January NSSF-Adjusted NICS Checks Up 94.4%

Outdoor commentary and legislative issues.
In an interview with The Wall Street Journal Live, John Lott explains how the president has lied to the American people about his gun control schemes. The short clip is here…
The Brownells 7th Annual Gunsmith Conference and Career Fair is less than two months away, and spots for the popular, one-of-a-kind event are filling quickly.
Taking place Wednesday and Thursday, March 27th and 28th, 2013, at the Downtown Marriott in Des Moines, Iowa, the event has become the prime place for gunsmithing students, new grads, veteran gunsmiths, industry legends and gun-related companies to come together, talk business and share tips and stories. Companies with job openings will conduct on-site interviews, so interested attendees are encouraged to arrive properly prepared with resumes up-to-date. Read more
CONTACT LEGISLATORS VIA NSSF . . . Severely restrictive gun-control legislation has been introduced throughout the country, including in the U.S. Congress and in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Maryland, Minnesota and New Jersey. Other states are expected to follow suit.
New York has already hastily passed new anti-gun laws, the severe impacts of which are only just being realized. Firearms owners are turning out by the thousands at state hearings, but just as important is letting your legislators know by letter or phone call that these proposed bills are unwarranted and an assault on your Second Amendment rights.
NSSF makes it easy for you to contact your federal or state legislator through our Legislative Action Center website http://capwiz.com/nssf/home/. Take action today to protect your right to own firearms and magazines for target shooting, hunting, personal and home protection and collecting.
Daniel Boone and Davey Crockett and the hunting element within us today. A glimpse into history is here…
Under the proposal, the cost of a Michigan firearm deer license would increase from $15 to $30 for residents (which includes a $10 base fee for all hunting licenses), and go from $138 to $170 for nonresidents. Senior citizens would pay $12 for deer license under the plan, double the current fee of $6.
The Nebraska Firearms Owners Association (NFOA), in conjunction with 36 other national, state, and local organization members of the National Coalition to Stop the Gun Ban, released an Open Letter to Congress and the American people announcing their opposition to any effort to institute government controls on private transfers of personal firearms between law-abiding individuals. Read more
Birchwood Casey’s revolutionary Shoot-N-C® Targets leave a bright ring around bullet holes for instant feedback. The adhesive backing allows shooters to mount the targets without staplers or push pins. Now for 2013 they have introduced Shoot-N-C Pink Reactive Targets for women shooters, or anyone who wants to bring a little pink into their shooting activities. Read more
Columbia, MO – The MidwayUSA Foundation, Inc. and Scholastic Shooting Trust, a public charity established by MidwayUSA founders Larry and Brenda Potterfield, awards $260,000 in grants during their January 2013 grant cycle. Read more
Johnny Stewart® Wildlife Calls has set the industry standard for nearly 50 years, building rugged dependable game callers that use the original high quality Johnny Stewart sounds. Now four new electronic callers are available that feature leading edge technology to help hunters, whether novice or expert, be more successful in the field.