Michigan Wolves by the Numbers

By   Glen Wunderlich

We’ve got wolves – plenty of them but that all depends on who is being asked.  The DNR’s goal is to ensure the wolf population remains viable and above a level (about 200 wolves) that would require either federal or state reclassification as a threatened or endangered species.

On the other hand, on October 15th, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and the Fund for Animals filed a 60-day notice of intent to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service over the December 2011 delisting. A 60-day notice of intent to sue is a required procedural step before filing a lawsuit against the Service under the Endangered Species Act.  HSUS’s press release stated that “[i]f the agency does not reconsider the delisting rule over the next 60 days, The HSUS and The Fund for Animals will ask a federal court to reinstate federal ESA protection for gray wolves in the western Great Lakes region.” Read more

Oklahoma: Hunting With Suppressors Legal Nov. 1

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On November 1, a new law went into effect granting hunters in the state of Oklahoma the right to use legally owned suppressors while hunting all game animals. With the help of ASA lobbyists, Senate Bill 1743 was signed into law by Governor Mary Fallin on May 25. The passage of the new law made Oklahoma the third state in 2012 to legalize suppressor use while hunting. Earlier in 2012, similar measures were also passed in Texas and Arizona. Read more

Northern Michigan deer hunting headed for a comeback

This from the Michigan DNR…Sure hope they’re right.

You really don’t have to have a lot of gray in your hair to remember when deer hunting was largely a northern Michigan endeavor. There was a long tradition of going to deer camp somewhere north of Clare, and reports of traffic jams on northbound I-75 a couple of days prior to Nov. 15 were commonplace.

That trend changed through the 1990s, and somewhere around the turn of the century, the pattern reversed itself. More hunters spent more time – and killed more deer – in the southern third of the state than in the northern Lower and Upper peninsulas.

In 2002, for instance, Michigan hunters killed an estimated 35,000 bucks in the Upper Peninsula and 79,000 in the northern Lower Peninsula, while southern Michigan hunters killed 127,000 bucks – more than half the bucks taken in the state. That trend has continued.

But due to a combination of factors – including new license regulations and three mild winters in a row – northern Michigan deer hunting appears to be poised for a comeback. Read more

Deer Hunter Buying Habits Revealed

Even as hunter numbers rebound to participation levels not seen since the 1990s, whitetail deer hunting remains the most popular type of hunting in America. Roughly three-quarters of all U.S. hunters—more than 10 million men and women—deer hunt each fall. Many businesses and organizations strive to serve this community of outdoor enthusiasts and by understanding where they spend their money and what they actually buy, they are able to gain an edge on their competition. Fortunately, obtaining up-to-date, accurate data on this vibrant consumer market is easy with the The Southwick Deer Hunter Report. Read more

Deer Decoy Tactics


Position a buck decoy facing you so the real thing will be looking away when it approaches. (Bob Humphrey photo)

By Bob Humphrey
Want to play a trick or treat with the whitetails this Halloween? Use decoys to trick them into thinking there’s a treat.
Buck or Doe? Doe decoys might work most any time. Early in the season, the sight will put other deer at ease and may draw them nearer. During the rut a doe represents a potential mate, and a buck might approach, particularly if they can pick up olfactory signals like estrus scent.

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