Sample results found Asian carp eDNA in Sandusky Bay

On July 30-31, Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers collected 150 water samples from the Sandusky Bay and Sandusky River. Analysis of these water samples indicated 20 samples out of 150 taken from throughout Sandusky Bay and Sandusky River have tested positive for the presence of silver carp environmental DNA (eDNA). Read more

New Growth in Hunting, Fishing Participation

FERNANDINA BEACH, Fla. — When the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) recently reported the number of hunters grew by nine percent since 2006 and the number of anglers grew by 11 percent in that same time frame, sportsmen and the sporting industry were thrilled. The numbers, which are preliminary results released as the initial look into the USFWS’s 2011 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation, reversed what had been dropping participation levels in fishing over the past 10 years and indicated the first jump in hunter numbers in more than two decades. But what were the reasons for the turnaround? Read more

Boone and Crockett Members Team on Advisory Panel

MISSOULA, Mont. (Aug. 27, 2012)?Of the 18 conservation leaders selected to advise the Obama Administration on wildlife and sporting issues, 11 are members of the Boone and Crockett Club. That influence is good news for America?s hunters because it ensures strong advocacy for high standards in fair-chase sportsmanship, habitat stewardship and science-based wildlife management. Read more

Solving the Mistakes Bowhunters Make

With Mark Drury

Even though this buck scores 150+ points on the Boone & Crockett scale and would be a great trophy for a bowhunter, don’t take the shot. Instead, wait until the deer tuns and presents a better shot.

08/27/2012 – Editor’s Note: Mark Drury, the creator of M.A.D. Calls, co-owns Drury  Outdoorsthat produces quality outdoor videos with his brother Terry. With the start of bow season in many states just around the corner, we’ve asked Mark Drury to tell us how to prevent common mistakes many bowhunters make. Read more

Thanks a Hunter for Conservation

By Glen Wunderlich

Note: MDNR has provided the information on excise taxes and funding…

The contingent of hunters has been shrinking nationally for some years but recent news of growing numbers is cause to celebrate wildlife conservation.  That statement may seem counter-intuitive to the uninformed, or even to those who’ve chosen to oppose hunting in any form.  However, the fact is that hunting dollars fund conservation – and, not just for game animals but non-game species, as well.

Here is how our system works.   Through hunting and fishing licenses, tags, permits, fees and special excise taxes on firearms, ammunition, bows and arrows and all manner of fishing gear, sportsmen and women have paid — and state fish and game agencies have invested — billions of our dollars since 1939 with the introduction of the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act. Read more

Squirrel Rig Dialed In

Just dialed in a new rig for squirrel season, which begins September 15th in Michigan.  It’s a TC Contender pistol with a 10-inch bull barrel topped with a Hawke 3×9 power .22 rifle scope with parallax adjustment.

TC Contender with Hawke Scope

I’ve found that rifle scopes work best for the Contender .22 long rifle because I always had trouble getting behind those long-eye relief (LER) scooes in hunting situtaitons.  I could shoot the LER scopes just fine off the bench but in the woods it was always difficult to get in the proper shooting position.  Solution:  Rifle scope. Read more

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