Wolf Delisting Decision a Big Win for Sportsmen

(Columbus, Ohio) – The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced today that gray wolf populations in the Western Great Lakes region have exceeded recovery goals and should no longer be protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).  Once official, this move will return wolves to state management in Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and some portions of adjoining states.

In an even bigger victory for sportsmen, the Service also announced that it has reversed its previous view that two wolf species exist in the Western Great Lakes region.  Read more

Whackos Aided by White House to Sue over Wolf Delisting in Wyoming

“Somebody” at the White House made sure  that congressional “negotiators” withdrew a rider that would have prevented environmentalists to sue as part of a pending agreement to, once and for all, remove Wyomning wolves from the endangered species list.  It now appears as though the whackos will have veto power, once again.

As always, it will be emotion trumping science with the aid of any technicality that can be used advantageously.  And, these animal rightists, who claim to be helping animals, continue to drain governmental funds through lawsuit after lawsuit.

The give and take are part of the government’s $1 trillion spending bill.  Legislative approval is still needed for the agreement on Wyoming’s wolves.  More deatails at the link here…

Obama Administration Grabs for Broader Powers

By Bill Horn, Director of Federal Affairs, U.S. Sportsman’s Alliance

In a controversial new policy, the Obama Administration plans to broaden the reach of the already far reaching federal Endangered Species Act (ESA).  The new policy will make it easier to list more species of fish and wildlife as “endangered or threatened” and more broadly impose the ESA’s many restrictions. Greater limitations on fishing and hunting, wildlife management, and public land access are a likely result. Read more

Wolves Killed Alaska Teacher

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has confirmed, through DNA testing, that at least two wolves chased and killed, Candice Berner, a teacher who was jogging last year near a rural Alaska village.

Biologists cite the reason for the attack as simply aggression.  In retaliation, eight wolves were killed.  The trouble is that because of protections still in place, more attacks are likely.    Read more at the link…

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