Category: Self Defense
Two Dunces Attempt Robbery of Gun Store – Video
Armed robbers make the dumb crook lineup after deciding to rob a gun and pawn shop in Arkansas a few days ago. Guess what happens next. You don’t have to, because the camera caught it all here…
Hat tip to John Lott.
New Green Laser For Springfield XDS From Viridian

Viridian® has released the industry’s only trigger guard mounted green laser for the Springfield Armory XDS. It is part of Viridian’s growing REACTOR® series. Only the REACTOR® Series from Viridian offers ECR® INSTANT-ON™, includes a free holster, has a bi-color battery indicator, and multiple modes of operation. Read more
Glock vs. Smith & Wesson: A Shootout for the Pentagon’s New Pistol Contract
The .45’s making a comeback in the military after being shelved years ago in favor of the less-potent 9mm. Two great handgun choices are being considered. Details here…
Smart Gun Technology Rejected in New Jersey
Gun control by another name shot down by attorney general here…
2015 Outdoor Life/Field & Stream Deer & Turkey Expos’ Schedule
PEWAUKEE WI- A host of new features and activities highlight the 2015 Outdoor Life/Field & Stream deer-and-turkey-hunting consumer expos. In addition, Louisville, Michigan and Illinois expos have been moved to more favorable dates, but otherwise it is steady-as-they-go for these popular events.
The 2015 schedule:
• Jan. 30-31 & Feb. 1 LOUISVILLE DEER & TURKEY EXPO (2nd), Kentucky Exposition Center (State Fairgrounds), Louisville, KY
• February 13-14-15 MICHIGAN DEER & TURKEY EXPO (29th), The SUMMIT Sports & Ice Complex, Dimondale, MI (SW side of Lansing).
• February 20-21-22 ILLINOIS DEER & TURKEY EXPO (25th), Prairie Capital Convention Center, Springfield, IL.
• March 13-14-15 OHIO DEER & TURKEY EXPO (23rd), Bricker Bldg, Ohio Expo Center (State Fairgrounds), Columbus, OH
• April 10-11-12 WISCONSIN DEER & TURKEY EXPO (31st), Alliant Energy Center of Dane County, Madison, WI Read more
Kansas homeowner shoots suspected intruder after break-in attempt
GW: I can’t comprehend this account, but here it is: The bullet struck the man in the forehead and exited out the back of his head, but did not penetrate the skull.
Go figure here…
How technology led to 12-year-old’s abduction … and rescue
She typed: “Im scared he said he was gonna kidnap me.” After she was found, she said she had been raped twice.
As dangerous as the internet can be to youngsters, it can also be used for good. Details of one young lady’s terrifying experience here…
Hat tip to John Lott.
In Ferguson, black residents stand guard with evil black gun
GW: For anyone who’s ever questioned why anyone needs 30 rounds, here’s your sign.
In Ferguson, Missouri, where many businesses were burned to the ground, black friends of a white owner of a gas station, stood patrol with legally displayed firearms. It worked, too. Details here…
Crimson Trace to Release Newest Laserguard

(Wilsonville, OR)-Crimson Trace, America’s leading brand in laser sighting systems and tactical lights for firearms, will soon release the LG-360G -a new Laserguard® equipped with a powerful Crimson Trace green laser. This Laserguard is engineered to perfectly fit over the trigger guard and rail system of the popular S&W M&P full-size and compact pistols, and it features Crimson Trace’s Instinctive Activation™ with a pressure sensitive touch pad under the trigger guard. The new LG-360G will also provide the user with a master on/off switch to permit user preferences on when the laser can be engaged-or disengaged. Read more