Ninth Circuit Orders Rehearing of Pair of Key 2A Cases

A majority vote of the judges of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will result in the rehearing of a pair of landmark Second Amendment cases in California. According to Chief Judge Thomas, the earlier three-judge panel opinion “shall not be cited as precedent by or to any court of the Ninth Circuit.” The cases, Richards v. Yolo County Sheriff Ed Prieto and Peruta v San Diego both challenged the unusually restrictive requirements for concealed carry permits. The rulings from the 3-judge panels had led to softening of concealed carry restrictions and brought a petition to intervene on behalf of the counties from California Attorney General Kamala Harris. The petition from AG Harris is still pending.

Shooting Through A Coat Pocket In The Latest “Roy’s Insider Tips” Video

Is shooting through a coat pocket just like the movies? In the latest video in the “Roy’s Insider Tips” series, American Handgunner Publisher Roy Huntington takes a look at how effective and practical it would be to shoot a revolver and a semi-auto pistol through a coat pocket.

“This is one of those ‘Don’t try this at home’ videos, but like the TV show ‘Mythbusters’, now and again we try to debunk shooting myths or simply see if commonly accepted ideas about gun lore are really true,” Roy explains. “The concept of shooting through a coat pocket is something seen in movies, but we wondered what happens in the real world!” Read more

New Concealed Pistol Legislation Heads to Gov. Snyder

GW:  I’d be really surprised if Governor, Rick Snyder, doesn’t sign the new gun bill to streamline and revamp the current model.  He doesn’t stand for the “piling on” tactic employed by politicians proposing new laws, by seemingly always adding carrots and concessions as a form of quid pro quo.

Part of the issue over the years, is that certain gun board members have remain opposed to the idea of law abiding citizens’ carrying concealed pistols.  Before “shall issue” it was even worse and typically made an applicant prove why he needed a permit.  Some of these self-anointed judges are still with us and do everything in their power to circumvent the Constitution.  Just look at Washington, D.C., if you need a glaring example.

Sponsored by Sen. Mike Green, R-Mayville, the bill would eliminate county gun boards December 1. Applicants will then be able to apply for permits through county clerks, submitting fingerprints and proof of certified handgun-use training and would receive permits, if they cleared state police and national law enforcement criminal background checks.

Let’s get on with it!


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