Hunt and win – inaugural Wetland Wonders Challenge contest in full swing

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds waterfowl hunters about the new Wetland Wonders Challenge. The contest focuses on promoting Michigan’s seven premier Managed Waterfowl Hunt Areas (MWHA). These areas include:

  • Allegan State Game Area’s Fennville Farm Unit
  • Fish Point
  • Harsens Island
  • Muskegon County Wastewater Facility
  • Nayanquing Point
  • Pointe Mouillee
  • Shiawassee River Read more

USSAF Files to Intervene in Wisconsin Wolf Hunt Lawsuit

Today, the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation along with Safari Club International, the Wisconsin Bear Hunters Association, and the United Sportsmen of Wisconsin filed a motion to intervene in a Wisconsin lawsuit seeking to stop the use of dogs in the state’s wolf hunt.

The lawsuit, filed by a coalition of Wisconsin humane societies and several individuals against the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR), claims that the use of dogs to hunt wolves violates the state’s animal cruelty law despite the fact that the animal cruelty law clearly states it does not apply to hunting.  The lawsuit also claims that the WDNR should have enacted strict rules on using dogs to pursue wolves.  These unnecessary restrictions would make it nearly impossible to effectively hunt wolves with dogs. Read more

M-Pro 7 Introduces A Powerful New Foaming Gun Cleaner

Overland Park, Kan.M-Pro 7, a leading provider of military-grade weapons maintenance products, has introduced M-Pro 7 Foaming Gun Cleaner. The combat-proven gun cleaning formula from M-Pro 7 is now available in an easy-to-use, fast-acting foam cleaner.

M-Pro 7 Foaming Gun Cleaner is vital to maintaining weapon reliability and performance. The deep-cleaning, spray-on foam penetrates quickly to remove layers of embedded carbon, copper and lead fouling. In addition to its cleaning power, the foaming solution conditions the bore to help prevent future build-up. Read more

Ten Young Hunters Selected for QDMA National Youth Hunt

All 10 spots have been filled for the Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA) National Youth Hunt, QDMA’s signature youth event that will be held on a 35,000-acre farm in southern Georgia on Oct. 25-28.

Each youth was selected from a pool of nominees with the intention of introducing new hunters to the world of white-tailed deer hunting. Youth who will participate in the 2012 Youth Hunt will represent Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Texas. Read more

Bushnell’s New Arc 1300 Rangefinder

GW:  This state-of-the-art rangefinder is small enough to fit inside a small shirt pocket, so there’s no reason not to take it along.  And, since I’m not technologically advanced, I most appreciate the clear instructions provided in book form.  With four brightness levels of the LED display, it can be set easily for sun or low light.  No reason to complain about it. 

Bushnell, the undisputed leader in laser rangefinder technology, introduces a rugged new compact lightweight unit for 2012.

Bushnell’s G-Force Arc 1300

The new G-Force 1300 ARC laser rangefinder has a host of features that will appeal to a wide range of hunters and shooters. The unit features ranging capabilities out to 1300 yards reflective, 900 yards to objec ts like trees and 500 yards to deer.

It has a 6x magnification eyepiece with adjustable diopter setting. The unit is fully waterproof and has the patented Bushnell RainGuard HD permanent lens coating for a clear bright view in inclement weather.  Read more

Rose Lake Shooting Range Temporary Closure

The Department of Natural Resources regrets to inform you that the Rose Lake handgun range berm work will require a one-day closure of the rifle/pistol range on Monday, October 8. The work is necessary to enhance safety at the range. The range will reopen to the public on Wednesday, October 10. The trap and archery ranges will remain open to the public. We appreciate your patience as the work is concluded. Read more

Straight-wall Cartridge Bill Moves Forward

GW:  Good to see this common-sense legislation moving forward.  There are sure to be more adequately suited firearms available to youngsters and old timers alike, thus aiding in deer hunting participation.

House Bill 5249 – Passed by House Sep 27th: The bill would allow the use of certain specific rifles during the regular firearm deer season in the area that is currently restricted to only shotguns, muzzleloaders, and certain types of pistols. Read more

Michigan Youth Deer Hunting Successes in Perry

By Glen Wunderlich

The 9thannual Perry Youth Hunt Extravaganza is history, and from the results of the turnout, the kids are getting away from their smart phones and computers and getting into the woods.  And, since that’s the whole idea, it’s time to give credit to those insightful lawmakers that have eased the restrictions to hunt.

Peyton Smith of Morrice, Michigan with his trophy 11-point whitetail buck taken in the youth hunt

Founded by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), National Wild Turkey Federation and the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance, Families Afield is an education and outreach program designed to help states create hunting opportunities for youths, so that more families may enjoy America’s greatest outdoor tradition together. Michigan is one of those states. Read more

Paul Ryan as Sportsman

(Columbus, OH) – Before a sold-out audience of hunters, anglers, trappers and U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance members, 2012 Republican Vice Presidential nominee Congressman Paul Ryan let the gathered know—he’s one of them. He also had praise for the benefits of hunting and fishing.

“Hunters and anglers are the best conservationists. It is very critical that we pass it on to the next generation,” said Congressman Ryan.  “Youth learn such great life lessons when you take them hunting.” Read more

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