction of its newest design, the three-blade Trocar. Engineered for undisputed toughness and accuracy, this new fixed-blade broadhead features a 0.035-inch-thick helix-blade design that provides field-point-like accuracy as well as unbelievably lethal performance on game. Read more

Missouri Proposal to Destroy or Surrender Firearms

Missouri Democrats in the state House have proposed a bill that would force gun owners  to either surrender or destroy firearms including semi-automatic rifles with  detachable magazines and semi-automatic pistols with  fixed magazines that can  shoot more than 10 rounds before being reloaded.

Ammunition-feeding devices that can hold more than 10 rounds also would be  banned. Owners also could send their weapons to another state instead of  surrendering or destroying them.  Man that’s a relief!   The innane idea is here…

Montana Police Stand Against Obama and Feds

You may have heard who police are supporting more gun control measures, as proposed by Obama.  But, what we fail to see presented by the national media is that only certain sheriffs support gun control – appointed sheriffs, that is.  You see, those that have been appointed fear reprisals, if they don’t follow in the footsteps of gun-grabbing superiors.  On the other hand, law enforcement officials, who have been elected to office, hold another view and understand what “…shall not be infringed” actually means.  Accordingly, they are standing tall in the face of more federal mandates.  Montana is one such state and a “sheriffs first” bill has been introduced.

The so-called “sheriffs first” bill would require federal agents to get a sheriff’s permission before making arrests or serving warrants – or risk local kidnapping or trespassing charges.  The details are here…

Wisconsin Democrats Introduce Bill to Outlaw Hollow Points

GW:  I guess they’d rather people use full metal jacket bullets for everything.  I wonder if they’ve ever heard of the dangers of over-penetration – as in through attackers and then walls.  This type of legislation demonstrates, once again, how little gun grabbers understand ballistics and the subsequent and unintentional consequences of their dumb ideas.  Of course, innocents will be killed with richochets, as well, because of the inherent dangers of non-expanding ammo.  But, as long as they can “save one life” it doesn’t matter how many they sacrifice in the process.

The bill draft that provides whoever intentionally sells, transports or possesses any bullet that expands or flattens easily in the human body is guilty of a Class H felony.  This bill would outlaw 99% of all self-defense ammunition on the market, including most hunting ammunition.  Read what the whack jobs have cooked up here…

Obama Justice Department Reveals Truth About State of the Union Claims

Despite long odds, on Tuesday night, Barack Obama managed to turn in a State of the Union performance that was filled with more theatrical pandering than the event is typically known for.  Once again seeking to capitalize off tragedy by opting for emotional, rather than reasoned arguments, the President reiterated his support for increased background checks and bans on common semi-automatic firearms and their magazines, which he referred to as “weapons of war and massive ammunition magazines.”
As usual, Obama’s remarks were short on evidence that his gun control proposals would work.  Of course, that evidence is sorely lacking–and who would know that better than the experts at his own Justice Department? Read more

Bushnell Outdoor Products Contributes $145,000 to Folds of Honor Foundation

Overland Park, Kan. – Bushnell Outdoor Products, an industry leader in sports optics and outdoor accessories for 65 years, has announced its 2012 contribution to Folds of Honor Foundation will total $145,000. Since establishing a partnership in 2010, the optics leader has contributed more than $450,000 to Folds of Honor, supporting the spouses and children of disabled or fallen soldiers. Read more

Zumbo Joins RMEF Board

GW:  A good man indeed, Jim Zumbo.  The short bio indicates he enjoys wild game cooking.  He must, because he totes some of his favorite dishes to our Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA) annual conference, wherever it is held.  Last year in Mississippi, he competed in a cooking contest at the event, as well.  And, I must say, he knows what he’s doing.  The best to you and RMEF in the years to come.

MISSOULA, Mont.-A familiar face known to many as the country”s most prominent big-game hunter is joining the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation board of directors. Jim Zumbo is actually set to begin his third term on the board.
“There is nobody who better understands that Hunting is Conservation than Jim Zumbo,” said David Allen, RMEF president and CEO. “Jim’s vast experience in the field around the country and his vision and dedication to spreading our hunting heritage will benefit RMEF for years to come.” Read more

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