Michigan Teacher is NWTF’s Teacher of Year

EDGEFIELD, S.C. – Third-grade teacher Janine Kopera was merely looking for some lesson ideas to tie in with Thanksgiving when she stumbled upon the NWTF’s web site.

Eight years later, the Melvindale, Mich., teacher is renowned for successfully teaching her suburban students about conservation through an educational unit she built around the NWTF’s Wild About Turkey Education Box.

In recognition of her efforts, the NWTF selected Kopera as the NWTF’s 2011 Educator of the Year. Kopera also won the NWTF’s Educator of the Year Award for Michigan. She is a former Wayne County Elementary Teacher of the Year. Read more

Does in the Turnips

Adult Doe Alert in Turnips

By Glen Wunderlich

Yesterday evening with temperatures hovering around 60 degrees, deer observation was a delight in Shiawassee County, Michigan.  Horton Vision crossbow at the ready and plenty of action below my tree.  All deer were antlerless with the exception of one rather frisky 6-point buck, who sucked down a mouthful of turnip leaves almost on the run.  Equal time was spent making the females run away from him.

No photos of the yearling buck, but here are a few of the does in the turnip patch.

Doe with a mouthful of turnips

The rut is a bit off yet but it won’t be long.



More Trouble from Mexico?

By Glen Wunderlich

The news from Mexico never seems to be good. Illegal aliens, drug cartels, gun running and killing of tourists are just a few of the negative phrases linked to our neighbors south of the border. But, finally some good news – a victory of sorts, if you will for animal rightists: The Mexican Environmental Department has released five Mexican gray wolves just south of the U.S. Mexican border in an effort to re-establish the species in its historic range.

The hope of supporters is that the release will provide the impetus to develop a thriving population of wild canine carnivores in New Mexico and Arizona.

What we have found in the U.S., however, is that it is much easier to start the snowball rolling downhill Read more

NRA Victory in Arizona Battle Over Use of Lead Ammunition

In a major legal victory, a federal judge has ruled in favor of the National Rifle Association and the federal Bureau of Land Management, throwing a lawsuit filed by an environmental group, the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD), out of U.S. District Court in Phoenix, Ariz. The case is Center for Biological Diversity v. U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Safari Club International had joined the case as a “friend of the court” and assisted NRA with its successful efforts. Read more

Mexico Releases Gray Wolves in Arizona Area

Five radio-collared gray wolves have been released by Mexico near the Arizona border in an effort to re-establish the species in its historic range.

Similar work began in 1998 in the U.S.and has led to court battles between animal rights whackos and normal people trying to make a living raising livestock.


Northern Utah Hunters Face Felony Charges

These scum are not hunters; they are poachers and amount to anti-hunters’ best allies…

On Sept. 17, a father and his son recklessly fired their rifles at a herd of 60 pronghorn antelope on the Woodruff Wildlife Management Area in Rich County. After the shooting was over, five pronghorn — three bucks and two does — were dead.

Each man had a permit to take a doe. But neither man had a permit to take a buck.

On Sept. 10, a hunter shot three mountain goats near Ben Lomond Peak.  His permit allowed him to take only one goat.  Read more

Federal Judge Sides with BLM on Management of Arizona Strip Lands

PHOENIX – A federal judge struck down claims by environmental whacko groups Monday that questioned the federal government’s plan to protect plants and animals within two national monuments in the Arizona Strip.

The ruling affirmed the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s environmental plan, saying the agency is adequately protecting the natural landscape, endangered species and archaeological artifacts within the Grand Canyon-Parashant and Vermillion Cliffs national monuments.  In addition, a proposal by the Center for Biological Diversity (another whacko group) to ban traditional lead ammunition was shot down.


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