Timberdoodles, goatsuckers and other wildlife will benefit from partnership to create young aspen forest habitat

Have you ever heard of a timberdoodle? A goatsucker? Both are nicknames for birds found in Michigan’s young aspen forests.


The woodcock, nicknamed the timberdoodle for its long beak – which it uses to probe in moist soil looking for earthworms – is a prized upland bird game species. The whip-poor-will, or goatsucker, has the familiar “whip-poor-will” song that many people recognize. Both of these birds, along with many other wildlife species, depend on young aspen forests to survive.

Young aspen forests must be intensively managed or, as time passes, they will grow into older forests. Historically in Michigan, young forests occurred in areas where there were significant weather events or large wildfires. The wind would blow over a large area of trees or a large fire would burn acres of trees, allowing a new, young forest to appear. In addition to natural events like wind and fire, humans also created young forest as land was cleared in the late 1800s for farming and wood products and pockets of young forests were planted and scattered across the landscape. Read more

Lawsuit Filed to Stop Minnesota Wolf Hunt

On Tuesday September 18th, the Center for Biological Diversity and the Minnesota-based group, Howling for Wolves, filed a lawsuit in the Minnesota Court of Appeals against the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). That lawsuit attempts to block the state’s upcoming wolf hunting and trapping season.  The anti’s are asking the Court to issue a preliminary injunction, seeking to stop the wolf season while the rest of the case is decided. Read more

Climbing Trees Safely

By Glen Wunderlich

Safety first.  An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  Better safe than sorry.  We’ve all heard these words of wisdom, but unless we’ve had a good scare, or an accident, these words to the wise tend to fall on deaf ears.  And, falling on deaf ears may result in falling on the ground, if deer hunters fail to follow safety guidelines when hunting from trees. Read more

Show Us How Kids Are Enjoying the Outdoors and Win a Bushnell Prize Pack

Minnetonka, MN – (September 20, 2012) – Have you introduced a kid to the outdoors lately? In honor of National Hunting and Fishing Day September 22, North American Hunting Club is teaming up with 100,000 Kids in the Outdoors for an online donation- driven photo contest. North American Hunting Club and North American Fishing Club are proud sponsors of National Hunting and Fishing Day. Read more

Californian Hunters Rally Against AB-1221

SACRAMENTO-Special to The Outdoor Wire From Western Outdoor News —Hundreds of houndsmen and women and other conservationists and concerned interests showed up on the west steps of the State Capitol on Friday for a rally to urge Governor Brown to veto SB 1221, a bill that would ban the used of hounds for hunting bears and bobcats in California. The bill is currently on the Governor’s desk, awaiting a veto or signature. Read more

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