Pulsar Recon 325R for Night Vision

Mansfield, TX – In today’s world of high tech shooting accessories, the Pulsar Recon 550 will impress every shooter with quality, long distance digital night vision. Primarily for night observation and surveillance applications, the Pulsar Recon 550 provides the optimum night vision capabilities in a compact monocular. Equipped with a more sensitive CCD array and advanced program technology, the SumLight™ signal processing program allows the user to see greater distances, up to 270 yards. Even on dark nights, shooters will be able to view their target with Recon’s high contrast viewing mode. The Pulsar Recon’s new five-lens eyepiece enhances the sharpness and contrast of the image, while minimizing distortion on the edges of the field of view. Read more

EHD confirmed in eight Michigan counties

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Michigan State University Diagnostic Center for Population and Animal Health recently confirmed and announced the death of deer in Ionia and Branch counties was due to epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD). Today the two organizations have confirmed EHD in six additional counties: Barry, Calhoun, Cass, Clinton, Eaton and Montcalm. There has been a nationwide increase of EHD outbreaks due to the extended hot and dry conditions. Read more

Annual Waterfowl Festival returns to Pointe Mouillee Sept. 8-9

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Pointe Mouillee Waterfowl Festival committee will host the 65th annual Pointe Mouillee Waterfowl Festival on Sept. 8-9. Taking place at Pointe Mouillee State Game Area (PMSGA) in Brownstown Township, activities begin at 8 a.m. Saturday and run through 5 p.m. Sunday. Admission is free, and the entire family is welcome. Read more

No Asian Carp Found in Western Lake Erie

After a week of intensive electrofishing and gill netting activities in Sandusky Bay, Maumee Bay and their main tributaries, officials have found no bighead or silver Asian carps in western Lake Erie. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) continue to work together to assess the current status of bighead and silver carp within western Lake Erie bays and select tributaries. Read more

Biologists Help a Pair of Nesting Bald Eagles

PHOENIX — After three consecutive years of failing to fledge its young bald eagles, an important Arizona nest site is back to adding to the growth of the state’s bald eagle population with two nestlings surviving to fledge on their own.
The nest became a challenge for Arizona Game and Fish Department bald eagle biologists when it began to fail at producing young eagles that made it to fledging age after many years of consecutive success. Read more

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