Grouse and woodcock hunting hot spots in southeast Michigan

While many people travel “up north” to find grouse and woodcock hunting opportunities in Michigan, hunters may not know that there are some great grouse and woodcock hunting areas right in southeast Michigan. The Department of Natural Resources’ local wildlife biologists have scouted their respective game areas for the latest information on where to find the grouse and woodcock.  Read more

HSUS Bankrolling Maine Bear Hunting Ban

 “Calling themselves ‘Mainers’ is nothing more than a transparent marketing ploy.”

After failing to get legislation passed in Maine this spring, anti-hunting forces have begun work on a ballot initiative that would ban bear hunting over bait, with dogs and bear trapping.  If they collect enough signatures, the question will appear on the November 2014 ballot.

A disclaimer on their website’s homepage reads, “paid for with regulated funds by the committee of Mainers for Fair Bear Hunting, PO Box 15367, Portland ME.”   An examination of the campaign finance report filed by the group tells a different, and much more accurate, story. Read more

HSUS and its Deception

Despite its name, the Humane Society of the United States only gives 1% of its budget to pet shelters, and the organization doesn’t run a single pet shelter. Last year The Center for Consumer Freedom polled over 1,000 self-identified donors to the Humane Society of the United States to figure out just what they knew about the group. As it turned out, many donors—like the general publichad a false impression about how their money was being used. They still do.

North America’s rarest songbird remains near all-time high in Michigan

 A recent annual survey of the federally endangered Kirtland’s warbler – uniquely Michigan because 98 percent of the entire population breeds within the state – shows its population still remains near an all-time high.

Kirtland's warblerBiologists, researchers and volunteers observed 2,004 singing males during the official 2013 survey period – 2,063 males were observed in 2012. In 1974 and 1987, when the lowest survey numbers were recorded, only 167 singing males were found.

“Although we do have a slight decrease of singing males this year,” said Dan Kennedy, DNR endangered species coordinator, “we are really excited to see these high numbers because many conservation groups have worked together for over 40 years to make this possible.” Read more

Purchase A Stealth Cam Drone Receive Free Wireless Service

Grand Prairie, TX- Stealth Cam, the leader in scouting camera innovation expands the launch of the DRONE Wireless System, the next generation in scouting camera technology, by now offering one year of free cellular service, valued at $250 with the purchase of a New Drone Camera.  The complimentary wireless plan will give the user access to thousands of image downloads as well as DRONE’s proprietary secure Command Hub website. Read more

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