SAF Compels Utah City to Roll Back Gun Laws
BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation has once again compelled another city to roll back firearms regulations that run afoul of state law and the Constitution, this time in Park City, Utah.
“We’re delighted that officials in Park City unanimously approved repealing the conflicting regulations,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb. “If gun owners are expected to always comply with the letter of the law, so should government. In this case, the conflicts were pretty clear.”
As reported by the Park Record, the council acted last week on four City Hall regulations that were not in compliance with Utah state statute. These included a prohibition on the use and possession of firearms, the carrying of concealed weapons, carrying a loaded gun inside a vehicle or in a street or in a posted area where guns are prohibited, and a prohibition on someone drawing or showing a gun in “an angry or threatening manner,” which prevented displaying a firearm in self-defense without actually firing the gun. Read more