Deer Hunting Good in Crawford County
Skip’s Sport Shop held a buck pole and anecdotal results indicate a better year. Details here…
Outdoor commentary and legislative issues.
Skip’s Sport Shop held a buck pole and anecdotal results indicate a better year. Details here…
Rule #1 of Gun Safety: Don’t point your gun at anything you don’t want to shoot – and, that includes yourself. The story of a dumb ass climbing a tree with a loaded firearm ends with him shooting his hand and almost blowing his head off is here…
ROCHESTER, New York, (November 20, 2012) – Crosman Corporation invites you to “take it outside” this holiday season with special Black Friday and Cyber Monday specials on Read more
The 2012 firearm deer season opened Thursday, Nov. 15, and the Department of Natural Resources has compiled early impressions from the first few days. Read more
From Nov. 22, 2012 through Jan. 10, 2013, Nikon is offering a $30 Instant Savings with the purchase of a Nikon Coyote Special riflescope. Featuring Nikon’s patented BDC Predator reticle, the Coyote Special riflescope is specifically designed to meet the challenges of predator hunting. Read more
The Senate on Thursday was unable to unanimously agree to waive certain procedural rules to allow a vote on the widely supported, bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2012 (S. 3525), the most important package of measures for the benefit of sportsmen in a generation. Read more
MIAMI, FL – PistolPay, LLC, the premier platform for security in the trade of valuable items, has signed an agreement with professional firearms trainer, author and consultant, Rob Pincus, to create awareness of the benefits for buyers and sellers in using PistolPay, a pro-gun online payment service for buyers and sellers. Read more
By Glen Wunderlich
The crisp, clear morning of opening day of firearms deer season in Shiawassee County was made to order. It was somewhat noisy with the crunchy ground afoot but an early start would mean plenty of time to settle in, well before dawn. The trick would be to remain comfortable amid temperatures in the mid-twenties – the coldest morning this fall.
At 7:45 as Ken Wallace was busy taking his 15-point buck across the road, movement caught my eye. My Leupold binoculars helped to identify the bushy, horizontal tail of a coyote, as it vanished in the brush heading away. But, moments later Read more
During the month of November, visit for a chance to win a .22 Benjamin Trail NP XL1100 hunting air rifle, courtesy of Crosman Corporation.
This from the NRA…
As we recently reported and warned would happen, following the election, the Obama administration moved forward with its plans to support a United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. On Wednesday, November 7–the day after Election Day–the U.S. Mission to the U.N. made clear its support for renewed ATT negotiations, casting a vote in favor of a resolution that calls for a “Final United Nations Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty” to be held in New York City from March 18-28. Read more