What Whitetail Deer will Eat this Winter

The brassica plots are better than ever in mid-Michigan and the two freezes earlier this month have sweetened the turnips.  Recently, I have found entire turnips pulled out of the ground and chewed up by the deer.

Jumbo samples from the brassica plot. On the left is a giant Japanese radish and on the right is a purple top turnip.

We planted on July 30th, after a long, drought-ridden summer, and it turned out as good as any “farmer” could hope.  The fertilizer (19-19-19) was mixed into the soil, along with a good dose of lime months ahead of planting day.  Mother Nature has done the rest.


PETA Urging People to Break the Law?

Courtesy of the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance.

There was no denying that PETA opposes hunting. Now the animal rights group also is on record urging people to violate laws-make that hunter harassment laws.
In an October 9, 2012 blog posting, PETA urges its minions to: “Help counter the cruelty of hunting in your area: Post “No Hunting” signs on your land and that of sympathetic neighbors and friends, join or form a local anti-hunting group, protest organized hunts, and spread deer repellent or human hair (from barber shops) near hunting areas. Also, before supporting any wildlife or conservation group, make sure that it opposes hunting.”

Send Your Hunting Photos to NRAhuntersrights.org

FAIRFAX, Va.-NRAhuntersrights.org is inviting hunters to submit photos from their hunts this fall for posting on the site’s trophy gallery. Hunters of all ages are welcome to send in their photos, and what constitutes a trophy is completely up to you!
Simply e-mail your photo to huntersrights@nrahq.org and put “Trophy Gallery” in the subject line. All photos should be sharp, tasteful, and display safe gun handling practices.
Include the following information with your submission:
Your name and hometown Date and location of the hunt Firearm or bow used Species Any special details about the hunt
To view photos other hunters have already submitted, as well as your own trophies, visit www.NRAhuntersrights.org and click on the “Trophy Gallery” tab at the top of the page. The gallery will be updated all season, so stop back often to see the latest photos-not to mention the latest news that impacts your right to hunt.

Entertainment Shines at Safari Club International’s 41st Annual Hunters’ Convention

Tucson, Ariz. – The world’s greatest convention dedicated to North American and international hunting will open its doors on January 23, 2013 to begin the 41st Annual Safari Club International Hunters’ Convention. Every year, the evening entertainment at the SCI convention is a star studded gala.  The 2013 Hunters’ Convention will feature world-famous entertainers including country music legends Montgomery Gentry, Travis Tritt, and Artie Dean Harris. Read more

Upland game bird hunting is here!

Sharp-tailed grouse hunting opens today in the Upper Peninsula. The season lasts until Oct. 31. Check the DNR’s sharp-tailed grouse page for general hunting information and bag limits. 

The first ring-necked pheasant season also opens today for Zone 1 (partial) in the U.P and lasts until Oct. 31. The next opportunity to hunt pheasant occurs on Oct. 20 for Zones 2 and 3 and lasts until Nov. 14. Don’t forget there’s also a partial Zone 3 hunt from Dec. 1 – Jan 1. Remember: males only; bag limits are two per day, four in possession. Check the DNR’s pheasant page for more information on zones and hunting dates and regulations. Read more

The BLOCK for the Next Generation Has Arrived-The BLOCK GenZ

SUPERIOR, WI- (October 9, 2012) – It didn’t matter if you were racing down a trail on your bike, doing tricks on your skateboard or cruising the streets with your roller blades, Generation X knew that it was all about being outside and getting it done. Now with youngsters of their own, GenXers are working hard to help their Generation Z kids blaze their own trails in the great outdoors. Recognizing this passion, the makers of The BLOCK are proud to introduce The BLOCK GenZ Youth Archery Target. Read more

HB 5249 Passes House Vote, Moves to Senate

Michigan House Bill 5249 that would allow the use of certain specific rifles during the regular firearm deer season in the area that is currently restricted to only shotguns, muzzleloaders, and certain types of pistols has passed a House vote and has been referred to committee of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism.  From there the bill heads to the Senate, and if passed, to Governor Snyder for signature.

To date there has been little resistance to the notion of using relatively low-powered, straight-wall centerfire rifles in Zone III.  When compared to modern shotguns and modern in-line muzzleloaders, this “new” brand of caliber pales.  Once again, Republican leadership is on the verge of restoring some of our lost rights, which were originally taken from us on strictly arbitrary reasons based on misconceptions. Read more

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